A wedding certificate, a death certificate and another embarrassing climbdown - Candace Owens fails to prove Brigitte Macron is a man
It's the transvestigation of the century and it's falling to pieces...
Well this is awkward - a marriage photo, a marriage certificate and the brother (who’s supposed to have robbed a dead Brigitte Macron’s identity) as the Best Man. Yikes! That kind of upends Candace Owens’ interminable transvestigation into Brigitte Macron. At least, it should have poured cold water over the 10-year saga but the power of suggestion (and stupidity) must never be underestimated. This is an elaborate psychological operation with hypnotic results. All it took was for Owens to claim the bride doesn’t look like young Brigitte, (even though she does) and her mesmerised audience nodded in agreement (by the million), deep in a trance. The young woman in the wedding dress is just somebody called Brigitte Trogneux, see, but it’s not actually her. That’s the logic Owens is pursuing for her YouTube extravaganza. It’s a ratings winner.
Candace Owens is a master of deception. She’s showing off to fellow club members of her rank. This smooth talker is so good with words she’s explicitly telling her viewers the transvestigation into France’s Frist Lady is a load of bollox (pun intended) while simultaneously convincing them Brigitte Macron is a man, possibly the father of her husband, Emmanuel Macron. It gets that daft.
The Bullingdon Club old boys must be in hysterics. This prank is the most audacious yet. The plebs can’t figure it out (can anyone?) but they keep allowing themselves to be strung along for another instalment of jabbering Owens and her long-winded tale with no end in sight. They’ve no idea how but they’re sure Brigitte Macron is a man. Certain, in fact. Even if she looks nothing like a man. All the women at that level are men, see. And the men are women. The elites are messing with us! They most certainly are, including multi millionaire Candace Owens and her fake conservative husband George Farmer. They’re up to no good, playing mean toff games with the Great Unwashed for a quick buck, a complex merry dance down a cul de sac.
“Sylvie Bommel (journalist) was able to find a marriage certificate that certifies that in Le Touquet, somebody named Brigitte Trogneux definitely did marry somebody called André-Louis Auxière on June 22, 1974. So that checks out. And not only that, but the Best Man at the wedding was her brother Jean-Michel Trogneux. And that was a huge breakthrough because this tells us that Brigitte was extremely close to her brother,” Owens states plainly to her audience, who don’t seem to notice the significance of the words.
It’s the verbal equivalent of bashing cymbals before their faces to wake them up from their stupor but all we get are blank stares. It’s a foregone conclusion. She’s a man. The wedding photo and the certificate should be enough to unravel this 10-year phoney investigation but on goes the rigmarole. There are books to flog and conspiracy theorists to deceive.
If that wasn’t enough, word wizard Owens continues to inform her audience that her French contacts are unreliable sources and should not be trusted, but again, nobody’s paying attention. This is mental to witness. Her followers are caught in a spell of word salad.
Candace Owens describes how ‘independent journalist’ Natacha Rey (the psychic’s sidekick) made up stuff in her head (all wrong) and decided to get in touch with the family of Brigitte Macron’s ex-husband at three o’clock in the morning. Yes - three o’clock in the morning! No self-respecting journalist sends messages filled with false accusations at three in the morning to anyone. Why am I the only one pointing this out? Owens says about Natacha Rey:
“She looked at this photo of André-Louis Auxière in the wedding and she, in her mind, said I don’t think this guy ever existed and actually the man in that photo looks much more to me like a different guy named Louis-André.’ Yeah they’ve literally just flipped the names. You’ve André-Louis in the photo. She thought that in that photo was actually Louis-André who is in fact his first cousin. So she speculated. She just made that assertion. They’re just pretending and that’s whoever it is that his first cousin married. But Natacha was in fact wrong.
Deliberate confusion to bamboozle her audience and send their eyes in a spin of hypnosis. Instead of doing the honourable thing and admitting this is bad behaviour (sending false accusations at 3am) and exposes how flimsy this transvestigation really is, Owens doubles down and defends Natacha Rey, claiming the defamation case she lost was some kind of travesty of justice. Clearly not. French people are not like Americans. They protect their privacy.
Owens boldly goes on, explaining to her audience just how wrong her source Natacha Rey was about EVERYTHING. Owens even gets the names wrong for added confusion. Does anyone notice? She tells her viewers that Rey sent a message to the wife of cousin Louis-André (not Jean Louis) in the middle of the night that went something like this:
“‘I know everything, absolutely everything, for you, for Jean Louis (sic), for Jean Michel,’ and I guess for her this was like a journalistic strategy of not really knowing everything, knowing that something was wrong but hoping that if you pretended you knew everything that that person might be forthcoming. But Catherine (the cousin’s wife) wasn’t forthcoming. She instantly showed it to her husband. ‘What is going on?’
Journalistic strategy! What kind of journalistic strategy involves crazed WhatsApp messages at three in the morning piled high with makey-uppy nonsense about swapped identities? That’s not a journalistic strategy. That’s harassment. Know the difference. This is the worst of Internet sleuthing that I’ve been calling out for some time now, as a lone voice up against constant pushback. No likes and validation. No big cheques. Apparently pointing this stuff out makes me Controlled Opposition. Not Trumpette Candace Owens with her constant hand signals, big budget productions on YouTube, carefully scripted lines and her Bullingdon Club husband who she got engaged to after just 17 days. When did everyone become so easily duped on this side too? Aren’t we supposed to be the ones with the functioning brains who ask pertinent questions?
Turns out this side is just as susceptible to brainwashing as the so-called normies, who are absolutely right not to trust anyone spouting this nonsense. I don’t trust their cognitive abilities either, quite frankly. Anyone repeating that Brigitte Macron is a man shows off how easily manipulated they are by fake investigative journalism aimed to discredit and undermine real critical thinkers.
Here’s Owens openly admitting she got it wrong about the communion photo too. It hasn’t been recolourised and the rumours she put out about Brigitte Macron dying as a child were wrong too. These mistakes are mounting but nobody seems to register or care. The Truth doesn’t seem to matter.
There’s a death cert too for André-Louis Auzière. He was real. He lived. He died.
Owens is focusing on a mistranslation from French to English from daughter Tiphaine Auzière who broke the news to the press.
'My father died, I buried him on December 24 (2019) in the strictest privacy,' she told Paris Match. 'I adored him, he was a being apart, a nonconformist who valued his anonymity more than anything. He must be respected.'
Owens says André-Louis Auzière was actually buried a few days later, what she’s trying to prove is unclear. It looks like he died on December 24 but it was mistranslated as happens all the time when moving between two languages. Bottom line: the man existed. The online rumours that he had disappeared years ago or didn’t exist at all, again proven false.
Launching this transvestigation on January 10, 2025, Owens managed to wedge in a 33 for no particular reason while setting up her stall. As we’ve learned these past few years, 33 is significant number for trick merchants. Ignore at your peril. It’s a signal to other club member that deception is going down. Yes sometimes a 33 is just a 33 but this 33 is weird. It’s there for a reason. Owens questions the legal correspondence from the Élysée Palace:
“We’re not going to answer the question but we are going to send you a 100 page letter. It was 100 pages, most of it was transcript but it was like a 33 page letter, most of it was transcript again….”
Blink and you miss it. So the 100 page letter was actually a 33 page letter. Ok. Who’s writing the script here for autocue? Owens reads it to perfection but it would be good to know who’s the producer of this show. That 33 was put in there on purpose. There’s nothing natural about that sentence.
So what’s the end game here? What’s Owens playing at? She’s staked her entire professional career on Brigitte Macron being a man and looks set to owe Piers Morgan $100,000 for losing a public bet she didn’t quite agree to, not so sure of her stance on Brigitte Macron after all.
Look at Owens face when Piers Morgan lays down the bet. She has to flash her little hand signal, but we’re in the same club Piers! These guys play hard ball. They’re built different for sure.
The aim of this transvestigation campaign is the usual - to make conspiracy theorists look mad and bad, untrustworthy and impressionable. No doubt this case will eventually be used against real conspiracy theorists and critical thinkers to tighten up the Internet and come down on voice who disrupt the programming. People who get in the way of psyops and fake conspiracy theorists and phoney investigative journalists. Owens will be fine. She’ll break her promise and continue her career unscathed, making all sorts of excuses as to why she was right about Brigitte Macron being a man. People will believe her, because she says some things they agree with. They’ll ignore the bad bits. Too uncomfortable. Doesn’t matter as long as the target is somebody they don’t like. Sure what’s a few more digs. The Macrons deserve it anyway. That’s the thinking.
Well you’ve got to care about getting it right. It’s crucial. We can’t afford these kind of silly mistakes at this late stage in the day. The case against Brigitte Macron will be reframed. She will be the victim of false allegations and vicious rumours. Conspiracy theorists will look insane. Deservedly so. They’ve walked straight into this trap, ignoring all the signs along the way, allowing themselves to be misled.
Candace Owens has told her followers her transvestigation into Brigitte Macron is based on speculation and lies but they don’t care.
On with the show.
Roll up. Roll up.
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All this dumb rubbish about claiming women to be men at random by using some silly triangle overlay, and calling that scientific.. has reached peak r³tard.
The damage has been done.. so the psy-op has worked!.. especially on Candice.
Candice should have applied 'critical thinking' here.. even if it does fool her fans and pay the bills for a while!
Aisling You have let me down :
mmgi najiork, betcha didnt think about that eh or jjkprm c...v. Why ? see you missed it Plus what about jj pwm,tm CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION immediately, if not sooner.
I know what your remaining crew should expect next from you sister: That you counted 33 Freemasonic hand gestures Candice made - yeah sure - i could only spot 3. So youtube are biased now ? allow her on but not you or your faves eh? an having a go at her husband because he's a toff. Have you no respect?
Aisling I realise you might get caught up in reporting and other stuff but I want you to know I happened upon a pic of Candice's Happy Day. Its at 2.44 of her opening sequence. What a gorgeous dress. C'mon dont be all knotted up - join us in celebration. I hear she's part Irish so why not.