These 'journalists' used their power and influence to push the Covid injections relentlessly. Now they don't want to talk about the jab's devastating consequences...
Funny what doesn’t make the news these days. It’s almost as if there was never a massive push to get everyone jabbed. If you didn’t know better, it’s like it never happened. Such an eerie silence on how the biggest medical trial in history is coming along. No mention of all the ‘vaccine’ injuries. No mention of the alarming death rate. No curiosity. It’s almost as if the media are covering something up, like their complicity in genocide.
How do these so-called journalists sleep at night? How can they put their names, let alone their byline photos, to the tripe being pumped out to distract and misdirect their readers? It’s mortifying. The mainstream media are on a hiding to nothing and they only have themselves to blame. This sorry episode has exposed the rot, the lies, the goons. Now we understand why these players have been positioned in their key roles. It all suddenly makes sense. They’ve been carefully selected, promoted and presented to us as our ‘friends’. In reality, they are sell-outs, immoral and dangerous. Traitors, traitors everywhere. No ethics, no conscience, no desire to tell the real story, all the while pretending to care. They ignore the horror show they’ve created. They ignore the suffering, the grief, the devastation. No pause for reflection, they press on with the propaganda. Far right this, conspiracy theory that. Utterly shameless.
Take Maia Dunphy who was one of the first ‘personalities’ to jump all over my attempt to have a reasonable conversation around the dangerous Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ trial on Instagram, before I was shadow banned, then censored completely. She used her platform to mock and denigrate the thousands of people taking part in a massive discussion surrounding the dangers of the injections.
We were right then and we are right now, it’s just the media has been paid off, so the public still doesn’t quite understand the magnitude of the problem. They’ve been kept in the dark, thanks to so-called journalists like Dunphy. Imagine if our Instagram conversation had been allowed to run its course freely and unimpeded, how many lives we could have saved. The public deserved to know that information. They would have made better choices. They certainly would not have injected their children.
Now people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly at an alarming rate. It’s there for all to see on RIP.ie everyday, so many mums and dads leaving behind little ones. Why isn’t Dunphy writing about these mysterious deaths in her top billing newspaper articles? Instead we get a steady sludge of egotistical twaddle. Her latest nonsense piece, why she’s not up for a gratitude journal. We don’t care about your take on gratitude journals Ms Dunphy. We have other, more pressing matters to discuss, like how this Covid-19 trial is going horribly wrong. You know, the trial you were pushing so vehemently not too long ago before suddenly going all quiet on the matter. Do you regret pushing the dangerous injections, considering the body of evidence still suppressed by the mainstream media? Do you care?
The only ban Dunphy seems to care about is the ban on bringing cake to the office, another ridiculous headline piece. What about the ban on free speech? Don’t you think that might be a little bit more important than crumbs on a keyboard.
Dr Ciara Kelly is another top billing so-called journalist who’s gone all quiet on the jab. Not too long ago, you couldn’t shut her up, as she pushed expectant mothers to take part in the trial, brushing off our cries for common sense. Surely Dr Kelly has seen the devastating results of these injections on pregnancies. Thanks to the methodical efforts of a real journalist, Naomi Wolf, the evidence is damning. Click HERE for an example.
Yet Dr Kelly never mentions any of these findings. All we get is brain mush pieces like, “Where does this hate for politicians come from? I’d never do their job. There are far easier ways to earn a crust”. Gee, Dr Kelly, let me scratch my head, I wonder where all this hate for politicians comes from? It’s a tough one. I have no idea. Actually, wait a minute, maybe it has something to do with the fact they are a bunch of treasonous scoundrels who lie as easily as they breathe if you throw them a few peanuts, a bit like fake journalists these days. That’s just my take.
Imagine people’s reactions if they really knew what was going on? There would be widespread panic, a public nervous breakdown. It doesn’t help that those Big Pharma funded ‘fact checkers’ back up the falsehoods, confusing the masses and throwing them off the scent.
Finally, Claire Byrne, my parents' favourite. My fully jabbed-up Dad, who is recovering from two mini strokes, can’t for a second contemplate that lovely Claire could possibly have misled the public. She’s from Laois, my mother’s county. She has three children. She’s so sweet and kind looking. She wouldn’t do that. The last time I was home, I told my dear parents, who I love more than words could ever convey, that she has done just that. She has misled the public into taking part in a dangerous trial that is killing and hurting people. Why did she do that? Maybe Ms Byrne can tell us herself. The evidence was there from the beginning. That’s why they had to censor us. That’s why they had to shut us down and call us names. We were ruining the narrative. We were ruining the drive to inject as many people as possible.
The question is, how long are the public going to continue to fall for this treachery? If the media lied about Covid, what else are they lying about? When will people cop they’re being played hard by those they trusted. It’s only a matter of time before the lies catch up on the perpetrators. We’ll see headlines like, ‘I’m retiring early to spend time with my children’ as the key players scurry off to safety, mission complete.
The only place you can find real news these days is on Telegram, the last refuge for free speech. The mainstream media distracts with nonsense, while the real stories get buried or simply ignored or slanted in such a way as to shut down debate. What a sad state of affairs. Extra discernment required. The Truth will out. No backing down. In memory of those lives cut short by a bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine.
Great article. These phoneys need to be exposed for pushing the toxic poison. I wonder how much they were paid. Don't forget that phoney of phoneys o toole of the Irish times who accused people who wisely didn't take the jabs of been fascists. We know now who the real fascist is.
Keep up the great work, the few of us that knew from the off this was bad for the human race were treated like dirt but we held our ground, thank you for telling the truth.