The great Covid cull of humanity is killing the prideful, stubborn, stupid, fearful, foolish. I’m not saying this is a good thing, I’m just saying you can’t save a man from the sins he worships.

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Most people will not discuss their mistake but they won't be so keen the next time they are told the same lies. Yes the most sheepish will probably pretend to go along but they are unlikely to willingly roll up their sleeves next time round. More will just ignore the man on the telly.

The powers that wish to control the world have shot their bolt and missed. They only succeeded in waking up too many that were happy to be asleep. The trust is gone. You can see it all around you. Fool me once........

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"They" (the devils minion's) no longer need the injection method for culling, they are now onto another method. That being the chem trailing of the sky's, which has been geared up since the Covid rollout has run its course. So many fail to notice what's happening (lack of direct sunlight and contamination of the air we breath) above them in the sky (all walking the pavements looking down at their phones). When brought to their attention, the response is dumbness like zombies.

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Chem trailing is same as before, there is no increase except in people noticing them.

The Devil is fictional construct , it has no minions.

Zombies are epidemic, you are correct to be concerned but do not worry, just put down small tray of mince or dog food & they will be distracted while you can escape.

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Well put Martin.

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They want you to know, so you feel impotent & miserable, then Assling & co rub salt into your wounds by going on & on & on about it as their 'job'.

It is a family power game & they have the biggest gang, so tuff luck, you're fucked if you fight too hard. Sometimes doing nothing is best tactic.

People need to seriously revaluate how they live their lives & what is feasible in this time of great tests & travail. I do not see any genuine community spirit in UK for example, just petty envy & little crevices of arrogance & conceit.

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RTE still promoting the needlecraft ...soothing V/O suggesting that folk get flu & covid shots sharpish; haven't read the Bannon interview (must I?) but yr right if Barry E didn't bring up the subject (given John O'Looney's work) well 'shome mishtake here shurely' as Lunchtime O'Booze of Private Eye fame was wont to remark. Anyhow who cares when here in the West and for the past many MONTHS there is NO Sun to speak of. I relocated to Cleggan more than 20 years back Aisling and can tell you our weather is being manipulated. Butterflies almost gone, insects too & trying to grow veggies this year a disaster.

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Interesting comment, what did Private eye do to combat clot shot mania?

Also is that where Murky Anus Spring BBC DisInfo Bitchling did work placement?

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It is the greatest crime in history a population cull like never before only reason it was allowed happen was the scummy mainstream media and there fearporn

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Black Death , Spanish Flu ?

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Dec 31Edited

There is Rancourt's take that should maybe be given consideration, it goes that the deaths caused by the gene therapy shite were incidental ( and also not the main cause of excess deaths although contributing ) to the over-arching goal.

Rather the target was increased control not only through coerced medical intervention but its ancillary features, for example the forcing of other coercive measures. After all if you get people to give up their bodily autonomy, or gain some acceptance for this, what does that say about the people that allow it? It's domination....at a stage were you can do this unopposed, well what can't you do to them, and all in the name of public health?

It's a compelling argument that the instigators didn't really care about the level of death, at least initially, because he points out historically people get killed in all sorts of ways by controlling forces, it's not new but in our lifetimes the veil has lifted somewhat.

His video on substack outlines this at length, must check out the interview with him on this channel.

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Dermot doesn't bite the hand Versus Dermot is just another clueless swinging dick

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I would have expected "Dermot" to have been forewarned (like the insiders, politicians, senior medics, broadcasters etc. ) not to take the poison. It looks like he was on the fringes of "those in the know"

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The photo is overdoing it I think! Is he an angel??

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I continue to be harassed by HSE texts to get the jab; and they have now added the flu vaccine. I originally replied to texts saying I was not interested and to stop texting me - they continued; now the texts are un-replyable!!! I am 80...

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You have all missed what the 'pandemic' really was here I think.

It was electro-magnetic sickness induced by combination of factors (fear, stress, anxiety) & catalyst is 5G emissions making environmental soup of dirty electricity & plasma decay/unsettlement. So there was a pandemic, just not a viral one of tiny particulates.

The clot shot maiming is also enhanced by EMF jiggling as we are all EMF bio-machines in simple 'scientific' view.

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