Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Excellent work as always, Aisling. Sure sounds like they have hell on earth all planned and waiting for us, just on up the road. The good news, however, is that the only new thing I feel stirring in my DNA is not microchips or nanotechnology, but rather the reactivation of something ancient, passed down to me through the genes of my ancestors. For two generations perhaps, this "Gene R " has lain dormant, only now to begin its reawakening once more. It is that old Irish imperative to Rebel, to Resist tyranny, to Revolt against the revolting. I know I am not alone. We Irish are nothing, if not a nation of freedom seekers after all. It is our history, our destiny and our calling. I'm sure it was not their intention, but Klaus, and all the boys and girls of the world economic forum. their fellow schemers and lackeys everywhere, have given my life new meaning and purpose. To be honest, life was starting to feel a little bit stale and boring there for a while, but not any more. Life is precious. Let's live it.

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That's the spirit Michael. Let's get that Gene R rockin' and rollin' for 2024! These lads are only operating on smoke and mirrors. We just need to withdraw our consent en masse and pray!

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Sounds like a plan to me Aisling, I'm with you.

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Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Excellent analysis and reporting, Aisling! Crazy stuff for crazy times.

All of O'Neill's book is disturbing, even the object (protozoa? ameoba?) resembling a penis, protruding from the man's crotch in the illustration (pictured in the 2nd photo in your article). Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I couldn't help but notice, lol.

Thanks for your most-excellent Stack!

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Yes well spotted Katherine. Ick! Who knows for sure? Looks deliberate from where I'm standing. The worst I've ever witnessed were the sick illustrations on Russell Brand's children's book The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Every page was laden with gross imagery. I'm obsessed with studying children's books for clues. Lots hidden in plain sight for us to detect.

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Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Ick is right!

Aisling, I had NO idea about Russell Brand's book. I will look. BTW, I'm hoping there aren't more disturbing illustrations, however subtle, in O'Neill's "masterpiece," but I'll be on the lookout.

I love your stack; thanks for your writing.

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Thank you Katherine. I don't understand why this wasn't picked apart when the book came out a decade ago. Just shows you. Certain topics are given a free pass. https://aislingoloughlin.substack.com/p/in-plain-sight-russell-brands-pied?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Excellent! An about to read your essay on Brand's book right now!

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ditto, 'health porn', I guess....eeeoouuuuww, eh?

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"Health porn"?! LMAO! :)

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Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

I do not think that AI will ever even come close to replacing humans, simply because the amount of upkeep to keep such robots going is entirely dependant on humans. This fact is not written in to their hive mind, for obvious reasons. Think about what would happen to your car once you or your mechanic are not there to keep it running, it will simply stop. AI can't repair itself.

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I think a lot of the AI blather is just an excuse for depopulation for these madzers. We're constantly told how insignificant we are, how replaceable we are, how thick we are by these 'experts'. We're supposed to believe we're an accidental speck of dust in an ever expanding universe. So many lies to unpick.

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It’s also an attempt at predictive programming, just like the telly has been doing for decades, plus the constant running down of the glory and magic that it is to be a human being celebrating life.

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Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Really interesting, something I hadn't previously considered: "AI can't repair itself.:

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Any AI powerful enough to take over the world necessarily suffers from accelerated entropy due to the very nature of how it does what it does - it will go crazy before it can do very much!

It's like trying to design a Rube Goldberg contraption which rebuilds itself faster than it collapses, which is turning out to be one of those mathematical Hard Problems. Somehow the brain achieves this, at least partially, though the number of blithering wack-a-doodles in the world is testimony that this is a Hard Problem!'

So the lunatics will be scrambling to keep the AI in some semblance of sanity until it can achieve their nefarious goals. Imagine a gang of Nazi clowns in a frenzy to reach their destination before their clown-car falls apart! No wonder they are pushing so hard!

Popcorn time!

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Throgmorton, I love your writing. Very thought-provoking. This is especially delightful:

"Imagine a gang of Nazi clowns in a frenzy to reach their destination before their clown-car falls apart!"

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To me it’s almost like if TPTB can get us to believe in their transhuman, geo-engineered reality maybe it can happen. Get lost idiots, oh they already are.

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It is the Marxist/Hegelian notion of 'inversion of praxis,' which holds that if you force people to accept your ideological dogmas, then reality will eventually be forced to conform to your unreality. It has its origins in the Hermeticist doctrine 'as above, so below,' which shows that we are really in the thrall of a religious cult whose actions are best interpreted as secular magic.

Edit: I see that you have already referred to this as predictive programming. We are on the same page.

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Yes indeed though there is much in Hermeticisim that i find interesting. BTW, bit personal but, love your handle Throgmorton, reminiscent of bygone times.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

"NASA has lost all the telemetry data from the alleged moon landing from 1969. Whoopsies."

They lost no telemetry from the Apollo missions. Telemetry is bespoke and something you make up on the fly during space flight. You can't lose something that can be calculated with a slide rule and pen and paper. Which is what was used by the astronauts in the Command Module during Lunar transit to make corrections as required. Even if they had the Apollo telemety hardcopy it would be useless as it would only apply to these specific missions and be useless for anything else.

Otherwise I agree with your analysis of this clown.

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The conversation is always interesting with you Thomas and I welcome your take, even if we differ on this subject. It would be boring if we agreed on everything in fairness.

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It's refreshing to see someone who recognises the rest of the BS but at the same time the genuine achievement of the moon landings.

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Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The nutty professor. He even looks like a maniac! Great article Aisling.

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Hard to believe he's still swanning around like he's done nothing wrong. Just saw there he's got another book out! Give me strength!

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Jan 7Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Thanks Ashling 🙏🙏

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What a disgusting entity he is! There were a good few of these types in the Jesuit school I went to...always had their homework done and their jokes were crap. And the spies' heads on them! (lots of good people in school, also!)

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

It's like sinister and banal rolled into a cognitive dissonance bundle of chaos you recoil from.

Horror show, Children beware

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Holy mother I had hoped he’d been hoist by his own petard. When i first saw him pushing masks during the Plan, I was stunned, he sounded like he was selling Barry’s tea, ‘sure why wouldn’t ya’ kind of thing. Actual scientists saying masks no. Then I discovered he was about to make squillions out of a new company and bingo there it is. I raised this with a couple of people and was accused of nay saying someone doing well. FFS, people are completely gone, the cognitive dissonance seems to be producing serious retardation in making connections. He is dangerous, abusing a position of trust and actively doing harm, I consider that evil. Alongside those promoting him btw. I don’t believe in hell but he ought to be roasted for a long time.

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The blatant symbolism in that picture " should we get vaccinated"-

The tough guy is obviously a threat!

The red carpet and the temporary bollards roping off the window ( outdoors)?

The green snake thing going into or coming out of the thug's sharp triangle groin?

The pink thing reminds me of a human cell contents.

These people are sick... 'Live by the needle, die by the needle.'

Why is need in needle?

Needle entomology 😂-

A sharp bargain in deed.

Goading is a requirement- ever seen a kid ' want' a needle stuck in them?


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I say we don't let a "good crisis" go to waste by arresting the World Enslavement Forum elite and placing them in a prison for the criminally insane in western Antartica. Above the entrance gate we could place a sign that read " You will own nothing and be happy ". Their imprisonment would be accompanied by AI surveillance, digital identification, microchipping or nanotechnology to provide them with security from the unruly members of the WEF elite. For entertainment, they could buy properties and resell them to each other in the Metaverse. For their additional enjoyment, fresh cockroaches would be grown and served daily. Daily exercise would hopefully include 15 minutes under a solar lamp OR 15 minutes of wind generated by a turbine or electric battery in the -70 degree temperatures. We would monitor them to see if living under such circumstances made them happier and report the results back to them on a quarterly basis.

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Excellent article! That gimp O’Neill certainly is a wrong’un. You can see the deviance in his face.

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The most toxic thing that these sick weirdos do is to convince children that human beings are nothing more than jumbles of jiggling molecules and that reality is meaningless and purposeless.

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Great revisit.

These psychopaths have been hiding their plans in plain sight for millennia, they represent the ultimate of the pathetic idiocrats.

Such shit faced pathetic bullies that when I came across their plans, decades ago, I couldn't believe it, and prayed others would wake up too and instead focused on designing new self development tools since the 80s.

Never discount the power of your mind, the universe will conspire to support you, wether your mind is all mixed up and set like concrete, or not.

First comment on substack, and about to upload ep 1 of my new Fallacy and Idiocracy podcast with Neil Young's brother Bob Young's new book Mind Golf - the Troubled Mind of Moe Norman.

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Might be an aside. I used to play video games. I've started playing them again. I picked up a game called Starfield, primarily because I loved the company's (Bethesda) previous games- they were called Fallout, all based in a post apocalyptic world, nuclear war. Netflix, might be Prime Video, are releasing a series this year based on the Fallout games. Large part of the game play is surviving by collecting basic things like tin cans and so on. Back to Starfield. The game is based on space exploration and combat but follows the Fallout model. Everything to eat in the game is synthetic or bug based. Woke ideology about the meaning of life runs through it.

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Air NZ flew commercial flights to the Antarctic. It stopped when one of them flew into Mt Erebus in 1979


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