Down they crumble, the once great institutions are self-destructing on their own rot
Why morality is the only defence against corruption and fake money...
It’s an extraordinary thing to witness the self-destruction of once respectable institutions. They were probably never respectable, but seemed to have standards that gave us an impression of care and attention, that conveyed worth and reliability. It’s jaw-dropping to watch these institutions take a sledge-hammer to their carefully constructed public image and destroy what once made them notable. Why are they killing themselves? Surely not for fake money.
The Covid hoax exposed the grotesque, true nature of these organisations. Doctors, once the pillars of our communities, revealed their lack of ethics and morals as they injected their trusting clients over and over again with an experimental concoction for no good reason. The flu had disappeared and in its place Covid-19 had set the stage for a so-called pandemic. The human rights lawyers said nothing when those who rightfully declined to take part in the trial were harassed, smeared, cut out of society and discriminated against for simply trusting their immune systems to handle a mystery virus with a 99.97% survival rate. Journalists we thought were reasonable turned psychotic, failed to deliver both sides of the story, ignored the evidence these injections were dangerous and parroted the globalist script of ‘trust the science’ with a straight face. Folk believed them. They assumed they could trust them.
Police forces across the world reinforced the spectacle. Imagine, our Irish gardai actually arrested Cork woman Margaret Buttimer for not wearing a useless mask while standing in a restaurant. Those sitting to eat were alright of course. Rules are rules. Our ridiculous judicial system put the gentle granny in jail for the ‘offence’. Nobody wants to talk about how wrong that was, how the masks never worked, how they were only part of the theatre of the fake pandemic.

All those people who loved their muzzles, who told others to pull them up over their noses, who made little children wear them in school or out playing, they’re quiet now. Still a grave danger to the rest of us. They’re the ones who follow senseless rules blindly, refusing to question corrupted authority. They are the ones who have brought us to this point. Those who complied willingly, parked their natural, God-given intelligence and played along with the farce while ridiculing anyone daring to point out the madness. They are everywhere and they are our biggest threat. Not Klaus Schwab, not Bill Gates, not Dr Fauci - it’s our family, friends and neighbours who pose the greatest danger to our freedom because they comply. They comply and people die. They comply and good people like Margaret Buttimer go to jail, while the real criminals remain at large.
The nurses were ‘just following orders’ - midazolam, morphine, remdesivir, ventilation - it says it on the chart, so that’s just the way. ‘Just doing my job. It’s not my fault they died’. Except it is - we are responsible for our actions and our words. They matter. Enormously. This life is just a test. We’ll soon find out the fake money wasn’t worth the price of our souls.
As Johnny Cash sang in God’s Gonna Cut You Down:
Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's down in the dark will be brought to the light
So much is coming to light and it’s not pretty. Banks that facilitate pedophilia. Fake wars to launder money and make an easy buck. State-sponsored human trafficking. The sale of babies and organ harvesting. Adrenochrome. It’s a horror show. It’s been going on under our noses this whole time.
What are we to do about it all? Bury our heads deeper in the manure? Or declare ‘not on our watch’. That’s the choice. It’s a spiritual war. We will be judged, each and every one of us. It’s not a popular analysis, this judgment conclusion. We’ve been indoctrinated to believe we are an accidental phenomenon with no moral consequences. Wrong. We have souls and we have choices. We can choose to follow orders from weak and corrupted men and women or we can choose to do the right thing, for the simple reason it’s the right thing to do. No fake money reward, just a clear conscience.
The once great institutions are collapsing. The rot won’t hold. They’ve done it to themselves. Covid crystallised the sham. The mainstream media is being devoured by its own lies and deceit. The medical industry is euthanising itself and all in its wake. The lawyers are signing their own Death Certificate. The police have chosen death row, their own lethal injection. The priest class are administering their Last Rites. It didn’t have to be this way. They could have said no. They could have proven they had decency and moral fortitude. But they chose the fake money.
So we find ourselves on a very different type of battlefield. It’s cleaner for sure. We’ve been spared the gore. It looks like nothing is really happening on the surface. There are lots of suits about, experts and academics, plenty of female leaders to soothe the way. It appears benign. What am I even talking about? ‘There’s nothing going on’. ‘We’ve moved on’. ‘Covid is over’. ‘Get on with your life’.
We’re in a very different space now - the consequences part of the play. Divinely, we still have choices to make. Divinely, we can still do something. Divinely, there is still hope. What’s the big lesson in all of this? That morality matters. It provides a firm foundation. It keeps structures in place during the harshest assaults. It withstands corruption. It sees through the fake money illusion. To borrow a much hackneyed phrase from the globalists, yes, we must ‘build back better’. We are returning to the sacred, to purity, to what really matters. Community, healing, honesty, simplicity, love, freedom, caring for each other, tighter family bonds, protection of the innocents, connection to the soil. We are battle hardy, stronger than ever, focused on what matters most. Let the institutions fall. They are no longer trustworthy. Let us start over. Let us understand our value. We cannot be bought. Souls not for sale.
Thank you for your continued support at this critical time for free speech. If you wish, you can buy the author a coffee HERE
Mind-blowing clarity, Aisling. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this great global showdown encapsulated so succinctly. We need to keep reminding people of the dark recent past they are trying to sweep under the carpet. People are definitely waking up even if they feel powerless, confused and afraid to make a public stand. But that is changing too and brilliant writing like this will propel the Risen People even faster towards critical mass. Little did you think you would end up at the forefront of such a diabolical battle when you were one of the ‘glamour gals’ dishing out the news on our first non-state TV channel. Even then, I had the feeling you had a sardonic streak which has now blossomed into a Force of Nature. May the Force continue to be with you. Godspeed!
Thank you Aisling for all you do.
It is indeed a blessing to have people with like minded views and have the courage to speak out for the downtrodden and un-represented in our world. As a person who lost my job because I rejected the snake oil and now have to struggle to survive, I don't regret my choice and can live in peace with myself and my children. What makes me angry is living amongst people who know damn well what's happening, but keep quiet and comply with whatever is asked of them by liars and fake leaders. Cowardice is rampant and can't seem to be overcome even at the expense of their own children's future. God bless you and keep you safe.