First the Covid hoax, now Immigration, how The Irish Times failed in its duty to protect its readers from harm and report the real story...
The Irish Times has some cheek. This is a paper that misled the Irish public into taking part in a dangerous medical trial that is killing and injuring participants at an alarming rate. It ignored the evidence proving the so-called Covid 19 ‘vaccines’ were far from safe and effective, smeared real experts who warned in advance and pushed on regardless. Now it’s promoting a reckless immigration policy, again endangering lives, while it shuts down debate, hysterically screaming ‘Racist’ or ‘Far Right’ to drown out dissenting voices.
It’s not going to work this time.
The people realise they have been horribly tricked by those they thought they could trust. Not too long ago, The Irish Times was a marker of intelligence, a sign you were well-read, upwardly mobile, engaged, from the right side of the tracks. Not anymore. It has fallen from grace, no longer trustworthy, anti-Irish, irresponsible and downright dangerous. It is not fit to pick up dog poop. It only has itself to blame and it’s gutless journalists who failed in their duty to protect their readership from harm. All those well rounded vowels amounted to nothing in the end, no integrity, no honour, no ethics. And we’re supposed to just sit here and take it like chomps, because The Irish Times tell us? NO. NO. NO.
Kathy Sheridan’s latest headline reads:
Call the far-right what it is, and accept no caveats
The menace to our democracy, replete with lies, distortions, overt racism and online grifting, is real and growing
Sheridan writes,
Robust defence of people seeking protection under Ireland’s international obligations has made it a target for anti-immigrant protesters in traditionally working-class areas
As we have come to expect, the real story is missing. The angle shoved in our faces has nothing to do with what is really happening. The condescending tone, ever present in The Irish Times, remains. That simmering hatred for the working class, who are the only ones smart enough to understand the gravity of the situation. All those ‘well educated’ Irish Times readers are the last to get it, their university degrees and doctorates, useless in the face of this global fraud.
They fell for it for first time with Covid, repeating the pseudo $cience like idiots. How embarrassing. Street smarts have triumphed over third level indoctrination. The university crew actually believed the flu just upped and vanished and the thing with the same symptoms took its place. You know, the thing with a survival rate of 99.7%. Remember how they queued up for the experimental gene therapy. God help us if our most celebrated intellects couldn’t figure it out. Now it would appear, they can’t wrap their heads around the immigration mess, otherwise known as the Kalergi Plan.
The powers that shouldn’t be clearly want to replace us with cultures that have nothing in common with the Irish way and call us racist for daring to point out the dangers of busloads of unvetted, many undocumented, men being plonked near schools and into delicate rural and urban communities. We’re supposed to ignore ‘multi-linguist’ Roderic O’Gorman’s series of tweets from February 2021 inviting EVERYBODY to Ireland. Tweeting in French, Albanian, Arabic, Somali, Urdu and Georgian, the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth put it out there, Ireland is a soft touch. International Protection for all. No questions asked about your past record. Passports unnecessary.
We haven’t even touched on the rise of crime that goes under the radar. We’re now hearing about male gang rape. Only on social media. The Irish Times don’t cover that kind of thing, too racist. And we’re supposed to just pretend this is not happening. Because the paper of record tells us we’re discriminatory or far right. Just Google ‘Murder Ireland’ and tell me we don’t have a big, dirty problem on our hands.
We’ve been officially warned by Sweden, this ‘diversity’ racket ends in mass rape, murder and major social problems. Of course it does. No sell-out Irish Times goon can say otherwise, the facts speak for themselves. It’s just The Irish Times chooses to ignore this angle in favour of its paymaster’s insane policies.
Look at this one from economist David McWilliams, who won a ‘major award’ at the World Economic Forum in 2007 for his contribution to shaping society. Headline reads:
‘Ignore the false stories - the facts show that immigrants make a country richer’
Again, missing the point. On purpose. It’s another shameless attempt to shut down reasonable debate. Aren’t they supposed to be refugees, not economic migrants? What about the illegal angle? Or is that racist to bring up in conversation?
Patrick comments on Telegram:
Figures for week two of January 2023 show less than 2% of these economic migrants are from the Ukraine. Of the top five nationalities, four are North African with Georgia up there as well. The Irish Ambassador from Georgia has confirmed there is no need to flee and in fact they need these young men. They are coming here for the goodies Roderic has promised them in adverts he has posted on social media. They are all economic migrants who are not seeking refuge but are seeking a cushy life and privileges.
We know this is a recipe for disaster. We know we have a rogue government, supported by a rogue media. So don’t be put off by the racist and far right name-calling, straight out of the globalists’ playbook. Its aim is to shut you up. Just like they shut up any alternative voice on Covid, the greatest medical fraud in history. As a result, most of the population has taken part in a deadly trial, the repercussions of which are being swept under the rug. It doesn’t fit the ‘safe and effective’ narrative.
Now it’s immigration, next up Climate Change. Are we going to keep falling for this nonsense?
No we are not. We’re going to get off our knees and unite. Remember this, the media appears more powerful than it actually is. This is a smoke and mirrors game. Think of the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain peddling for his life to keep up the charade. If this was a lost cause, they wouldn’t bother spending millions trying to brainwash those who engage and repeat their silly slogans. It only works as long as they influence public opinion, as it did with the Covid hoax. Who trusts the $cience now? Don’t give them your power. Engage your God given intelligence and protect your boundaries. It’s now or never.
Wow. Another powerful piece👏. Fantastic work.
Did they have far to fall? Not sure any media these days do have far to fall. All the magazines I used to subscribe to, who had substantial intelligent writers and articles, have all fallen to the narrative.