Enough of the language of delusion! There are only two genders. You don't decide your sex. And back off the kids!
You can’t change your gender. No amount of mutilation or gender blockers or make-up or wigs will get you there. It’s not possible. You don’t get to decide your gender. You can fantasize all you like about being the opposite sex. You can play dress-up. You can wish with all your heart you were a man or a woman. You can thump your fist and cry out, ‘It’s not fair, I’m stuck in the wrong body’. You can pay a plastic surgeon large sums of money to add and subtract bits and pieces of body parts. You can cut off your penis. You can chop off your breasts. You can slough off a bit of your arm and pretend you’ve got a willy. But you still can’t change your gender. No magical certificate will do it for you. You’re either born male or female. It’s just the way it is. There is no transgender. It’s just make-believe, a delusion, a fantasy. There are only two genders. It’s natural law.
A baby is born and the parents are told it’s either a boy or a girl. Willy or vagina. No Willygina. Unless you’re a natural born hermaphrodite. Very, very rare. You can feign menstrual cramps all you like but without female equipment, it’s just a silly game. You don’t bleed once a month. You’ll never make a baby in your womb. You can’t breastfeed. Unless you’re a woman pretending to be a man. Transgenderism is fakery, meddling with your natural body, pretending to be something you’re not. Fooling no-one, except yourself.
Why are men who like dressing in women’s clothes no longer content to be transvestites or cross-dressers? Or even drag artists? We could handle that. It was fun. A bit of a lark. Seemed rather harmless, at least at the time. Before all that drag queen story time started. Before all that gyrating in front of innocent children began, shoving those inflated bosoms into their little faces, their parents encouraging the little ones to tip these overtly sexual displays, usually reserved for adults, in nightclubs, who like to push the boundaries of acceptability. Once upon a time, that was their business. Now it’s all of our business. We can’t ignore the humping, lascivious panting over the children a second longer.
I interviewed Eddie Izzard once on the showbiz circuit, when I was rather innocent myself. Always found him funny and admirable. He ran 43 marathons in 51 days for goodness sake. He did stand-up in French. I asked him why he doesn’t wear women’s clothes these days (it was 2013, he was going through a more masculine phase). He responded, “Who says they’re women’s clothes? That’s just a societal construct. I wear what I feel like wearing without any gender rules”’.
That struck me. I thought, “Good on him, he is free to wear what he wants. He’s not putting any restrictions on himself and he’s allowing his full creativity to flow”. At no point did I think Izzard was a woman, or even could be a woman. He was clearly a man.
Now the papers describe the comedian as a female. When did Izzard become a woman? It’s not possible. Look at this from The Independent, 23 March 2023:
Eddie Izzard has said that she is “sure” transgender people will make it through this period of “tough times”.
The comedian, who recently announced that she also goes by the name Suzy, spoke out against the notion that there is a real “culture war” taking place over trans issues.
They’re at it in Ireland too. The former paper of record, The Irish Times, described 21 year-old Gabriel Alejandro Gentile as a transgender woman in a recent article. He’s clearly a man, even if he changed his name to Barbie Kardashian by deed poll and looks as plastic as the famous family he’s trying to imitate. Not only is Mr Barbie Kardashian clearly a man, he’s a very dangerous one at that and he’s serving time in the women’s section of Limerick prison because we’re pretending he’s a woman.
The Irish Times article reads:
In 2020, Kardashian was granted a gender recognition certificate by the Department of Social Protection, in recognition of her identifying as female.
The court heard Kardashian is currently on a waiting list to be assessed for “appropriate medical treatment” in relation to her gender.
Her gender? Surely the journalist means his gender? Barbie Kardashian is a biological male. This is absurd. Nonsense. It’s what happens when you give in to political correctness. The truth becomes inverted. You might hurt the dangerous sex offender’s feelings if you don’t pretend he’s a woman. It’s insane.
This is what happens when you try to talk sense to our trans agenda loving so-called leaders.
They short-circuit. They’re not used to questions grounded in reality. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar looks caught between the devil and the deep blue crushed velvet of the panto villain. Tánaiste Micheál Martin just needs some smoke escaping his ears to finish the look. Minister for Children, Roderic O’Gorman, the man who wants to add transgender issues to the school curriculum, seems to zone out to a frequency where such ‘far right’ questions are banned.
Gript’s Ben Scanlon asks:
“In principle, do you believe that violent biological males should be put into women’s prisons?”
“No, I don’t, frankly,” Varadkar replies.
“I know that a similar situation arose in Scotland, and it was necessary to change the law to make sure that women were protected,” he continues.
So what is Mr Kardashian still doing in the female section of Limerick Prison? Does he even belong in the male section? This is a deeply disturbed individual, with 15 previous convictions, who’s suffered abuse as a child. Surely he belongs in a mental health facility? The ‘appropriate medical treatment in relation to her gender’ must surely be a good therapist, not more mutilation, otherwise known as reassignment surgery. This kind of butchery is apparently a ‘trans right’ according to this Newstalk article:
In America, numerous states are moving to restrict the right of trans people to access gender affirming medical care and the British Government recently vetoed an attempt by the Scottish Parliament to simplify how trans people change their legal sex.
Even the usually cheeky tabloids have fallen in line with the mad trans agenda. A sure sign, the plastic, acrylic varnished talons of the ‘diversity’ movement have a pincer grip on the purse strings.
The Irish Mirror reports on the Barbie Kardashian case, “She is considered so volatile that it takes several prison officers to escort her from her cell for the one hour of exercise she gets each day”.
When did we become so daft as a society? What’s going on? Why is The Irish Mirror newspaper describing Barbie Kardashian as a female when we all can see he’s a man?
I remember having Panti Bliss, otherwise known as Rory O’Neill, on the Midday Show on TV3 in February 2014 when I would present the chat show occasionally. The panel and I were curious back then. What would we call him/her/them? We didn’t want to offend him, so we played along. He entertained us. He was this larger than life caricature. It was showbiz after all. What did it matter if he wanted to be called a she/her/they? It seemed inclusive, polite, a sign of how open-minded we could be. Just call him what he wants to be called. Ok, fine.
How things have changed since that TV appearance! The language has abruptly altered. We’re all playing along now, pretending to be inclusive, even if it makes no sense. We’ve been dragged into this make-believe world that imagines you can change your gender with the wave of a magic wand. If you say you’re the opposite sex, then you are. Simple. You can get a cert to prove your delusion. The government will back you up. There are plastic surgeons standing by with puberty blockers and scalpels to confirm your fantasy. You don’t even have to be an adult to make the decision. In fact, better to catch them young. It doesn’t matter if you’re autistic and not in the right frame of mind to decide if you want your body cut to pieces. Let’s ignore the suicide rates in the trans community. On with the show!
We’ve found ourselves in a garish pantomime of melting theatre make-up and over-the-top offence if you dare question the madness. You’re suddenly far-right. Not inclusive enough. Old fashioned. How very dare you get it/their/her//his pronouns wrong! It’s out of control, off the skids, bananas. The spotlight has revealed the cracks, the sinister underbelly, the weird advances towards children.
The drag community needs to speak up. Be yourselves by all means, but back off the kids. If you were born a man, you’re never going to be a woman, try as you might. You can pretend. Nobody cares if you want to pretend. Just don’t ask us to call you a woman. Or a ‘they’. Or an ‘it’. Enough! The pronoun nonsense must stop. We want our language back, one rooted in truth. We can’t lie anymore. It’s gone too far. If you were born a woman and you claim to be a man, kid yourself all you like. You’re still a woman, maybe a butch woman, maybe a manly one, but still a biological female. You’ll never be a man.
Enough of the pretense. Here we draw the line. No more playing along with insanity. Game over.
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Brilliant writing Aisling, you have hit the nail on the head. Thank you for expressing what so many of us our thinking with such eloquence and fire. !!! Keep it up !!!
Good read Aisling. Two Mr. O'Neills, Rory & Luke have done a lot to feck this country up. Luke coming out this week talking bout Japanese scientists working on a way two men can make a baby only adds to the insanity further!