Ryan Tubridy and Claire Byrne were RTÉ's top promoters of the Covid-19 so-called vaccines but where was the publicity surrounding their own shots?
On Tuesday, March 24, 2020, RTÉ News online reported “RTÉ’s Claire Byrne ‘didn’t believe’ she had Covid-19 at first”. Frankly there are quite a few us who still don’t believe the national broadcaster’s most fervent vaccine promoter had Covid-19 considering how useless the PCR tests turned out to be as a diagnostic tool. How can we ever know for sure?
Covid Claire looked perfectly healthy in her garden shed, where we were supposed to believe she was self-isolating for that ‘head-cold’ she thought she had until the unreliable test told her otherwise. How long did the mother-of-three stay in the shed? Did she sleep there? Did she set up a little camp fire outside at night and wave into the family home as reassurance that it wasn’t so bad, just a few sniffles? How did she get her hair to sit so well for one fighting off plague? So many unanswered questions. Who even built the shed? Was it one of those RTÉ barter deals?
Funnily enough, around the same time Claire Byrne was apparently holed up, all alone, in her garden shed, stricken with de Covid (but well enough to broadcast), her RTÉ colleague Ryan Tubridy also tested positive for the mystery virus according to The Irish Sun newspaper from March 30, 2020. Just like Covid Claire, Tubs or Subs as he’s better known these days, only had the mild version or as he cryptically described it ‘a very unintrusive experience’. How very unintrusive exactly?
Certainly very unintrusive enough to make Instagram videos and RTÉ statements about how very unsick he was:
"While I've been at home watching television and listening to the radio, I have been bowled over by the extraordinary work of our front line heroes and their families who continue to make Ireland a healthier and safer place.
"I look forward to being back to work really soon."
Fast forward to December 23, 2021 and poor ole Subs had to stay at home again, this time reported that RTÉ’s then highest paid broadcaster was ‘a close contact of someone with COVID-19, and has had to miss his morning radio show on Thursday as a result’.
The story became sadder still - nearly as heart-breaking as Covid Claire all alone in her garden shed - we learned poor Tubridy would have to self-isolate over Christmas. Are we to believe it was turkey for one on the terrace on Christmas Day? Did he even bother with the stuffing and gravy? Did he play Mud’s ‘Lonely This Christmas’ on a loop to get him through the holiday season? Did Subs watch re-runs of that ‘satirical’ ha, ha, ha, Late Late Toy Show slot with little Saoirse and Toby Tubridy, the asymptomatic Teddy who had to be knocked out with a hammer for ‘not participating’ before getting his Pfizer vaccine without consent. Such fun memories from the year before. Definitely NOT a paid promotion slot. Oh no. Clearly just an RTÉ Christmas gift to the Big Pharma machine with one of the biggest corporate criminal records in the world. Only crazy conspiracy theorists would think otherwise.
More to the point, had Ryan Tubridy not received the miraculous, speed of science vaccine he had been promoting with the zeal of a second-hand car salesman on radio and TV? Surely that might have saved him from spending Christmas all on his lonesome. When exactly did Ryan Tubridy get jabbed? Where is the press coverage?
Didn’t he tell everyone back in December 2020, he'd happily get jabbed on television to ‘get us out of this corner’.
Did I miss the big day? Please fill me in if I did. It’s just I can’t seem to find any coverage of the momentous occasion online. I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Maybe I’m typing in the wrong keywords into Google. It’s all just Tubs pushing the Covid narrative and telling his army of fans that ‘guests should be disinvited from weddings if they don’t get the vaccine’.
It’s just I thought he might have posted the injection moment up on social media with one of those little rings around his profile to announce to the world he’d rolled up his sleeve for ‘the greater good’ and received a lollipop or a donut or something for his valiant efforts. He was happy enough to act as cheer-leader for nurse Natalie Conroy getting something injected into her arm live on air in January 2021 on The Late Late Show:
How come we never saw Tubs’ promised turn to roll up his sleeve to save Ireland from the mystery virus with the 99.97% survival rate? Which vaccine did he get in the end? Pfizer? Moderna? Janssen? AstraZeneca? Did he have any side-effects? Was he worried at all about the long list of adverse reactions from blood clots to heart attacks to death? Where’s his vaccination cards? I’d like to see them. Who administered the injections? What time? What batch number? It’s only fair, don’t you think? Considering.
While we’re on the subject, where’s Claire Byrne big injection moment? She seemed so enthusiastic about it for everyone else. When did Byrne get her Covid-19 shots? Where did it happen? Did she have ‘cold like symptoms’ afterwards? Although, like her garden shed, it’s a bit late showing us now. Why not make a big deal of it at the time? It’s not like RTÉ missed any publicity opportunity to promote the trial injections on the Irish public. There was no mention of Covid Claire’s vaccine status when she turned up on our TV screens back in an even fancier version of her garden shed in April 2022. Did viewers just presume she got jabbed along with everyone else? Maybe she did, but where was the publicity? Maybe I’m missing something here. If she did get the trial injection, it certainly didn’t stop her getting so-called Covid-19 a second time. Not a great ad either way.
Byrne was RTÉ’s top presenter when it came to counting the Covid case numbers from the dodgy PCR tests but she’s strangely silent about the shocking excess mortality figures since the roll-out of the trial Covid-19 injections. It’s nearly like she’s pretending we don’t have an excess death issue in Ireland. It’s nearly like there’s a cover-up. Most peculiar.
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Another excellent article! Tubridy is like a dodgy second hand car salesman and Byrne is a 'rip and read' so called journalist, you see, I've met her, dim as a Toc H lamp! There is nothing much going on with them other than how they can sell their souls for profit. Varadkar is the same, money is their god, its not even about actual wealth, no doubt they squander a lot of what they have; that is why they always want MORE!
Her shed is ever so clean, not a bit like mine with cobwebs and muck and tools all around the place. I mean, who has a sofa and a book-case in their shed. Maybe she had the cleaners in to do a job on it. Her hairdoo is too perfect too though and the make-up. No red snotty runny nose either. Naah, I don't think she had de Covid