Dangers of the Company Man
Why it's high time the Yes Man learned to say an emphatic NO to the Boss
The company man, a dangerous one, dat
Always nodding in agreement, like a right ole twat.
No matter the drivel,
His head on a swivel,
Brown-nosing the boss, the Yes Man, a prat.
You know the one. The company man or woman who laps up whatever nonsense makes its way down from the boardroom. No questions asked. Unblinking. Nearly robotic. Strangely sinister. Extremely annoying.
The modern day work environment is no place for dissenting voices. Keep your head down and your voice lower still. Duck and dodge the red marker of cost saving eliminations. Agree. Even if you have to kill yourself to keep your job. As long as the boss assumes you’re on side. Obey. Obey. Obey. It’s only a small pin prick. You’ll hardly notice. Take one for the team. Do it for Granny. Trust the Science. Don’t be selfish. Good. Now can you do it again? And again? And again? And again?
Whatever you do, don’t ask belligerent questions. Don’t engage your brain. Repeat silly slogans without substance and wear a mask. Yes, just shut up. Cover your mouth. Zip it. We don’t need to hear your objections. You’re not a doctor. You’re not an expert. Your teeny, tiny brain couldn’t possibly figure it out.
Best to cover your gob, keep your distance and roll up your sleeve next time Mr Depopulation aka Bill Gates launches his latest anti-viral update, the concoction he likes to call a ‘vaccine’. Just do as you're told. Is that too much to ask?
Complying with stupid rules is a dangerous game, like playing Russian roulette so you can keep paying your bills on time. Until you can’t. Until you’re dead, then who’s going to come up with the dosh? Your spouse? What if she also took part in the deadly medical trial to keep her job? Who’s going to look after the kids if the gamble goes horribly wrong. Surely not that negative anti-vaxxer relative, who’s lost her mind on conspiracy theories, the one, blacklisted from family events?
It’s never been more critical for the Yes Man to say No. Fuck off. Do one. Stick it up your jacksie. Absolutely not. Nada. Never. Nope. Not gonna happen. After serious reflection, that’s a big fat no from me. Or words to that effect.
We must practice refusing tyrannical insanity. When did we become so weak? So obsequious? So pathetic in the face of our own demise?
Let’s review where complying with the Dark Side has got us so far, shall we? The bulk of the population has voluntarily lined up to take a mystery serum in the hope of fighting off a thing, yet to be isolated, with a 99.7% survival rate, that looks suspiciously like the flu. It’s even in the same category of the flu, has the same symptoms as the flu and here’s the really weird bit: The flu disappeared. Just like that. Poof. Gone. Only for a year, mind. Now it’s back, so you’ll need a jab for that too. One in each arm. Line up. Line up. It’s $cience!
The hysterical response to the thing with the 99.7% survival rate meant those who had questions to ask, were fired from their jobs, refused entry to restaurants, forced to have a toxic swab shoved up their nose just to travel and faced a global hate campaign from the media, celebrities, doctors and the public.
On the plus side, we got to know who’s who. We now understand the most dangerous people in our midst are those who comply with insane dictates, like the company man who’ll go along with anything, as long as it comes from the Board of Directors.
There was never a good reason to take that stupid jab. Nobody, young or old, needed to take part in that damned trial. Now look what’s happening? Look where all that fear mongering has got us. A silent pandemic. The real one. This time the sudden deaths are being swept under the rug, no ticker tap to clock each passing life, no media curiosity. Doctors baffled. An awkward pause. Mustn’t ruin the narrative. You don’t want to be one of those awful conspiracy theorists, do you? Best to keep your mouth shut, sealed with a useless mask or otherwise, and play along. The CEO of the Depopulation Agenda will be pleased. Shush! Say nothing. Everything is going according to plan.
Very well put.
Great article aisling I subscribed and look forward to reading more