Did Professor Luke O'Neill mix his brands like he told his followers? Why was there no publicity surrounding his injections at a time when he was telling everyone else to roll up their sleeves?
He is the Trinity College Dublin scientist who told Ireland the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ were safe and effective. He was given endless air-time to promote their efficacy and convince the public there was nothing to worry about. So why was Professor Luke O’Neill so backwards about coming forward for his own injection?
This is the guitar strumming Trinity College Dublin scientist who was positioned centre forward, as the voice of reason, logic and cutting edge medical breakthroughs. He made it easy for people to understand the new type of ‘vaccine’. He laughed off those crazy conspiracy theories warning about blood clots and heart attacks. He was one of us, apparently. It was somewhat perplexing then, when he didn’t follow through on his initial promise to The Irish Times in November 2020. “I’ll be first in line,” he said before urging “people to get the coronavirus vaccine when available”.
Except Professor Luke O’Neill wasn’t first in line for the ‘miracle’ injection that was to take on the mystery virus with the 99.97% survival rate, the same time the flu disappeared. He laughed this off too during an interview with RTÉ Radio One’s Brendan O’Connor on April 18, 2021.
Brendan O’Connor: Luke O’Neill you were just telling us there in the break, you haven’t got a vaccination. You were offered one?
Luke O’Neill: I was. I don’t work in a hospital. My lab is on Pearse Street.
Brendan O’Connor: But listen, anyone who ever walked into a hospital in their life or did a bit of plumbing or carpentry in there, has a vaccination at this stage.
Luke O’Neill: Well we have our Covid Centre, remember, in Trinity, let’s give it a plug, three people in my lab go to the hospital to get samples, they got vaccinated, the rest of us said no. We were offered it actually. We’re not on the front line.
Brendan O’Connor: What were you offered?
Luke O’Neill: It would have been Pfizer actually. That was a few weeks ago.
On December 13, 2021, ran a headline, ‘Prof Luke O’Neill tests positive for Covid and calls for vulnerable to get booster jabs.
The article reads:
Prof O’Neill said he will now be “quadruply” vaccinated, having had the booster on Thursday after his two-shot vaccine, and then testing positive for Covid at the weekend.
Speaking on Monday morning, he said vulnerable people, especially vulnerable children, should be vaccinated or boosted as soon as possible.
He also said boosters should be given to people who have had Covid.
“Now is the time to boost as many as possible” he told RTÉ’s Today with Claire Byrne.
The article leads us to believe that Professor O’Neill received his booster shot on Thursday, December 9, 2021. Considering his public campaign to boost ‘as many as possible’, surely there’s a photo or a video of the moment Prof O’Neill got his booster? It’s not like he’s camera-shy. The Trinity College Dublin scientist was telling everyone else to roll up their sleeves, surely it’s important we see evidence that he too participated in the trial he so fervently pushed on the Irish public. Who administered the injection? Where did it take place? At what time? Where is his little card with his name and vial batch number that so many showed off on social media to prove they’d been juiced?
We have this Twitter photo from May 16, 2021 which shows the needle hovering over Professor Luke O’Neill’s upper arm.
It would have been nice to see a video of the momentous occasion considering this was the scientist who led the Irish to those vaccination centres in their droves, seemingly safe in the knowledge they could ‘trust the science’. Perhaps a Late Late Show live injection with Ryan Tubridy there for moral support might have done the trick. Admittedly TV producers couldn’t afford a nurse Tiffany Dover type incident of a collapsing candidate live on air so we probably couldn’t have trusted that approach either.
It’s strange this Twitter photo didn’t get the coverage you would have expected considering the fuss about Professor O’Neill declining the initial Pfizer injection. We all thought he was going to be first in the line as promised, until he promptly placed himself back of the queue without much of an explanation. Finally we got a photo on May 16, 2021 on Twitter. Who’s Adam? Where’s the batch number? What’s the make? It’s just we have a few more questions considering the gravity of the situation. Also when did O’Neill get the follow-up shot? Can we see that batch number and vaccination card from that day too please?
Did he mix them up like he told others to do in Tweet from August 10, 2021? I think it’s only right that we know, don’t you?
On December 14, 2021, The Irish Times ran a headline: Luke O’Neill says booster helped to ensure he only got ‘mild’ Covid, The virus has ‘stayed in my nose, and it’s like a cold’ thanks to vaccine, says immunology professor
The article reads:
He (O’Neill) said that now that we know the vaccines are safe, we should utilise them as much as possible. Niac have said immunocompromised people should get a fourth dose three months after their third.
Prof O'Neill added that children should hopefully get vaccinated soon, with the first shipment of children's vaccines arriving into Ireland this week.
Back on July 8, 2021, O’Neill had admitted on Newstalk radio that Covid would ‘become like colds and flus in the end, in that we'll all have it and we'll all have antibodies and we'll be protected for years and years afterwards hopefully’.
All of this ignores the fact the UK government had already downgraded Covid-19 to the level of flu in March 2020. So what was all the fuss about?
Professor Luke O’Neill was Ireland’s go-to scientist for all things Covid related on the Irish mainstream media. No dissenting voices were allowed, like that of Professor Dolores Cahill who up until Covid, was Ireland’s top scientist in her field of virology. She was vilified in the press for her stance speaking out on the dangers of the injections.
In September 2020, Inflazome, a biotech start-up co-founded by Luke O’Neill sold for €380 million to Swiss pharmaceutical company, Roche.
In November 2018, Trinity College Dublin received a donation of $270,000 from The Gates Foundation for vaccine development.
O’Neill’s close ties to the pharmaceutical industry were overlooked as he promoted the injections without any substantial debate or critical analysis. O’Neill’s ‘expert’ advice meant little children took part in an experiment against a mystery virus that didn’t even seriously affect them. He was crucial to Ireland’s official efforts to get the country injected. He convinced countless thousands to get jabbed who thought they weren’t ‘educated’ enough to understand the complexity of the science behind the mRNA nano technology. How do we know if Professor Luke O’Neill took part in the trial, aside from some mutterings in highly compromised news outlets and one photo with a hovering needle? Where’s the evidence? Where’s the proof the needle pricked the skin? Why did he come over all shy when it came to his turn to roll up his white coat and show the world he too got jabbed? How can we trust this ‘expert’ when the story keeps changing?
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If he took the jabs he shouldn't be in that position as he is incompetent for not realising how deadly they are.
If he didn't take the jabs he shouldn't be in that position as he lied to people to get them killed and maimed.
My conclusion is he shouldn't be in that position jabs or not. So when are they going to get rid of him?
Absolute Scum.