David Icke takes on the Covid virus gatekeepers on X
How much longer will he be allowed to spoil the propaganda?
Some interesting developments on X worth noting surrounding David Icke’s presence on the ‘free speech’ platform. Let’s start with a post from an account called AndyAve which highlighted that well placed gatekeepers ‘are trying to tell everyone that virus existence isn’t important’. Well observed, there’s a concerted effort to pretend there really was a virus called Covid that made lots of people sick in 2020, which would mean those lockdowns were necessary, as well as the masks and the fraudulent tests leading to the trial injections. The evidence proves there was no virus. ‘Nothing was spreading,’ as Professor Denis Rancourt put it succinctly on this Substack in January 2024.
There was no pandemic and there was no lab leak. It was nothing but well financed hysteria and malfeasance combined with delayed treatment and killer protocols for flus and other illnesses. It was one big scam.
Fair play to David Icke for battling hard on X. It’s amazing he hasn’t been banished yet. If anyone is testing Elon Musk’s free speech promise, it’s Icke. He’s too big to ban. Icke is ruining the propaganda and it is highly amusing. Here he is going head to head with Neil Oliver, a national treasure! For all his excellent scripted monologues, Neil Oliver has been positioned on GB News for this very reason, as a gatekeeper. He’ll only go so far then direct his audience a certain route, like pretending it doesn’t matter if Covid existed or not. Icke puts him right.
Paolo Di Cuntio (whoever that is) also makes an interesting point about the next fake pandemic. Let’s not forget Neil Oliver’s role in the first one. Fool me once and all that.
Polymath (but not that smart) Richard Fleming piled in for a bit of mix and match, half truths and half lies. Blaming Icke for the emotional harm caused to families for the lie that was Covid is a conning move. We know those who died ‘with Covid’ were used to pretend there was a pandemic and to frighten the public into eventually rolling up their sleeves. Most of the time, the victims were put on inappropriate protocols that killed them, deliberately, like ventilators, end-of-life drugs including midazolam along with remdesivir and DNRs. We’ve got the receipts. Their families probably believe it was Covid that killed them but that’s not the case.
Also many of those unfortunate ‘Covid’ patients were refused antibiotics until it was too late and were neglected by their GPs, on purpose. The tests to prove they had Covid were fraudulent, again on purpose. Followed by no autopsies and closed coffins. Cremated. All evidence destroyed. That’s not to mention the financial incentives involved for those who did the dirty work and sold their souls.
That’s where the focus must remain. Incorporating Alex Jones getting it wrong on Sandy Hook has got nothing to do with Icke getting it right on the Covid scam but Fleming is being devious here. He’s playing games. This is why proof matters.
Filmmaker and architect Robin Monotti joined in claiming he was ‘living proof’ of a novel Covid virus because he got a chest infection and was put on antibiotics. Lucky him - he could have ended up on a ventilator like so many who were refused early treatment and marked as another Covid death, for profit.
Monotti’s bout of seasonal illness is proof of nothing but then again he also promotes space fantasy so we’ve got to pick and choose his best bits and proceed with caution. He’s in that position for a reason, to manage public perception. As much as he seems sincere, that doesn’t make him right and the objective Truth is all that matters here.
The flu didn’t just up and vanish because people were over-washing their hands. Coronaviruses (if we want to call them that) come in many different forms, maybe there was a new iteration to expel from the body. Or maybe it’s just a seasonal detox. Perhaps those 5G towers were making people feel extra queasy. Who knows for sure? The fact remains Covid was in the same category as the flu which we’re supposed to believe disappeared for bit while its doppelgänger came to town.
There was no pandemic because there were no excess deaths for the ‘pandemic’ year. The peak in April 2020 is directly linked to the cull in Irish nursing homes and across the world. Those old people didn’t die ‘with Covid’. That was a lie. They received a death sentence.
The consistent excess deaths only started after the rollout of the injections. Again this is where we focus.
Monotti and Fleming are attempting to guilt-trip Icke by using words like gaslighting and emotional distress. It’s hardly David Icke’s fault people suffered. He blew the whistle on the scam as loud as he could at the right time, not when it was all over.
The spotlight must remain on the greedy doctors, scientists, journalists and politicians who took the blood money to play along with a fake pandemic and endanger innocent lives by their treachery. It’s important we get this right.
Good man David Icke for his warrior spirit. How much longer will he be allowed to stay on X especially when he continually interrupts Elon Musk’s programming? It’s hard to say. His presence on the platform is most certainly a hindrance to the new regime. He’s refusing to play along and his breadth of knowledge means people sit up and listen when he speaks, whether they agree or not.
Icke is a one man power house. He’s got the measure of Russell Brand and Alex Jones and Donald Trump and Elon Musk. As long as he’s on X with his 687.8k followers (all earned for real) their messaging is less powerful. This is an issue for the Trump administration and certainly one to monitor.
What to do with an Icke shaped problem?
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Nice round-up Aisling. I watched this to'ing and fro'ing with interest too. The fact that Neil Oliver didn't take the bait and enter into a debate with Icke says a lot. I tend to agree that Neil is, as you say, a gatekeeper (or Limited Hangout) for GBNews. I thought as much when Mark Stein was ousted but Oliver stayed-put. Re. Robin Monotti, he's a big vaccine theory fan-boy. Very disappointing. And even on Syria he's gone a bit strange (along with Oliver) by arguing that it's a war on Christianity (rather than yet another NATO-funded proxy war). But Icke, by being his own man, and being consistent, is currently winning the X-wars.
Hi Aisling,
This is, indeed, a very important topic. I won't even call it a debate, because the actual science is clear. Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey are medical doctors, who along with Dr Tom Cowan, Mike Stone and others, have been exposing the flaws in in the virus hypothesis. It isn't even a theory, as they never demonstrated the existence or transmission of these alleged causes of 'disease'.
Dr Mark Bailey published 'A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)' in September 2022. it has been accessed/downloaded by 281,364 people, and not one person yet, has demonstrated any of the thesis to be false. It is available in 6 languages, and a valuable resource to those that want to see the scientific evidence.
Dr Sam Bailey has many videos that explain the pseudo-science of virology in 'plain speak' so anyone can understand.