EMER COOKE: The real story the captured Irish mainstream media ignores putting the public in danger
Accusations of providing false information to the European Parliament and conflicts of interest go unreported while the Irish media presents puff pieces about the EMA's Emer Cooke...
Isn’t it strange the news the Irish media fails to cover? You know, like big stories that deserve top billing but receive no attention. It makes for an ignorant public, who don’t even realise they’re being deliberately deprived of important information. That’s the problem with a captured media, the anchors and reporters appear to be delivering the news, but it’s not the news, it’s propaganda. Worse still, it’s dangerous, detrimental to the health and well-being of those who accept it as ‘the news’. Everything appears to be bobbing along as normal. There’s the ‘expert’ analysis, the NGO soundbites, the so-called opposition throwing their tuppence worth in to make it appear like a debate. Except, it’s all theatre, a show to push forward dystopian World Economic Forum policies aimed at ensnaring the public into a tight surveillance, digital currency, carbon credit, 15-minute city trap. Incredible how so many in the media keep up the pretence. They know what they’re doing.
Take the mush slopped out for Ireland’s European of the Year, Emer Cooke, the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency. RTÉ ran a puff piece on Thursday, February 16, 2023 gushing about how Cooke ‘had the daunting task of ensuring the safety of Covid-19 vaccines developed at record speed’.

The accompanying video to the article goes on to say:
“More than that she provided reliable information and assurance to the European public about the vaccines they were being encouraged to accept. She was, and remains, a trusted point of reference to people across the EU”.
It’s astonishing considering the life-threatening dangers posed by these rushed-to-market injections. No mention of that. No mention of all the vaccine deaths and injuries. Just grovelling praise. We can expect no better from RTÉ, the Irish state broadcaster that failed to offer balanced coverage throughout the ‘pandemic’, cheerleading the roll-out of the jabs, even for pregnant women and children. Dissenting voices were cast off as ‘conspiracy theorists’, mocked and shunned. Disgraceful behaviour. The viewing public barely noticed, they were so busy queuing for their next injection, fully masked and awaiting further instruction. A sad state of affairs. It’s what happens when the Fourth Estate turns rogue. Real stories are ignored to please the paying client.
Like this one from April 2021 when Gerald Hauser MP of the Austrian Freedom Party pointed out that 91% of the EMA’s €306 million budget comes from fees paid by pharmaceutical companies. You’d think that is rather important for people to understand how the EMA reaches its decisions on, say, new, liability-free vaccines for a mysterious virus with a 99.97% survival rate.
“Since 1985 she (Cooke) has been working in various positions of the pharmaceutical industry. It is interesting to note that from 1991 to 1998 she was a Director of the FBA. And do you know what the FBA is? The FBA is the lobbying organisation for the largest European pharmaceutical conglomerates,” Hauser told his fellow parliamentarians in Vienna.
Hauser claimed Dr Cooke’s clients included Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Novartis and Johnson and Johnson.
“Outright insider deals, outright nepotism, bribery, everything possible, that’s how it is. Please think about this when in future you use the EMA as proof of the correctness of the testing of medical drugs”.
Don’t you find it a little odd this story wasn’t picked up by the Irish media? Don’t you think it’s rather telling?
Instead, two months later The Irish Times ran a piece headlined:
Governments need ‘portfolio of vaccines’ to beat Covid, says EMA head
Dr Emer Cooke warns against depending too heavily on a single shot or type of vaccine
The article reads:
With the world desperate for a path out of the pandemic, the agency faced "a lot of pressure" last year to fast-track approval of Covid-19 vaccine candidates that had been rushed through trials in record time.
Like that was somehow a good thing. The world was certainly desperate to get out of inappropriate lock-down measures that caused untold mental distress, financial ruin, illness and isolation. Sadly people were backed into a corner with too many believing the saviour ‘vaccines’ were their only return route to normalcy. That’s how it was portrayed in the captured mainstream media. The public didn’t understand how the EMA worked because, frankly, they weren’t informed. They were misinformed. The mainstream media was the primary source of misinformation and it led those who trusted them into a dangerous medical trial for no good reason.
An informed public would have known about concerns surrounding the EMA’s lack of transparency and issues of conflict of interest. Alarm bells were already going off about the EMA’s mishandling of an investigation into suspected serious neurological harms of HPV vaccines. In November 2020, the British Medical Journal revealed:
“EMA trusted flawed data and analyses provided by the vaccine manufacturers and dismissed compelling evidence from independent researchers and the Uppsala Monitoring Centre. EMA sought advice from experts with financial conflicts of interests with vaccine manufacturers, failing to follow its own rules about conflicts of interest”.
Why was this not covered in the Irish mainstream media? Instead we had the likes of broadcaster Dr Ciara Kelly doubling down on the HPV vaccines’ effectiveness, dismissing concerns as ‘baseless’. Had the Irish public been better informed, they might have shown some much needed cynicism about the Covid-19 vaccine trials.
Even more curious, why did the Irish mainstream media ignore German MEP Christine Anderson’s questioning of Emer Cooke at the European Parliament on March 27, 2023. It was newsworthy after all. Cooke’s inarticulate performance exposed her seeming lack of knowledge on basic subjects. Cooke even had to correct herself on a whopper of a miscalculation: “The 20 million lives saved is from all vaccines, not just from mRNA vaccines”. Well that’s a rather big mistake don’t you think? One that warrants news coverage, debate and discussion. But no. Nothing. The Irish public was kept in the dark.
Again the Irish media ignored the story when Italian endocrinologist Professor Giovanni Frajese accused Cooke of providing false data to the European Parliament, ‘either by ignorance or by choice’.
Cooke had claimed “mRNA from the vaccine does not stay in the body for a long period. It’s broken down very shortly after vaccination, mainly the mRNA and lipid nano-particles stay at the injection site and they decrease over a period of about nine days”.
Professor Frajese argued:
‘We know this not to be true by the data provided by the Australian Agency for the same purposes, the TGA, as you can see in this table. The mRNA does not stay in the arm, it goes around everywhere, especially in the ovaries and in the bone marrow which is quite worrying”.
Professor Frajese argued Cooke’s second lie was telling the European Parliament the mRNA stays intact for around nine days.
“We know in an article published in Cell that at least the mRNA stays intact for 60 days. I’m saying at least because that was the end of the study”.
This is a big deal. The Irish public deserves to know there is a broader discussion afoot. Instead, they are spoon-fed PR puff pieces while the important information is labelled conspiracy, ‘fact checked’ or ignored. It’s a highly alarming situation especially in the context of newly passed, radical hate speech laws which could be interpreted according to the whims of Big Pharma funded entities. Could this piece be regarded as hate speech against Emer Cooke? Even if she deserves the criticism? Even if the wider public deserves to be informed on matters of the utmost importance to their health and welfare?
A captured media puts the public at risk. It’s high time the Irish understood who is paying the piper and calling the tune. Emer Cooke was awarded European of the Year to obsequious praise and glowing media coverage while the real news goes unreported. This leaves the Irish public in a dangerous predicament - if they don’t know what’s happening, how can they demand reasonable coverage? The first step is recognising the mainstream media is not providing the real news. Next step is to find alternative platforms where free speech, debate and discussion are allowed. The mainstream media may be captured but your attention doesn’t have to be too. It’s time for a major gear shift.
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Thank you for writing this excellent article, Aisling. It is mind-boggling that this information is being kept from the public. Being conscious of the deliberate deceit dished out to us on a daily basis (both by commission and omission) makes living a 'normal' life a very difficult and isolating endeavour. You and the other few Irish voices that are speaking out certainly make a big difference to me and I greatly appreciate all that you are doing.. I will be passing this article on.
On a positive note, I see where Tubs was challenged in a shop, couldn't/wouldn't answer any questions and legged it like the guilty weasel he is.