Wow. Just wow.

“The Tavistock clinic ignored evidence that 97.5 per cent of children seeking sex changes had autism, depression or other problems that might have explained their unhappiness, a new book claims.”

They’re working on proving the connection between vaccines and autism. So it all comes back to big pharma. Disgusting.

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It's absolutely shocking. The worst part is the utter lack of concern by the wider public, again sleepwalking into dangerous public policy without proper discourse. The mainstream media are obviously captured so all we can expect there are puff pieces about 'diversity and inclusiveness'.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Aisling this 39 min documentary has just been published titled “who is behind the trans agenda”.

I would recommend everyone to watch it.


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Thank you Ann. Yes, going to watch this today. Thanks for sending it my way.

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No problem, the new Social Personal Health Education (SPHE) is being introduced into Irish schools at the moment thanks to NCCA following top down orders from the UNESCO education template. This programme is also called Social Emotional Learning in the UK, Australia, and the US and is having detrimental affects on the children’s minds.

I recommend every concerned parent & teacher worried about the students to read the below post and watch all the videos and read all the links included to understand the nefarious agenda at play. My heart is broke with what they are doing to the children and teenagers and it requires urgent attention and exposure here in Ireland.


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No such thing as a ‘ trans ‘ child . Or adult . Its a corporate medical lie . It reifies sex stereotype in ways we havent seen since the 1950’s. It is inherently homophobic and sexist. Many parents that adhere to this incoherent quasi- religious belief system exhibit narcissisitic traits . Its also a very white middle class ‘ pursuit ‘ .

Id recommend reading the staggering Prof . Cass Interim report on the shuttering of the Tavistock Clinic UK . Or the even darker evidence in the analysis in Hannah Barnes new book ‘ Time To Think ‘.

(The incidence of being a sexual abuser is 10 times higher than the average parent ….in those parents that present at ‘ gender clinics ‘ with a child . Which is a shocking finding . )

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These poor children. What kind of a medical 'professional' would butcher them with reassignment surgeries? I was looking at images last night of these surgeries and they're devastating. If only people would cop on and pay attention. They're more concerned about a story-line on Coronation Street than protecting our young and innocent. Sad times.

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The NSPCC's own figures showed back in the late 90's that women were the abusers of children in over 80% of cases and yet you would never know that looking at their TV adverts. The NSPCC have misled the public to look the other way when they see a mother turning up at one of these clinics to have her child abused by them. It is simply the latest form of child abuse fad for these people.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Take one look at how Klaus Schwab dresses down at the beach if you want to see where this evil is coming from. Who cares how he wants to dress himself but clearly this is being pushed from the top and that is just as wrong as anything else being pushed from the top that these people complained about for the last 100 plus years when they were the ones being oppressed by those that had the power in society then. As "Posie Parker" herself said, "if this carries on we are going to see people come to power to correct this that wemight not like to see coming to power". But as I see it nothing could be worse than this ongoing abuse of innocent children by those that are supposed to be protecting them and if that means putting the bullies back in the box so be it.

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Absolutely John - these weirdos running the show have a dark, sinister agenda. It's a horror show. Most people can't see past their high positions and expensive suits.

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