Oct 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The one eye thing is a dead give away, alright. Jesus please send your Avenging Angels to help us get rid of the filth that currently oppresses us.

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Oct 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin


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Now you're talking.

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Oct 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

They are able to affect weather. Here is a local explaining the sinister nature of what has happened there.


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Oct 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The word of God is infallible - It is TRUTH - and as such we should not question. The word GLOBE does not exist in ancient Hebrew. The word Globe comes from the Latin word GLOBUS which was first used by a greek philosopher called SCRABO approx 150 BC. The word globe did not exist in the old testament. The word ball did. The old testament did not tell us we lived on a ball. It described the earth as a circle - We are told the earth has a face - like a clock.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Genesis 1:2

ISAIAH tells us the earth is a circle. He knew the difference between a circle and a ball.

Have you not known ? Have you not heard ? Has it not been told to you from the beginning ? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;

ISAIAH 40: 21-22

And . . .

And whirl you round and round, and throw you like a ball into a wide land; where you shall die, and there shall be your splendid chariots, you shame of your masters house.

ISAIAH 22 :18

Planets do not exist in ancient Hebrew either. The word PLANET originates from the Greek term "asteres planetai" meaning basically wandering stars.

The word NASA in Hebrew means -To Deceive or to Beguile. The first time it appears is in Genesis 3 :13

And the Lord God said to the woman, "What is it you have done ?"

And the woman said, "The serpent deceived me and I ate."

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Oct 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Hello! Imho your reporting is good and makes sense, however your apparent belief in Flat Earth is a major flaw in your argument.

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I understand this is a problem for you and many others. I get it completely but allow me the space to put my arguments forward, we don't need to agree on everything. Flat Earth isn't as bonkers as it first appears.

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I know it's not bonkers, it's quite sophisticated. I like your Musk connections. Technocrazy! Cheers!

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Oct 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Aisling did a nice job of condensing a 4 hour debate on this into a 4 minute excerpt summary. Can you please explain why Musk's Starlink system is based on Geocentric as opposed to heliocentric mathematical models ?


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I'm a good condenser of information, if I may say so myself John! It's from all those years in news reducing everything down to one minute reports. Thank you for pointing me in the direction of Austin Whitsitt and Dustin Nemos who are excellent on the subject of a geocentric Earth and can articulate in scientific terms what most people intuitively know. Trying to track them down for an interview.

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Just show me the flaw in Erastothenes' proof.

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How about Starlink using a flat earth model ?

There were no "space" ships in 200BC

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I suggest you do more research!

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The same to you!

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Is that the best you can do . . Ha ha ha

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Well done Aisling, good bit of digging there! Confirms my thoughts on Musk, he's a dark entity who is talking out of both sides of his mouth.

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The manipulative Epstein was a Mossad agent and the activities on his island and elsewhere were done to film,entrap and blackmail people. Donald Trump and Elon Musk are both compromised individuals and they will eventually do the bidding of the people who have the goods on them,the genocidal tribe who's motto is to wage war by deception on the rest of humanity and that's why Musks starlink system is being employed to wage war commit carnage in Ukraine.

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So. A propaganda piece about the state asking an oligarch to send in surveillance equipment so the state can better gather data, and oh by the way the peasants can send a text message or two?

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Excellent reporting Aisling thank you

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NASA has only existed since 1958. Primarily it consisted of ex nazi engineers, scientists and technicians, who were brought to America under "Operation Paperclip"after WW2. With Kurt H Debus an ex V2 rocket scientist becoming a director along with Werner von Braun.

One has to wonder if Von Braun repented of his sins in his final years, or was he trying to tell us something we already knew. Either way one has to question why he would have Psalm 19:1 inscribed on his tombstone.

When once asked about how advanced the Nazi rocket programme was, Werner Von Braun stated "We had help!"- Who from one has to ask?- It is common knowledge that the Nazi's were extremely interested in the occult. The Nazis were obsessed with esoteric beliefs, especially the occult. Some historians have even suggested that the occult formed the foundation of the Nazi movement.

There has been a lot of speculation as to what may or may not have happened on Admiral Byrd's expedition to Antarctica. Some believe that he discovered the Firmament. Not long after Admiral Byrd returned from Antarctica. NASA was formed. They began a series of high altitude nuclear detonations. called "OPERATION FISHBOWL" which were part of the larger "OPERATION DOMINIC". When you look at the meaning of the word DOMINIC you find it means - 'Belonging to the Lord.' So what they were literally trying to do was -penetrate the FISHBOWL/ FIRMAMENT of the Lord. They soon gave up realising they couldn't penetrate the impenetrable.

Genesis 1:6-7

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

The word Firmament comes from old french (mid-13 c) meaning a support, a strengthening, strong, steadfast, enduring. It was used in late Latin to translate from GREEK "Firm or Solid" when translated into ancient Hebrew we get the word RAQIA. which is the word used in the old testament in ancient HEBREW. which meant the vault of the sky ....or ...to make firm or solid. So the Firmament is a solid structure. Nothing can penetrate the Firmament - Not even a nuclear missile!

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Go to a YouTube channel called "Truthstream Media" and watch their recent video about what is going on in North Carolina. Something unspeakably evil is afoot.

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WOW! Great research. “Put not your trust in Princes!”

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