The science is far from settled on this one but you're called crazy for pointing out the obvious. Why I don't trust the science and will continue to question everything despite the ridicule...
Somewhere deep inside of ourselves we all know we’re not on a spinning rock. We know Australia isn’t Down Unda. We know our aussie mates aren’t walking around upside-down and rotating at the same time. We know gravity doesn’t make any sense when applied to vast oceans tipped over and under and swirling. We know how water works. It always finds its level within a container. Sea level is there for all to see. There is no curvature of the earth. On planes, we look out the window. Flat underneath. The pilots don’t dip to adapt to the roundness of the planet. We’re stationary. The sun, moon and the stars move around us. It’s not rocket science. Although it kind of is if you study the way a rocket curves and lands.
Thing is, we’ve been trained not to trust our God-given intelligence. Leave it to the experts. To Hollywood. To NASA. Our tiny little brains couldn’t possibly understand. Here’s a miniature globe to play with, to put in your office, beside all your ‘intellectual’ books, to make you appear smart. It doesn’t matter that it makes no sense. It’s science! Where have we heard that before? Trust the science.
Well no. I don’t trust the science one little bit. Especially Jesuit science. The heliocentric model is a fraud in my book. Let’s throw in evolution, dinosaurs and Einstein’s theory of relativity while we’re at it. Nope. Not buying them. Call me a heretic all you like. Sane people have been thrown into lunatic asylums for less. I’ll do my own research and draw my own conclusions. Laugh. Mock. Snarl. Threaten. I don’t care. I will honour my innate intelligence. I refuse to believe absurdities. I don’t believe the sun is 93 million miles away. Or that the earth orbits the sun at 66.600 mph while rotating on its axis at 1,070 mph.
People say, ‘Who cares?’ What does it matter? We have more important things to discuss right now’. I care. It matters. It exposes the foundational lie that all the other scientism lies were built upon. The Galileo inquisition from 1616 was a show trial. Shady members of the Vatican were in on it, playing devil’s advocate in order to promote the false perception of reality and rewrite astrological history. The aim: To discredit the Bible which places a stationary earth under a ‘firmament’. Snort all you like. This spiritual battle isn’t for softies. Discernment required.
Only those with a special telescope could figure it out, you see. Not the plebs. They’d just have to suck it up, even if their senses protested otherwise. Too thick. Shut up. Leave it to the masters of deceit. Galileo was put under house arrest for this theory. It’s always just been a theory. Funny that he got off so lightly. Considering the satanic, torturous deaths inflicted upon the countless other, unfortunate heretics found guilty by the Inquisition. He had served his purpose. To bamboozle the public with a lie that has been repeated ever since as if it’s true. No more debate allowed. Case closed.
You’ll never guess what the European Union’s earth observatory is called. Copernicus, no less. They always tell you if you pay attention. There’s going to be a big bash in Stockholm on June 8, 2023 to celebrate 25 years of ‘European success in space bringing together cutting-edge technology and environmental insights for a better and safer planet for all”.
Isn’t that nice? A safer planet for all. How reassuring. On the observatory’s website, they even answer the question: Why, pray tell, is it called copernicus?
By choosing Copernicus's name, we are paying homage to a great European scientist and observer: Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus' theory of the heliocentric universe made a pioneering contribution to modern science.
Copernicus opened man to an infinite universe, previously limited by the rotation of the planets and the sun around the Earth, and created an understanding of a world without borders.
Humanity was able to benefit from his insight. This set in motion a spirit of discovery through scientific research, which allowed us to understand better the world we live in.
A world without borders. Hmmnnn. How about a world built upon a great lie? A contained space where we’re all supposed to agree on the settled science. We’re supposed to believe we’re an accidental speck of dust in an ever-expanding, infinite universe. Everything is happening at once apparently. The past, the present, the future. Okaaaay. And I’m the crazy one? The ‘Big Crunch’ theory claims time will run backwards when the universe stops expanding and starts contracting back in on itself. It’s physics! A guy from MIT with letters after his name told us so. You’re not smart enough to understand. Just nod and don’t question. You’ll look mad. Can’t have that. It’s like Galileo with his fancy pants telescope. Only a few special ones truly understand. The rest repeat the nonsense, pretending they understand, like it’s some fascinating breakthrough.
The Antarctic Treaty of 1959 is another funny one we’re not supposed to question in depth. Why the secrecy surrounding earth’s ‘only continent without a native human population’? Something fishy going on there. It’s always the geeks in the NASA t-shirts with their doctored images of a round earth suspended in space that scoff the loudest when anyone dares question the science. The ones reared on Star Wars and Deep Space Nine who think they know it all.
If they could only realise how ridiculous they come across to those of us who have done any bit of research into the fantasy land that is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. US President Richard Nixon calling the moon from a landline in July 1969 should have been enough for us. No. Way too many gullible eejits still believe the moon landings really happened. Pure theatre.
Even Buzz Aldrin doesn’t buy it anymore. Here’s an exchange with a little girl from July 2018:
Little Girl: Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?
Buzz Aldrin: Ha, that’s not an eight year old’s question. That’s my question. I want to know but I think I know. Because we didn’t go there and that’s the way it happened and if it didn’t happen it’s nice to know why it didn’t happen so in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past if we wanted to keep it going.
Clear as mud. I just Googled the exchange which is easily found on Telegram. The ‘fact checkers’ are all over it - pretending it’s a conspiracy theory. Why do they care so much? Why do they want to shut down the conversation? It only makes me want to look into it more. There’s Buzz again, telling Conan O’Brien he didn’t see the moon landings on the TV. “No you didn’t because there wasn’t any television. There wasn’t anybody taking the picture. You watched animation”. What do the fact checkers have to say about that?
Even those who purport to love freedom of expression and free and fair debate within the so-called Truther movement are cross with me for bringing up flat earth. Apparently it makes me a shill. I’m letting the side down. Controlled opposition blah blah blah.
Whatever. This is a fascinating subject and of great interest. I don’t mind if you think we’re on a spinning ball or that Australians are upside-down while in motion. That’s up to you. I’ll continue to question everything. The science is never settled. I don’t have all the answers but I have enough questions to understand all is not as it seems.
Thank you for your support in a time of censorship and compelled speech. It means a great deal. Let us never be afraid to speak our minds and ask child-like questions. Click HERE.
for me, who is not an astronomer, a mathematician or a physicist, the question is not about the structure of the earth, about which I have nothing much to contribute, apart from the truism that I experience it as flat and stationary, but is rather a psychological question - which kind of world do I think I am living in? one in which there are wise and benevolent scientists and experts, working tirelessly to discover the truth, and then share their findings with me and the rest of the plebs? or one which is ruled more or less covertly by a satanic cult which goes back to the dawn of humanity, and which is intent on depraving and ultimately destroying us, whose MO is deceit and deception, and which delights in making us look and act like fools?
Great article Aisling. !00 % agree. Debate is also good. Why does Polaris never move? Why does the bible tell us that the earth is established and does not move (Job 38:4). Wht does a ship come back into view with a telescope when it disappears with the naked eye over the so called curve? Whe is there no southern flights between South America and South Africa and Australia if you look on Flight radar? Everything goes through the middle east?