Architect Dermot Bannon's pulmonary embolism - was it linked to the Covid-19 vaccine?
Why omit the proven connection in his extensive Sunday Independent interview with journalist Barry Egan?
Ireland’s most famous architect, Dermot Bannon, graces the cover of People & Culture pull-out section of The Sunday Independent (Dec 29, 2024) to talk about his recovery from a pulmonary embolism. Last summer, on a family holiday to Portugal, Bannon felt wiped out after spending the day at a water park with his teenage sons, James and Tom, just three days into the break. Initially an X-ray indicated a lung infection brought on, he assumed, from a recent bout of Covid.
The cover image is striking. Photographer Mark Condren has captured the sun breaking through the clouds creating a halo effect on the 52-year-old father-of-three, who appears serene, the sea glistening gold on grey in the backdrop. The silhouette of a freighter ship sets sail under the headline: Finding the light, How Dermot Bannon turned his tough year into a new lease of life. The article reads:
Back in Dublin a week later, the pain returned at 4am. At his health insurer’s clinic the next day, doctors suspected something more sinister than a lung infection. A blood test indicated a chance of clotting. And a subsequent CT scan showed a pulmonary embolism, a “blood clot that came from my leg, had worked its way up, was in my lungs, in both lungs,” he says.
There’s no mention in the four page spread of whether or not Dermot Bannon chose to enter the Covid-19 vaccine trial that lists blood clots among its many side-effects. Journalist Barry Egan is an accomplished writer and interviewer. This is a deliberate omission. The Sunday Independent accepted Covid funds to promote the experimental injections, overlooking the risks and denigrating those who spoke out against the dangers of the novel ‘vaccines’.
Dermot Bannon’s talent agency is NK Management which saw profits more than double in 2022. Boss Noel Kelly found himself before an Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee in July 2023 alongside Ireland’s then highest paid broadcaster Ryan Tubridy over a secret payments scandal. Tubridy had used his platform to convince the Irish public there was a pandemic (despite evidence to the contrary) and that they needed a liability free injection with no long term studies, released to the public, at least. Most of Kelly’s ‘stable of stars’ promoted the injections and played along with the fake pandemic. They also saw their profits soar.
Dermot Bannon appeared on RTÉ’s Late Late Show in October 2020:
“There’s relatives and friends of my parents who have been sick and tragically died. My brother was okay but other people weren’t. It’s devastating like,” he said.
It seems Bannon stopped short of convincing his fans to roll up their sleeves and enter a risky medical trial for a mystery virus with the same outcome of the flu, which had somehow disappeared, we were told. There were no excess deaths in 2020 in Ireland, the year of the supposed pandemic, just a spike in April 2020 when nursing home residents were put on end-of-life drugs while their loved ones were turned away.
The increase in mortality only came after the injections but the Sunday Independent obfuscates this detail, along with the rest of the complicit mainstream media. The Irish Times has gone so far as to buy, Ireland’s real time data barometer. They’re now charging funeral directors €100 for death notices which used to be free. That’s one way of covering up the alarming rate of excess deaths since the rollout of the injections their journalists so enthusiastically promoted, encouraging their readers to ‘trust the science’ and ignore those crazy conspiracy theorists.
Dermot Bannon is now on blood thinners for life. He’s lucky to be alive. The health scare has changed his outlook. He’s going to start saying no more. This is good. No is the magic word.
If only everyone had said no to the trial injections, we’d be in a stronger position now, instead of this pretence where we don’t mention the side-effects of the fake vaccines. There’s a collective silence in the face of so many died suddenlys and unexpectedlys. The sham continues.
Was Dermot Bannon’s pulmonary embolism connected to the Covid-19 vaccine? Possibly. He needs to tell us what he was injected with first, if anything. That’s only fair considering he’s being so forthright about his condition. We can’t discount the connection considering the body of evidence linking the injections to blood clots. Funeral director John O’Looney has the proof in test tubes for those who care to look at what embalmers are pulling out of the dead. Pathologist Dr Arne Burkhardt warned us about the clotting problem, with his 40 years experience, before his untimely death in May 2023. Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi showed us by drawing diagrams of how the injections damage arteries before standing trial in Germany for incitement of the people. He was acquitted of all accusations.
The evidence is there. It’s just ignored or demeaned. It’s easier that way for those who played along with the show. Denial. Pretend it’s not happening and it might go away.
The Sunday Independent article has a strange air about it - the message is to make the most of your life because it might end abruptly. This is rich coming from the newspaper that encouraged its readership to enter a medical trial for no apparent reason while ignoring the long list of side-effects.
May we learn our lesson for this story for 2025:
Say NO more, especially to liability free medical trials with no long term studies released to the public.
Admit there’s an excess death problem since the rollout of the Covid-19 injections and that the complicit mainstream media are covering it up and gaslighting their audience.
Admit there was no pandemic.
Admit our elderly were culled using end-of-life drugs in nursing homes.
Admit ventilators caused more harm than good.
It’s way past the hour. Dermot Bannon has been given a second chance at life. May he put it to good use.
No more pretence. It’s time to get real. There’s not a second to lose.
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The great Covid cull of humanity is killing the prideful, stubborn, stupid, fearful, foolish. I’m not saying this is a good thing, I’m just saying you can’t save a man from the sins he worships.
Most people will not discuss their mistake but they won't be so keen the next time they are told the same lies. Yes the most sheepish will probably pretend to go along but they are unlikely to willingly roll up their sleeves next time round. More will just ignore the man on the telly.
The powers that wish to control the world have shot their bolt and missed. They only succeeded in waking up too many that were happy to be asleep. The trust is gone. You can see it all around you. Fool me once........