Nice round-up Aisling. I watched this to'ing and fro'ing with interest too. The fact that Neil Oliver didn't take the bait and enter into a debate with Icke says a lot. I tend to agree that Neil is, as you say, a gatekeeper (or Limited Hangout) for GBNews. I thought as much when Mark Stein was ousted but Oliver stayed-put. Re. Robin Monotti, he's a big vaccine theory fan-boy. Very disappointing. And even on Syria he's gone a bit strange (along with Oliver) by arguing that it's a war on Christianity (rather than yet another NATO-funded proxy war). But Icke, by being his own man, and being consistent, is currently winning the X-wars.
It's so revealing to watch Jeff. Better to be aware of the players and their agendas. Fleming likes to think of himself as a genius. You can see the network taking shape to become the new alternative/mainstream. Icke is proving a big free speech problem for Musk.
This is, indeed, a very important topic. I won't even call it a debate, because the actual science is clear. Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey are medical doctors, who along with Dr Tom Cowan, Mike Stone and others, have been exposing the flaws in in the virus hypothesis. It isn't even a theory, as they never demonstrated the existence or transmission of these alleged causes of 'disease'.
Dr Mark Bailey published 'A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)' in September 2022. it has been accessed/downloaded by 281,364 people, and not one person yet, has demonstrated any of the thesis to be false. It is available in 6 languages, and a valuable resource to those that want to see the scientific evidence.
Dr Sam Bailey has many videos that explain the pseudo-science of virology in 'plain speak' so anyone can understand.
Have either of the Baileys or Dr. Cowan pointed out that if there are no viruses, there is no need for intramuscular injections of substances that are claimed to prevent diseases caused by them?
Absolutely! Check out their channel if you haven't already. This is an article in the NZ Herald about Dr. Sam Bailey, when the authorities tried to have her sanctioned over 'misinformation', and specifically, 'telling people she would not be taking the vaccine and advising them to watch her videos'.
Glandular fever and herpes and Gürtelrose and cold sores are all blood born viral infections that the body is constantly in a battle with in order to suppress the symptoms. Fatigue, open sores, bubbles of clear pus on itchy skin, blood wounds on chapped lips etc etc.
So. This is a virus.
And when I contacted the great "there's no such thing as a virus" team, they told me I had to prove there was a virus.
But I am not a doctor or medical expert.
It's another limited hang out where you agree, broadly, with the concept; buy the books; argue online; but the moment you raise any notion that isn't 100% behind the narrative: you are told to f off.
Herpes is a virus.
It's blood born.
It succeeds when human defences are down.
The jabs for the fake virus COVID have damaged the natural immune response and there has been a marked as increase in Herpes related illness.
I saw Icke live as part of my honeymoon holiday in London. His "solution/answer" after stuttering and stumbling through an eight hour talk was to "dance".
My bride asked me how it might be, that a person so committed and so resolute could be so appallingly bad at public speaking?
Icke looked into Savile. Nothing happend.
Icke spoke against the Iraq invasion. Nothing happened.
Icke finally broke through and was "believed" when he spoke out against the insanity of "COVID". Nothing happened.
Cygnet, you are engaging in an affirming the consequent fallacy. You cannot say that an effect (symptoms of something classified as "herpes") proves a cause (alleged virus). I have B, therefore A is the cause.
"Herpes is a virus.
It's blood born."
This is a positive claim. In order to substantiate it, you must have the independent variable (found in nature- not cellular debris byproducts following toxic soup degradation in the lab), and demonstrate that it is the cause of the dis-ease. The pseudoscientific field of Virology have not done this for ANY "virus", "herpes is a blood born virus" is nothing more than a story to be BELIEVED. You'd be just as well to claim that unicorns cause herpes.
There is another problem in that every single human to human contagion study has failed miserably.
Best not to be a doctor. They can group symptoms into a disease classification and prescribe a drug for you, but generally have no grasp of the scientific method and how it applies to dis-ease causation. Conversely, since you have not been indoctrinated by a Merck Manual school, you can achieve a reasonable understanding of how to spot fraudulent methodology in medical literature in just a few short days. Remember, effects do not prove causes. That is why you have been asked to show evidence for the claimed existence of 'any virus in question' to have a good faith discussion.
The virus is as originally defined 'poison, slime, venom', arising 'via us' out of our own bodies as a result of metabolism. The body is constantly breaking down and disposing of waste so the so-called virus as a disease causing agent is a lie.
If anything, it can be considered as the exosome, the equivalent of waste disposal operatives carting away the rubbish.
It really does show that Icke has been right about just about everything, one of his central trains of thought is that everything is about perception. After all, how people perceive things is essential to the mechanism of control. When COVID was first announced, my first thought was that it sounded *exactly* like the fake swine flu 'pandemic', further investigation by me and my colleagues concluded that that is what it really was; this was a rerun. My perception of the situation was that it was just another psy op to get people to take a jab. In contrast, people who allowed fear to guide and control them came to a very different perception of the situation; one that got them to act like mad people which culminated in them taking an 'experimental' jab that most of us in the other camp, knew was going to do great harm. Perception is so important, people need to listen to David, his record is well considered and accurate.
Hi Jonathan, this thing has been well thought out. Once you see those blue/red colours on GB News you know they're part of the club. It's tough because he says so much good stuff but when it comes to the crunch, he's nowhere to be seen. Not good enough. We need the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
See what happened to Pamela's testimony when on GBN. Neil has also chosen to ignore the Jun 27-28 health and social care hearings closing statements the most bombshell of them all occuring just 26 miles away in Edinburgh from his Stirling doorstep. Prior producer i was in contact with to arrange these shows has since had to leave GBN. My emails to follow up on it all with new producers all ignored.
Well if he's controlled op, he's doing a great job at getting the word out. I can't think of anyone else with his reach consistently dropping truth bombs. I do wonder about his simulation take on this existence and the shapeshifting lizard thing. On this fake virus, he's spot on and it's tearing through the propaganda in ways the machine surely won't tolerate for much longer. Let's see where it goes.
Yea, he is very spot on too. Like that video I shared on your post, I was quite impressed that he'd followed the conclusion to where this is all going via Starlink and the emerging NWO. Not by people but by the medium.
''The peak in April 2020 is directly linked to the cull in Irish nursing homes and across the world. Those old people didn’t die ‘with Covid’. That was a lie. They received a death sentence. ''
Was very much looking forward to reading until I saw the username of my serial harasser of the past 4 years in the opening paragraph which turned me instantly off 😢🫠
No way! I don't know who he is but he's definitely onto something with the virus gatekeepers. Please tell me more about this harassment. He's only mentioned once, it's safe to keep reading!
Lets all take a look at the 5G, there was no pandemic, remember the flu disappeared, really. The fall flu is your body getting rid of toxics, With all the poisons they are putting in the food, water and spraying our air, there is so much to make people sick these days. I myself do not believe in virus's. I have not had Covid, not put no stupid q tip up my noise, did not take a bio weapon shot. It is sad all the in fighting going on. We all know they want us especially seniors, dead, and gone. They will destroy the whole world. I mean really WTF is wrong with these people. No matter how much money you have if there is no clean real food, no clean water and especially spraying our skies, how the hell do they suspect they will survive. No one has thought all this bs threw.
Icke recently had a video out on Musk and the Net, and he's wrapping it around us. I think anyone who looks at the 5G rollout in Wuhan, Bergamo, and Tehran notices the correlation. I think its pretty spot on. There have been two main events in the past five years- both were done at the midpoint of two eclipses. One was the vaccine release, and the other was the Sat-to-Device release for Starlink. I wrote a few articles about both of these mundane events. But most people can't be bothered to look at the alternative narrative, and much less to look at how the occult is driving this agenda. Anyway, here's Icke. This is our new government. There is not a NWO of people being overlords. The medium is the message in this case too.
Dead children still dead, not acting. Conspiracy theorists have been fed counterintelligence jibber jabber to get them to reach a false conclusion - that nobody died at Sandy Hook.
Expecting your Television set to suddenly spew out "solid," forensic-level physical "evidence" is not a good way to spend your life. It's just an audio-video data stream, it always has been just an audio-video data stream, and it always will be just an audio-video data stream. No "solid evidence" can be generated by your television set, as a categorical matter.
Thank you Freelance Philosopher. I can't fathom how someone is lucid enough to see the Covid production was fake, but believes the Sandy Hook production was real.
(Grinning Medical Examiners and giggling dads of 'dead' children were but one of hundreds of anomalies).
The picture the media paints for us is an endless series of prefabricated theatre productions. Wag-the-dog staged reality.
The fact Oliver is STILL happy to take money from GB News, the network that offered BoJo a job, should be enough for everyone to understand what that person is all about.
Make no mistake about it:
GB News is going to become a MASSIVE player in the legacy media scene in the UK and the official mouthpiece of an upcoming Farage/Reform party government, another proud Legatum ‘venture’.
If you haven't watched the 2019 "years and years" miniseries, you absolutely should, especially if you are a brit. It will tell you in no uncertain terms what's the plan for what happens next:
''Lots of people who took unwell were just classed as suspected COVID without any test being carried out. It seemed that other health conditons didn't exist during COVID and if you took unwell when living in a care home you were just automatically considered as being COVID positive.''
Check Bangladesh and Viet Nam for the pandemic years (also Haiti I believe).
Then compare to adjacent/nearby countries like India, Thailand, or Dominican Republic. Dates 2019-2023.
"Magically" "the flu" didn't disappear from a handful of countries (Bangladesh, etc.)
IMO, this is because their flu surveillance is nonsense and a few countries didn't "get the memo" (or get updated flu test kits) to nix "the flu" for a few years.
As a fellow Alumnus I've been trying to gain Oliver's attention both on his Times related platform and recently as a Patreon follower of his. Both times I was honestly surprised with him.
He waxes lyrical about how he is providing a hub for informed debate on many subjects, especially archaeology and history. 'Come on in and join the family'!
Only he never accepts direct questions, instead filtering them through an entity called Paul.
And if you dare criticise him for this, he sets his fawning acolytes on you, and they are rabid, I can assure you.
Yes, he is a fraud. He doesn't even pretend to rise to the most decent intellectual standards, once the norm, at Glasgow University, but I suppose this is no surprise for an MSM stalwart, and BBC fixture.
I've certainly had enough of his duplicity.
On the one hand, beating a very selective drum for his vested interests and on the other, refusing to answer the seven questions I put to him during my time as his follower on Patreon, and as a fellow countryman.
It is simply unheard of for fellow Graduates to pointedly ignore invites to engage, but it did prove, that as a Scottish Socialite, he was but feathering his ego, and frightened of honest debate.
Nice round-up Aisling. I watched this to'ing and fro'ing with interest too. The fact that Neil Oliver didn't take the bait and enter into a debate with Icke says a lot. I tend to agree that Neil is, as you say, a gatekeeper (or Limited Hangout) for GBNews. I thought as much when Mark Stein was ousted but Oliver stayed-put. Re. Robin Monotti, he's a big vaccine theory fan-boy. Very disappointing. And even on Syria he's gone a bit strange (along with Oliver) by arguing that it's a war on Christianity (rather than yet another NATO-funded proxy war). But Icke, by being his own man, and being consistent, is currently winning the X-wars.
It's so revealing to watch Jeff. Better to be aware of the players and their agendas. Fleming likes to think of himself as a genius. You can see the network taking shape to become the new alternative/mainstream. Icke is proving a big free speech problem for Musk.
Richard Fleming anagrams to 'dr charming life'.
But also to ' Mr Gil archfiend'.
And 'rich MD finagler'.
Hi Aisling,
This is, indeed, a very important topic. I won't even call it a debate, because the actual science is clear. Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey are medical doctors, who along with Dr Tom Cowan, Mike Stone and others, have been exposing the flaws in in the virus hypothesis. It isn't even a theory, as they never demonstrated the existence or transmission of these alleged causes of 'disease'.
Dr Mark Bailey published 'A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)' in September 2022. it has been accessed/downloaded by 281,364 people, and not one person yet, has demonstrated any of the thesis to be false. It is available in 6 languages, and a valuable resource to those that want to see the scientific evidence.
Dr Sam Bailey has many videos that explain the pseudo-science of virology in 'plain speak' so anyone can understand.
Yes, and one didn't need to be a doctor of any sort to see through the viral scam.
Have either of the Baileys or Dr. Cowan pointed out that if there are no viruses, there is no need for intramuscular injections of substances that are claimed to prevent diseases caused by them?
Absolutely! Check out their channel if you haven't already. This is an article in the NZ Herald about Dr. Sam Bailey, when the authorities tried to have her sanctioned over 'misinformation', and specifically, 'telling people she would not be taking the vaccine and advising them to watch her videos'.
Glandular fever and herpes and Gürtelrose and cold sores are all blood born viral infections that the body is constantly in a battle with in order to suppress the symptoms. Fatigue, open sores, bubbles of clear pus on itchy skin, blood wounds on chapped lips etc etc.
So. This is a virus.
And when I contacted the great "there's no such thing as a virus" team, they told me I had to prove there was a virus.
But I am not a doctor or medical expert.
It's another limited hang out where you agree, broadly, with the concept; buy the books; argue online; but the moment you raise any notion that isn't 100% behind the narrative: you are told to f off.
Herpes is a virus.
It's blood born.
It succeeds when human defences are down.
The jabs for the fake virus COVID have damaged the natural immune response and there has been a marked as increase in Herpes related illness.
I saw Icke live as part of my honeymoon holiday in London. His "solution/answer" after stuttering and stumbling through an eight hour talk was to "dance".
My bride asked me how it might be, that a person so committed and so resolute could be so appallingly bad at public speaking?
Icke looked into Savile. Nothing happend.
Icke spoke against the Iraq invasion. Nothing happened.
Icke finally broke through and was "believed" when he spoke out against the insanity of "COVID". Nothing happened.
Everyone is a shill online.
Including you.
Cygnet, you are engaging in an affirming the consequent fallacy. You cannot say that an effect (symptoms of something classified as "herpes") proves a cause (alleged virus). I have B, therefore A is the cause.
"Herpes is a virus.
It's blood born."
This is a positive claim. In order to substantiate it, you must have the independent variable (found in nature- not cellular debris byproducts following toxic soup degradation in the lab), and demonstrate that it is the cause of the dis-ease. The pseudoscientific field of Virology have not done this for ANY "virus", "herpes is a blood born virus" is nothing more than a story to be BELIEVED. You'd be just as well to claim that unicorns cause herpes.
There is another problem in that every single human to human contagion study has failed miserably.
Best not to be a doctor. They can group symptoms into a disease classification and prescribe a drug for you, but generally have no grasp of the scientific method and how it applies to dis-ease causation. Conversely, since you have not been indoctrinated by a Merck Manual school, you can achieve a reasonable understanding of how to spot fraudulent methodology in medical literature in just a few short days. Remember, effects do not prove causes. That is why you have been asked to show evidence for the claimed existence of 'any virus in question' to have a good faith discussion.
Well said.
The virus is as originally defined 'poison, slime, venom', arising 'via us' out of our own bodies as a result of metabolism. The body is constantly breaking down and disposing of waste so the so-called virus as a disease causing agent is a lie.
If anything, it can be considered as the exosome, the equivalent of waste disposal operatives carting away the rubbish.
It really does show that Icke has been right about just about everything, one of his central trains of thought is that everything is about perception. After all, how people perceive things is essential to the mechanism of control. When COVID was first announced, my first thought was that it sounded *exactly* like the fake swine flu 'pandemic', further investigation by me and my colleagues concluded that that is what it really was; this was a rerun. My perception of the situation was that it was just another psy op to get people to take a jab. In contrast, people who allowed fear to guide and control them came to a very different perception of the situation; one that got them to act like mad people which culminated in them taking an 'experimental' jab that most of us in the other camp, knew was going to do great harm. Perception is so important, people need to listen to David, his record is well considered and accurate.
It's all a replay. As The Invisible Rainbow (2020) shows, they've been playing this narrative ever since the first electrical release.
spot on!
How does Neil Oliver keep his YouTube channel too?
Hi Jonathan, this thing has been well thought out. Once you see those blue/red colours on GB News you know they're part of the club. It's tough because he says so much good stuff but when it comes to the crunch, he's nowhere to be seen. Not good enough. We need the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
See what happened to Pamela's testimony when on GBN. Neil has also chosen to ignore the Jun 27-28 health and social care hearings closing statements the most bombshell of them all occuring just 26 miles away in Edinburgh from his Stirling doorstep. Prior producer i was in contact with to arrange these shows has since had to leave GBN. My emails to follow up on it all with new producers all ignored.
No person who disbelieved in ConVid ever caught it in my experience.
Great article. A lot of my UK friends think Icke is controlled opp, the “telling you before it happens” type for consent.
Well if he's controlled op, he's doing a great job at getting the word out. I can't think of anyone else with his reach consistently dropping truth bombs. I do wonder about his simulation take on this existence and the shapeshifting lizard thing. On this fake virus, he's spot on and it's tearing through the propaganda in ways the machine surely won't tolerate for much longer. Let's see where it goes.
Yea, he is very spot on too. Like that video I shared on your post, I was quite impressed that he'd followed the conclusion to where this is all going via Starlink and the emerging NWO. Not by people but by the medium.
Icke told my friend Amy that the lizard people, "it kept me safe."
David Icke and the Shapeshifting Lizard People
"It kept me safe." Guest post from Amy Sukwan
''The peak in April 2020 is directly linked to the cull in Irish nursing homes and across the world. Those old people didn’t die ‘with Covid’. That was a lie. They received a death sentence. ''
Pardon me for stating the obvious, get the fuck off Twotter, the DOGE isn't here for U
Was very much looking forward to reading until I saw the username of my serial harasser of the past 4 years in the opening paragraph which turned me instantly off 😢🫠
No way! I don't know who he is but he's definitely onto something with the virus gatekeepers. Please tell me more about this harassment. He's only mentioned once, it's safe to keep reading!
Lets all take a look at the 5G, there was no pandemic, remember the flu disappeared, really. The fall flu is your body getting rid of toxics, With all the poisons they are putting in the food, water and spraying our air, there is so much to make people sick these days. I myself do not believe in virus's. I have not had Covid, not put no stupid q tip up my noise, did not take a bio weapon shot. It is sad all the in fighting going on. We all know they want us especially seniors, dead, and gone. They will destroy the whole world. I mean really WTF is wrong with these people. No matter how much money you have if there is no clean real food, no clean water and especially spraying our skies, how the hell do they suspect they will survive. No one has thought all this bs threw.
Icke recently had a video out on Musk and the Net, and he's wrapping it around us. I think anyone who looks at the 5G rollout in Wuhan, Bergamo, and Tehran notices the correlation. I think its pretty spot on. There have been two main events in the past five years- both were done at the midpoint of two eclipses. One was the vaccine release, and the other was the Sat-to-Device release for Starlink. I wrote a few articles about both of these mundane events. But most people can't be bothered to look at the alternative narrative, and much less to look at how the occult is driving this agenda. Anyway, here's Icke. This is our new government. There is not a NWO of people being overlords. The medium is the message in this case too. what is this "proof" that Sandy Hook was real?
Cuz that'd be news to me....
Dead children still dead, not acting. Conspiracy theorists have been fed counterintelligence jibber jabber to get them to reach a false conclusion - that nobody died at Sandy Hook.
Where is the “proof” of dead children?
You need to have some skepticism toward your audio-video data stream, because that’s all it is.
None of us were there, so a decent dose of skepticism should be applied until solid evidence is unearthed.
"Solid evidence"? "Unearthed"?
By whom? Where? To whose satisfaction?
Expecting your Television set to suddenly spew out "solid," forensic-level physical "evidence" is not a good way to spend your life. It's just an audio-video data stream, it always has been just an audio-video data stream, and it always will be just an audio-video data stream. No "solid evidence" can be generated by your television set, as a categorical matter.
We don't have a television. Only thick people have televisions.
Your computer signal is just an audio-visual data stream, too.
Thank you Freelance Philosopher. I can't fathom how someone is lucid enough to see the Covid production was fake, but believes the Sandy Hook production was real.
(Grinning Medical Examiners and giggling dads of 'dead' children were but one of hundreds of anomalies).
The picture the media paints for us is an endless series of prefabricated theatre productions. Wag-the-dog staged reality.
The fact Oliver is STILL happy to take money from GB News, the network that offered BoJo a job, should be enough for everyone to understand what that person is all about.
Make no mistake about it:
GB News is going to become a MASSIVE player in the legacy media scene in the UK and the official mouthpiece of an upcoming Farage/Reform party government, another proud Legatum ‘venture’.
If you haven't watched the 2019 "years and years" miniseries, you absolutely should, especially if you are a brit. It will tell you in no uncertain terms what's the plan for what happens next:
Scottish care home manager-
''Lots of people who took unwell were just classed as suspected COVID without any test being carried out. It seemed that other health conditons didn't exist during COVID and if you took unwell when living in a care home you were just automatically considered as being COVID positive.''
Check Bangladesh and Viet Nam for the pandemic years (also Haiti I believe).
Then compare to adjacent/nearby countries like India, Thailand, or Dominican Republic. Dates 2019-2023.
"Magically" "the flu" didn't disappear from a handful of countries (Bangladesh, etc.)
IMO, this is because their flu surveillance is nonsense and a few countries didn't "get the memo" (or get updated flu test kits) to nix "the flu" for a few years.
How about the ''awake'' community put more energy into discussing OFFICIAL evidence from the WORLD'S only official COVID inquiry to reveal the truth? Fleming and co would be destroyed by this.
As a fellow Alumnus I've been trying to gain Oliver's attention both on his Times related platform and recently as a Patreon follower of his. Both times I was honestly surprised with him.
He waxes lyrical about how he is providing a hub for informed debate on many subjects, especially archaeology and history. 'Come on in and join the family'!
Only he never accepts direct questions, instead filtering them through an entity called Paul.
And if you dare criticise him for this, he sets his fawning acolytes on you, and they are rabid, I can assure you.
Yes, he is a fraud. He doesn't even pretend to rise to the most decent intellectual standards, once the norm, at Glasgow University, but I suppose this is no surprise for an MSM stalwart, and BBC fixture.
I've certainly had enough of his duplicity.
On the one hand, beating a very selective drum for his vested interests and on the other, refusing to answer the seven questions I put to him during my time as his follower on Patreon, and as a fellow countryman.
It is simply unheard of for fellow Graduates to pointedly ignore invites to engage, but it did prove, that as a Scottish Socialite, he was but feathering his ego, and frightened of honest debate.
What a disappointment of an intellect, and a man.