The goal is apparently to eliminate cervical cancer in women and 'people with a cervix' by 2040 but what do you see when you look at this photo op?
If there wasn’t a cunning global depopulation agenda afoot combined with a desperate attempt to obfuscate the excess deaths in the Irish native population since the roll-out of experimental jibby jabs - then this photo on the World Health organisation website might seem innocuous, a bit of light-hearted fun, even.
You would be forgiven for saying: ‘How sweet. Such cute little white babies. The government really does love us despite what the naysayers claim. Look how the kindly Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly wants to take care of the little white babies and eliminate cervical cancer by 2040, even in the boys. Big Dadddy government wants us safe and well. Thank you Minister. Thank you WHO. We’re in expert hands. There’s nothing more to this image so move along now’.
If this is what you see when you look at the above photo, off you go to write a Valentine’s card to the Grand Eliminator himself, Stephen Donnelly. Message can read:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Vaccines help eliminate
And so do you
If you’ve become a little more weary of Minister Donnelly’s ulterior motives, let’s take a closer inspection of the photo through the lens of skepticism.
Why are all the babies white for starters? There’s not an ad in the country, or in Europe for that matter, that’s not mixing races for its WEF/UN social credit score. It’s obligatory. So to see five white babies, all in a row, and Minister Donnelly’s shiny cone head behind the sofa raises eyebrows. What on earth were the PR team thinking? Whose big idea was this to put the word eliminate beside five little white babies for a photo op? The Department of Health brazenly posted the image again on January 22, 2024 on X, (first published Nov 17, 2023) nearly like a mocking ritual, in case we missed it the first time around. The PR team left the comments on, which makes a change and allowed for an honest reaction.
Brian Moran in the comments muses:
Thought you'd use one white baby, one black baby, one Asian baby, one Middle Eastern baby and one Traveller baby just for balance like....
Dublin Comments writes:
Eliminate Irish people by 2040. We know that’s where we’re heading with your migration policies.
Journalist Louise Rosengrave noted:
What a weird photo op. And who came up with the hashtag? “#TogetherTowards Elimination” Eek!
Yes a strange, strange hashtag in a time of depopulation and mass immigration to replace and dilute the native cultures of Europe.
The government press release chirps that Minister Donnelly will achieve his goal to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040 in women and ‘people with a cervix’ with the help of, you guessed it, more jabbing.
The aim is to increase HPV vaccination rates for girls by age 15 from 80% to WHO target of 90% by 2030.
And if there are any serious side-effects from all these injections, don’t worry, the mainstream media has medical experts like Dr Ciara Kelly on hand to shoot down any ‘anti-vaxxers’ and confirm the HPV injections are indeed ‘safe and effective’ just like those Covid jabs, that aren’t killing and injuring people in huge numbers. Here’s the Grand Eliminator in October 2023 pretending to Gript’s Ben Scallon that he doesn’t know about Ireland’s shocking excess deaths issue since the roll-out of the experimental Covid-19 fake vaccines:
Open gaslighting. No shame. No remorse.
On with the show.
As long as the Irish keep ignoring the death count, like their McKinsey trained political representative, then there’s no problem.
It’s just a conspiracy theory.
Now who’s next for their shot?
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At least we can't say 'they' didn't tell us!
The innocent babies on the sofa, beautiful ❤️ God protect them, from the dangerous Wolf lurking in the back ground..