What could possibly be causing the rise in deaths after the 'safe and effective vaccination' roll-out?
Why are so many people dying suddenly and unexpectedly? What could it possibly be? Doctors are baffled. It’s a real mystery.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing all these extra deaths? At least we know what it’s not. That’s a start. It’s definitely not Bill Gates' dodgy medical trial. We all know he’s a philanthropist and doesn’t want to reduce the world’s population using vaccines. He may have said something along those lines one time, but that’s neither here nor there. We can trust Bill. He has a super track record.
Sure our Taoiseach Micheál Martin just met him in Munich for that security conference with all those other lovely world leaders who want to save the planet. Lucky they’re in charge or we’d be in a lot of trouble. We’re definitely not the carbon they want to reduce. That’s just a silly conspiracy theory. We should bring in laws to stop people saying things like that. It’s too negative and hurts our feelings.
We can trust the media who informed us all about those safe and effective vaccines. What does it matter if the lovely Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or Pfizer sponsor the information? More crazy conspiracy theories. I trust the $cience. Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there with my sleeve rolled up. We’ve all got to do our bit to fight the deadly virus with the 99.97% survival rate.
Anyway, The Irish Examiner says hospital overcrowding may have contributed to an extra 1,200 deaths this winter. That’s good enough for me. No need to investigate further. These things happen. Plus, look at this bit I cut out from the paper, which makes it very clear it’s not the thing we never discuss now:
A HSE spokeswoman said that excess deaths are monitored through the EuroMOMO system.
“Unlike many other European countries, Ireland’s system has capability of focusing specifically on excess deaths due to pneumonia and influenza,” she said.
“This has shown us that a significant proportion of excess mortality in Ireland in this winter has been driven by pneumonia and influenza [estimated at approximately 65%].
I did think it a bit strange that the flu jab and you know, the other thing, didn’t help protect those people who died. Seeing as they’re safe and effective ‘n’ all but, again, a minor detail.
Still, it’s a real head scratcher, this one. I just can’t understand why so many people are dying. Did you see the latest Eurostat figures showing excess mortality in Europe is up 19% in December 2022? It’s up 25.4% in Ireland, 37.3% in Germany, 43% in Iceland. But I’m sure that’s nothing to worry about. It would be on the news if it was important. Wouldn’t it?
The last thing I want to be called is a conspiracy theorist. What would the neighbours say? Best just to keep the head down, although, I must admit, I wonder who’ll drop next. Underlying condition. That’s what they say now. A short illness. Died at home. It’s all very strange.
I heard somewhere eggs are fierce dangerous. Must be the eggs. There was another report in the newspapers, so it must be true, that making your bed can cause sudden death, if you shake the duvet too vigorously. Gardening too, can be lethal. You can be there one minute, gone the next. Isn’t life mad?
Ah well. At least we know it’s not the thing and that’s all that matters. We can trust Bill and the gang to do our thinking for us. We’re not smart. They are. Hopefully they’ll figure out what’s causing all these excess deaths. Best not to think about it too much, I suppose. You wouldn’t want the neighbours talking.
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Well the elites have been telling us for a long time about overpopulation and the need to depopulate to save the planet.
There was Stanley Johnson who apart from writing books called The Virus and Marburg about fictional pandemics, he said on a TV talk show on that he thought the UK population should be about 25 million, so we know where his son Boris gets it from.
There was Prince Philip who said when he dies he wants to come back as a deadly virus to reduce the worlds pouplation.
There was Bill Gates and his famous TED talks about how if we make a really good job of the vaccine we can reduce the worlds population by 10-15%. And the other famous one about reducing one of the factors in his equation to near zero, which was carbon, from that we can deduce that the carbon they really want to reduce is us.
There was the military resources website Deagel, which gave 2025 population predictions for all countries around the world, all the western first world countries were massively reduced, there was some lame explanation that it was due to migration but then there were no countries showing large increases.
Many on this side of the fence who have done some digging on the internet have found and shared the above plus countless other videos, texts and documents that demonstrate there is a clear depopulation agenda. I think the only surprising thing for me is actually how overtly satanic it has all become now, like we are actually living in a mass satanic ritual at the moment. Strange Times.
Thanks Aisling for all that you do, you speak with real honesty and integrity and I love that!
I’m the lone tin foil nut case in my family and it’s difficult, my kids are all adults now but it’s their future that I am fighting for, even though they can’t see it or they refuse to acknowledge it...
I personally think it is caused by the most recent poisons put into people's arms by Gates and his friends in government and elsewhere. Call me a conspiracy nut but I think these people are evil cold hearted murderers who would inject shit into people's eyeballs if they thought they could get away with it. If it wasn't for my personal conspiracy theory above I too would be baffled.