Beware! We're being deliberately confused and misled by State planted misinformation and far right mercenaries to build another false narrative to manage the public's perception.
So much confusion. If the identity of the child stabber from last Thursday’s Parnell Square attack is not the guy Gript alluded to in yesterday’s (Nov 29, 2023) since removed article, then who is the man who stabbed three children and the school worker in broad daylight? Who is the Algerian attacker being looked after in a Dublin hospital? What is his name? It’s about time we got the details. What’s the delay in arresting the only suspect one week on from the apparent random knife attack on innocent children? We need a full briefing. The public deserves to know exactly what happened. We’ve got lots of unanswered questions. Why are Irish authorities acting so cagey? It’s as if they’ve got something to hide.
It’s like the Ashling Murphy case all over again where initially the gardai let mainstream journalists believe the 23-year-old teacher had been strangled before we found out she had, in fact, been stabbed 11 times in the neck. Bit of a difference. Certain elements within the Force seem to be disseminating false information on purpose. Why? Who are they trying to protect? What’s the motive?
We cannot trust Garda Commissioner Drew Harris (OBE?). His own cops don’t have any faith in his abilities to govern fairly. It’s one morale destroying disaster after the next and yet he clings on, unashamedly. Just like Helen McEntee, Minister for so-called Justice, enemy of free speech, enemy of the free people of Éire. It’s on with the show for the Keystone Cops. Lights, camera, inaction. As long as the Establishment has the complicit media in its well funded pocket, who’s going to call out the anomalies and inconsistencies. The far right? Looks like Commissioner Harris (OBE!) has a little plan in store for those (right on cue) Conor McGregor fans and Antifa mercenaries. Take a bow. Oh look some ready to roll art-work depicting McGregor as some kind of working class hero. Not the fame and money-hungry showbiz hard-man who sold out his fans during lockdown by badly reading a government scamdemic script. Sorry but it will take a lot more to convince us this time around. Has he really switched sides? We’ll see. Looks a lot like more propaganda from where I’m standing. He may be saying all the right things, for now, but what’s the end-game here? Is there money involved? Is McGregor really speaking up out of the goodness of his heart? Highly unlikely.
The real ‘far right’ stand at roundabouts on rainy Saturdays, peacefully holding yellow banners to warn their fellow Irishmen and women of mounting excess deaths, of Agenda 2030, of our complicit media. They don’t set fire to buses or empty garda cars, left open, almost waiting to be set alight for the standby cameraman to press record.
Gript, despite its mainstream limitations, seemed to be the only news outlet with a high rating audience, asking the hard questions the other gagged journalists were forbidden from covering about the child stabbings. Perhaps they were getting too close for comfort. Looks like editor John McGuirk was deliberately fed misinformation by way of a trap. He was making the others look bad. And stupid. Like this appearance on Virgin Media’s The Tonight Show with presenter Ciara O’Doherty.
In a statement from today, November 30, 2023, the Gript newsroom responded to the accusations of mistaken identity of the child stabber:
Gript Media’s original reporting was sourced from a member of An Garda Síochána. It was further cross-checked against publicly available records, and while the name of the suspect was not reported, that name was put to a senior official on the basis of an informal cross-check before publication.
It sounds like the team at Gript did their due diligence before publishing the article. This has all the hallmarks of an official set-up. And just like clockwork, there’s a top billing online Indo article gasping about misinformation.
The cheek of them after four years of back-to-back misinformation from official sources, the mainstream media keeps pumping out the propaganda, pretending to be shocked by all the nasty misinformation. No remorse. They hide the excess deaths and gaslight their readers. The devil pays too well to resist. To hell with the real price of these Stasi style mind twisters.
Gardaí deeply concerned over misinformation spreading online
Isn’t that something? Which gardaí are deeply concerned over misinformation? Surely not the ones who put out the misinformation in the first place.
Over in the 33rd Dáil chamber there’s more cloven hooved side-stepping of the real story. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar attempts to excuse the child stabbings in a kind of ‘Sure don’t we all commit terrible crimes. Don’t be racist’ way.
“I really would ask people to try and avoid connecting crime with migration. It’s not right. Yes of course people who are migrants might commit crimes, just as people who aren’t, commit crimes. In a country of 5.3 million people, in a few hundreds of thousands of migrants, there are going to be a few of them who commit terrible crimes. Just as there are people born and bred in Ireland who commit terrible crimes everyday, including murders.”
So we’re to expect more terrible crimes, are we? No. People like us, the real far right, will never just shrug our shoulders and get used to the horror show. We’re done with this insane open borders policy. We’re done with the lies and misrepresentation. We’re done with the new laws and garda artillery to tackle McGregor’s rent-a-crowd ‘far right’. We want answers.
Who is the Algerian man in hospital? Is he even there? How do we know for sure? It’s just rumours and rumours of rumours. State planted misinformation. We’re fed up of the nonsense.
How is the five-year-old on life support doing? Where in Ukraine is she from? How are her family coping? We need a photo so we can pray for the little one and her parents. Who’s the head of her medical team?
Stop pretending this isn’t a big deal. This is huge, if true.
What are the names of the other children who were stabbed? What do their parents have to say? How are they now?
Did you think we wouldn’t care enough to enquire? Are we supposed to just move along and wait for the next ‘terrible crime’.
Not too long ago, all of this information would have been out by now, before the media sold what remained of its soul. Now we’re strung along with morsels of unreliable information and told to behave ourselves. Or else.
There will not be riots (from the real far right) if we find out the child has died. Maybe McGregor’s fans and some Antifa hooligans will get to work. Not us. That’s not our way. We want justice, security, a return to law and order. We’re not going to play into the hands of our oppressors like fools begging for harsher policing and tighter legislation on free speech. We can see this for what it is - a piece of theatre, that’s got the world focused on Ireland.
Now tell us again, who’s the Algerian?
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What a headfuck this is. A lot of things make more sense after reading this article. I watched Phillip Dwyers live stream and when the cops abandoned their car on o Connell bridge it seemed odd. They just parked it and walked away. Leaving it unlocked. Next thing it's on fire. Definitely staged looking. It all stinks. Thank you ashling.
Superb article Ashling. All we want are the facts. Its very simple really