The French were out protesting in force this week, as the French do. The kids got a day off school. The unions were involved. The demonstrations received wall to wall coverage on the news. More than 1.2 million workers turned out to demonstrate against Macron’s plan to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. I couldn’t help but think, they’ll be lucky to reach 64 considering most have taken part in a life threatening medical experiment. If only they displayed the same fervour when Macron started pushing the trial ‘vaccine’ for the thing with the 99.7% survival rate.
Of course the unions wouldn’t have backed them. The kids wouldn’t have got a day off school. They wouldn’t have received wall to wall TV news coverage on every channel. Still, priorities, like survival, like bodily autonomy, like having the right to decline a dangerous medical trial, surely matter more. After we cut off the King’s head so to speak, by all means, then, let’s discuss retirement age.
The TV was on in the background at a friend’s house on Tuesday, the day of the State sanctioned protest. He was fed up with the blanket news coverage. I ventured, ‘It’s propaganda, just a distraction from the real issues’. He agreed, even though he’s jabbed. Nothing I could say in those early days could make him see sense. God knows I tried. He got jabbed but kept it from me, knowing my stance. His friend later informed me he was up to date with his shots. It’s the law, he said in reaction to my surprise. I thought my friend understood the gravity of the situation, why that famous French Non was more important than ever before. A collective refusal was the only thing to send a clear message to those World Economic Forum political puppets - non, non non. Compris?
In fairness, there were demonstrations across France during the past two and half years. They barely got a mention in the news. Far right, conspiracy theories, fascist, the usual playbook to shut down dissent. The ‘deadly virus’ hoax managed to hoodwink the majority of the French too. I thought they were smarter than that. I thought they’d see through the manipulation and phony science. Instead they lapped up the new rules like fools. It was embarrassing for this once great nation of dissenters. They policed each other, watching out for masks below the chin, enforcing QR code entry with stoney faced complicity, turning away the non-vaccinated from restaurants, museums and trains. Disgraceful behaviour.
I remember going for a dental check up with my son at a hospital in Nice. He had a dodgy tooth surgically removed and it was an appointment to see how his gum was doing. Nothing serious. Just a look to make sure it was healing alright. I wasn’t allowed inside the hospital without my vaccination status. I told the robot type at the door, we’d only be in and out. Non. No leeway. Rules are rules. Don’t want to spread the deadly virus now do we? Can’t have that. Even though I was perfectly well. We crossed the road to the pharmacy for a stupid, useless, fraudulent PCR test.
The drone in the pharmacy made sure to shove the ethylene oxide toxic swab right up my nose, where no swab should ever go, as she swirled three times with force, seeing my disdain for the process. I made sure to voice my objections loudly for all to hear. So many masked faces with dead eyes, following idiotic rules like zombies. What a bunch of scam artists in white jackets, these pharmacists and doctors! You’re not fooling me. You may have fooled everyone else, including yourselves, but there are some of us still engaging our critical faculties.
Thirty euro and a negative result later, we gained entry to the hospital with a temporary QR code for the five minute check up. In hindsight, I regret that day. I wish I had not played the stupid game. I even got a speeding fine on the way home, a kick up the arse for complying with insanity, duly noted. The charade only works if everyone plays along, even the dissenters.
I didn’t even set the dental appointment. It was from Daddy’s diary. He couldn’t make it last minute, I was the last woman standing. Why didn’t I just refuse to go? Pressure. Stop making a fuss. It’s just a little swab. Be a good mammy. It’s for your child. Don’t be selfish. I should have said Non. I should have prioritized. The check-up could have waited until Daddy was free. I’ll never be so easily guilt tripped again. I’m stronger now, a different person. Hard lessons learned.
One such lesson, if it’s getting mainstream news coverage, it’s most likely not the news. At least not the slant they’re pushing. How great the betrayal of those glossy haired news anchors, reading their autocue perfectly, a globalist script to misdirect the masses. Gently does it. Just doing my job. And on it goes.
The big strike complete, lots of endless chatter about the age of retirement. Let them discuss ad nauseam. It doesn’t really matter. Let them believe there’s still some semblance of a democracy, as long as it’s state sanctioned debate. Meanwhile, the most pressing issues of the day, alarming vaccine deaths and injuries, stay off the news agenda. What a circus! If the news was really the news, the top billing topic for discussion would be the biggest medical fraud in history. The media is captured, you won’t find the real news there. Beware of their distractionary tactics and move on with discernment. Bon Courage.