Thank you for writing this excellent article, Aisling. It is mind-boggling that this information is being kept from the public. Being conscious of the deliberate deceit dished out to us on a daily basis (both by commission and omission) makes living a 'normal' life a very difficult and isolating endeavour. You and the other few Irish voices that are speaking out certainly make a big difference to me and I greatly appreciate all that you are doing.. I will be passing this article on.

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The docile,naive ,gullible, propagandised people of Ireland are the mushrooms in the dung heap, kept in the dark and fed manure by their Regime controlled Media morons.

The Irish Media manufactures consent and manages perception as part of the sociopathic power control grid.

The Regime are but a Mafia with a veneer of respectability. They are intent on creating a Mad Max environment to terrorise the Tax donkeys of the Irish population into submission, ready for looting of their basic human rights and wealth by the Corporate Financial sector.

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Oh yes well said

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On a positive note, I see where Tubs was challenged in a shop, couldn't/wouldn't answer any questions and legged it like the guilty weasel he is.

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Thanks Aisling I'll share it out to all my contacts.

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Thank you again Aisling O Loughlin for a great article,,keep up the great work

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023

She has her reward just as Judas had his.

Would we have ever heard of Christ without Judas doing exactly what Christ knew he was to do from the very first?

Sometimes people are there for a purpose other than the one they thought they were there for and the reward might not be the one they were hoping for.

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Aisling ,yu are doing a great job of exposing the rancid cesspool that is the Irish Media

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