The highly toxic drug remains on the HSE list of protocols for treating Covid patients despite shocking test results from sepsis to acute kidney injuries
So there it is in writing. Proof of the use of the highly toxic drug Remdesivir on the Health Service Executive’s Guide for what drugs to administer to so-called Covid-19 patients. No wonder people are dying ‘from Covid, with Covid’. Or whatever you want to call the cause of death. This thing is lethal. It shouldn’t be on any list of protocols, unless you want multiple organ failure or sepsis or kidney damage. Hasn’t anyone in the HSE paid heed to Dr Bryan Ardis research highlighting the dangers of this drug?
For the past two years, Dr Ardis has warned that Remdesivir is deadly and should not be used to treat what has become known as Covid-19. He pointed to an African study where the drug had been used to treat Ebola with shocking results - a mortality rate of 53.1%.
He cited an article titled “Why Remdesivir Failed: Preclinical Assumptions Overestimate the Efficacy of Remdesivir for COVID-19 and Ebola,” in which the American Society for Microbiology said that the models pushed forward “overpredict[ed] efficacy and minimize[d] toxicity of remdesivir in humans.”
How can this drug still be featured on the HSE protocol list for Covid patients? We’ve been screaming about this nonstop for two years. And yet there it is, mentioned twice no less. Are the doctors and nurses still ‘just following orders’ from the notorious Dr Fauci? Here he is talking to TV host Savannah Guthrie on the Today show MSMBC from two years ago, stating plainly it was for emergency use, giving a veiled warning it’s not the solution.
It’s an idiotic exchange considering all we know now and once again highlights how the mainstream media twists a story to suit the narrative. If you listen very carefully, he’s telling us, there are risks involved, he’s just not making them clear.
This toxic drug must immediately be withdrawn from use. Doctors and nurses please do not comply with dangerous and ridiculous rules. Family members of patients in hospital, be extra vigilant and insist alternatives are used instead of this killer. Question everything, including doctor’s orders.
It's it any wonder people in Africa run the WHO out of their villages and try to kill them? I have new found respect for these people. The WHO and Gates and all Soros's nasty little "NGOs" have been murdering people there for decades ...... And usually getting away with it.
Question everything, especially doctors orders.