Tony Blair and Klaus Schwab have infiltrated our schools - what are we going to do about it?
The globalists have the money and the means to 'educate' young minds. They have a plan. Do we?
The World Economic Forum wants to ‘educate’ our children. Klaus and the gang call it the Reskilling Revolution. They want you to ‘get involved’. The WEF website makes the bold claim they’re ‘preparing one billion people for tomorrow’s economy’. It sounds harmless. It always does. A fembot voice lays it out in the blandest possible fashion:
The future, according to the WEF’s dystopian vision, has artificial intelligence leading the way. The minions will have to ‘upskill’ or fall by the wayside. AI says so. The thing they called Covid-19 signalled the dawn of a new era, the Great Reset, mocked as a conspiracy theory, until it wasn’t.
Tony Blair is involved, of course. And a Dublin fella by the name of David Connolly who used to work for the World Economic Forum and is now heading up an initiative called HundrED.
The website is predictably vague. Connolly sets out his stall:
I work for HundrED because I believe that K-12 education has a resourcing challenge that I can play a small part in solving.
My time at the World Economic Forum has taught me that the challenges our society faces are increasingly interconnected and incredibly complex to solve.
Here’s the Tony Blair bit proudly on display on the HundrED website:
Generation Global is the Tony Blair Institute’s education programme for young people ages 13 to 17 that enables them to embrace the future, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become active, global, and open-minded citizens. Since 2009, the programme has supported over 570,000 young people and trained over 15,000 teachers from more than 30 countries.
Here is Blair explaining how our young can become ‘global citizens in a world that’s coming ever closer together’:
How many Irish teachers have signed up to this programme? Is it transparent? Are parents told the teachers have been specially ‘trained’? What exactly are they promoting? Why is anyone taking advice from an utterly disgraced former British Prime Minister who attacked Iraq under false pretences? There were no weapons of mass destruction. It was all for nothing, except plundering resources. What about the thousands of dead Iraqi children? Blair has innocent blood on his hands and he wants to educate your children with blood money. Are we to stand idly by and whistle Dixie, pretend we don’t know? Is it too uncomfortable? Too negative? Might it turn you off your dinner?
In an Irish Times interview from January 22, 2018, David Connolly outlines his former role at the WEF:
Today, I manage the relationship between the Forum and a portfolio of global digital communication companies who have a long term partnership with the institution and engage in our initiatives.
Who was Connolly engaging with exactly? The language is robotic, hard to pin down. Strange. Non-committal.
Over on the World Economic Forum’s website we get an insight into how the global ‘education’ operation works. It’s chilling.
At the heart of the initiative is a longstanding commitment from over 64 CEOs who understand how a skilled and motivated workforce will provide benefits for all stakeholders and the planet.
By working together with a growing network of 32 committed ministers in 16 countries, the Reskilling Revolution has mobilized a multistakeholder community of over 350 organizations. Founding members include: The Adecco Group, Coursera, Dubai Cares, The Education Commission, the Government of France, iamtheCODE, Infosys, The Lego Foundation, LinkedIn, ManpowerGroup, PwC, Salesforce and UNICEF.
Stakeholders. There’s a word for you. How much money is exchanging hands here? It’s never been more important for parents to keep a watchful eye on education policies. What’s going on in the classroom? We see how schools are suddenly pushing the trans agenda and graphic sex education on susceptible young minds? Apparently you can choose your sex. The new doctrine teaches children it doesn’t matter if you were born a boy, you can choose to be a girl and vice versa - all it takes are a few puberty blockers and some creative plastic surgery. You’re a transphobe if you disagree. The Pride flag has been hoisted across the land. The players have exposed themselves. We know who they are now. That’s a good thing. We’re better off knowing.
It’s up to parents to do their homework. Study like we’ve never studied before. This is the ultimate test. Nothing to do with academic ability and everything to do with moral fortitude. What kind of ‘education’ do we want for our precious children? We must identify the schools and teachers who have signed up for these so-called initiatives and ask ourselves if we’re on board too. We must find out how much ‘sponsorship’ money has gone into these projects. Who’s been bought, in other words. What kind of Reskilling Revolution do we really want? One that involves our children hooked up to computers, dictated to by AI? Or one that involves learning to grow food, to clean water, to create workable communities, to critically question absurd governmental/NGO policies? It’s up to us.
We’ve just witnessed the most ‘educated’ in our society fail the idiot test. The Covid scam revealed a university class utterly lacking in common sense and ethics. This has to change and fast. Acknowledging where things have gone so brutally wrong will be the first step, then decisive action. We must act swiftly and with authority to turn this around. Let Truth be our guide, not money. We owe it to our children to protect them and to hand down a future where they are free to speak their minds, where they have the right to decline medical experiments and where they can eventually start a family where their children can play freely, safe from degenerates and perverts, plastic surgeons and war criminals.
It’s the least we can do.
Up we must step.
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Penetrated the schools is how Schwab would say it. He likes to emphasize that word. 'Ve have PENETRATED the gvrnmnt like with young Justin Tredeau!' He uses that word enthusiastically. 🙄
What a freakin duo--a psychopathic warmonger and a raging corporate transhumanist fascist. What could go wrong?
When the intelligent are told they may no longer leave the country to go to far more capitalist leaning countries that don't push this crap because life there is far better for them and their children that is when the people wake up and the real reversals for the WEF begin..
They are pushing communism by any other name and communism ensures that everyone, including the Blairs and Schwabs of this world will get poorer.
A US iron curtain has gone up all across Europe. Those North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation weapons in Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, what is left of the Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Sweden, Norway etc etc are there to keep you in this failing system not keep the Russians or anyone else out.