The science is far from settled on this one but you're called crazy for pointing out the obvious. Why I don't trust the science and will continue to question everything despite the ridicule...
for me, who is not an astronomer, a mathematician or a physicist, the question is not about the structure of the earth, about which I have nothing much to contribute, apart from the truism that I experience it as flat and stationary, but is rather a psychological question - which kind of world do I think I am living in? one in which there are wise and benevolent scientists and experts, working tirelessly to discover the truth, and then share their findings with me and the rest of the plebs? or one which is ruled more or less covertly by a satanic cult which goes back to the dawn of humanity, and which is intent on depraving and ultimately destroying us, whose MO is deceit and deception, and which delights in making us look and act like fools?
Great article Aisling. !00 % agree. Debate is also good. Why does Polaris never move? Why does the bible tell us that the earth is established and does not move (Job 38:4). Wht does a ship come back into view with a telescope when it disappears with the naked eye over the so called curve? Whe is there no southern flights between South America and South Africa and Australia if you look on Flight radar? Everything goes through the middle east?
Polaris does move but over the course of thousands of years. It is billions of miles away and the movement is only detectable over considerable periods of time. It was not always the Pole Star and won't be again in the future.
The Bible is a book of Bronze Age fairy tales writtin by people who chopped the top off boys willies, married ten year old girls and were about to sacrifice their own sons to a voice in their heads to a god who delights in murder, vengence, rape and genocide in this same 'holy' book. I would be inclined to think it is not scientific, but that's just me.
A ship does not come back into view when it passes behind the curve through a telescope. If you do this, the curve of the earth become very apparent as the sea level soon becomes higher than the hull of the ship and then the ship dips fully below the horizon as it moves away. You are confusing optics with the vanishing point of linear projection.
There no flights across antartica and much of the south pacific because if something went wrong the aircraft would be too far from an airport to land. The Southern Pole of Inacessibility and Point Nemo etc.
Great stuff Aisling. Nicely put. It’s time for us all to wise up to the depth of the lies we have been educated with.
Like - no child wants to know that Santa Claus is a lie. All the grown ups they trust - parents, teachers, the man on the tele - they all say Santa is real. Children even have to sit on a sweaty strangers knee in a dodgy red suit while every single responsible adult is lying to their face. No one will tell them the truth.
Then a kid at the back of the class says it like it is. The emperor is wearing no clothes she ses. Everyone hates the whistleblower , she will be chastised that she has ruined Christmas etc.
Aisling, you are that fearless kid in the back of the class that the silent majority love to hear speaking out. Good on ya.
Fair play to ye Aishling , I spent a fair bit of time looking at this about ten years ago and I agree it's very very interesting. It does make me wonder why you can't even mention it without people flipping. Imagine if it turns out that it's flat , the mental breakdown would be on a scale never seen before.
Defo we not on a 'spinning ball' and as for NASA (Never A Straight Answer) can't take 'em seriously. Check out what Werner Von Braun had carved on his tombstone.
I’m kind of out on this too. Plenty of other lies that impact me and my family much more than this distraction. About as far as I will go is we may not have landed on the moon. So we are a frisbee frozen in space. I want current liars on poles run out of town or hanging from poles and my family protected from outright murderers. That is what’s really clear to me. Bye.
Even though I watched Apollo 11 live on Irish telly in July 1969 I am pretty certain now that we never went to the Moon. I am also of the opinion that Nasa is essentially a movie studio, not a "space agency". I could be wrong on both points, but that is my position at the moment.
Does this mean I'm a 'flat earther'? When I've had the time I've looked into both sides of the argument. I found that neither answered all my questions satisfactorily, which is usually the way when we are faced with any binary choice, whether in religion, politics, or science. Irish Times or Twitter? Natural remedies or pharmaceutical drugs? Sinn Fein or Fine Gael? Christianity or Islam?
The real question is: in a "world of lies" as George Orwell described it, where can we find the truth? The first step surely is to realise that we are being lied to - about everything. That can be difficult to accept at first. But when the lies become impossible to ignore, step two may lead us off in all sorts of interesting directions.
So I'm delighted that Aisling has raised this issue because no questions should be left unasked.
Copernicus was wrong. In a three dimensional world the simplest solution is the Copernican model but in a zero dimensional multiverse the simplest solution is we are at the centre of our own reality so that everything revolves around each of us. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within you not outside of you or outside of anyone else. Think of your body as the edge of an expanding reality with the past pattern lying within each of us and future pattern outside such that we are all creating reality as we go but in reality there is no inside or outside any more than there is the inside or outside of a thought. Christ said to the Judeans that their religion told them they were god's so he asked why they stoned him for saying he is the son of God.
It's not science and it's not Intelligence to say that Earth is round; it's common sense. If you care to have polite conversation I can easily debunk every "intelligent" point you think you have. But for the meantime just tell me if the Earth is flat , how does the ISS go around it in 90mins and pass over head again like clockwork?
Lol. The ISS is a joke, It’s a total clown show of harnesses, mad hair spray, green screen fakery, air bubbles during “space walks” flies buzzing around, Masonic hand symbols & items being dropped to the ground despite supposed zero gravity
If the Earth is flat and there's no ISS then please explain the bright light that consistently passes over this Flat Earth like clockwork. I've been calling out hoaxes since I was a kid , but I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water and hand an easy win to the establishment bullshitters.
There are tons of videos showing how fake it is but YouTube buries them which is a big tell on its own. Search YouTube for ISS Fakery & you’ll be scrolling forever to find the gotcha footage. Search bitchute or odyseee &
there are loads of vids at the top of the search. This Eric dubay vid can only be found on YouTube if you search specifically for it. As I said censorship is a big tell, why are they burying this content & elevating the “debunking” videos?
That link doesn't work. I'm not averse to believing that some of their videos are faked, but there is a vehicle of some description up there that traverses the terrain at a regular and predictable rate. I know this because I can see it with my own eyes.
Weird the link works fine for me which again should tell you something. They do not want you to see this stuff & if you are a genuinely curious person & not just a programmed zombie like the vast majority of people you should try to find out why you can’t watch it.
Not disputing you can see something in the sky but you have zero proof that it’s the ISS. There are lots of things flying through the sky that they don’t tell us about. Check out this amazing documentary made by Crrow777
I fairness most people never even study the Globe model. If people did study it even somewhat it may lead them to ask more questions. The Tides have so many issues/problems that had one looked at the topic I'd suggest you would discard that as a proof. (amphidromic point)
Do you think this debate in particular is one worth our energy and focus right now? Curious what would change in our daily lives if we were to find out the earth is flat or confirmed to be a globe. I think it's a waste of time but again, you are free to discuss it if you so please
I think the biggest difference would be that it really make the world's population stop and think about how they have been lied to for so long and how gullible we all were.
I disagree with the flat earth theory but I do believe you have the right to question things without being labelled off-hand as 'crazy'. It's a cowardly tactic
for me, who is not an astronomer, a mathematician or a physicist, the question is not about the structure of the earth, about which I have nothing much to contribute, apart from the truism that I experience it as flat and stationary, but is rather a psychological question - which kind of world do I think I am living in? one in which there are wise and benevolent scientists and experts, working tirelessly to discover the truth, and then share their findings with me and the rest of the plebs? or one which is ruled more or less covertly by a satanic cult which goes back to the dawn of humanity, and which is intent on depraving and ultimately destroying us, whose MO is deceit and deception, and which delights in making us look and act like fools?
Great article Aisling. !00 % agree. Debate is also good. Why does Polaris never move? Why does the bible tell us that the earth is established and does not move (Job 38:4). Wht does a ship come back into view with a telescope when it disappears with the naked eye over the so called curve? Whe is there no southern flights between South America and South Africa and Australia if you look on Flight radar? Everything goes through the middle east?
Polaris does move but over the course of thousands of years. It is billions of miles away and the movement is only detectable over considerable periods of time. It was not always the Pole Star and won't be again in the future.
The Bible is a book of Bronze Age fairy tales writtin by people who chopped the top off boys willies, married ten year old girls and were about to sacrifice their own sons to a voice in their heads to a god who delights in murder, vengence, rape and genocide in this same 'holy' book. I would be inclined to think it is not scientific, but that's just me.
A ship does not come back into view when it passes behind the curve through a telescope. If you do this, the curve of the earth become very apparent as the sea level soon becomes higher than the hull of the ship and then the ship dips fully below the horizon as it moves away. You are confusing optics with the vanishing point of linear projection.
There no flights across antartica and much of the south pacific because if something went wrong the aircraft would be too far from an airport to land. The Southern Pole of Inacessibility and Point Nemo etc.
Great stuff Aisling. Nicely put. It’s time for us all to wise up to the depth of the lies we have been educated with.
Like - no child wants to know that Santa Claus is a lie. All the grown ups they trust - parents, teachers, the man on the tele - they all say Santa is real. Children even have to sit on a sweaty strangers knee in a dodgy red suit while every single responsible adult is lying to their face. No one will tell them the truth.
Then a kid at the back of the class says it like it is. The emperor is wearing no clothes she ses. Everyone hates the whistleblower , she will be chastised that she has ruined Christmas etc.
Aisling, you are that fearless kid in the back of the class that the silent majority love to hear speaking out. Good on ya.
Fair play to ye Aishling , I spent a fair bit of time looking at this about ten years ago and I agree it's very very interesting. It does make me wonder why you can't even mention it without people flipping. Imagine if it turns out that it's flat , the mental breakdown would be on a scale never seen before.
Defo we not on a 'spinning ball' and as for NASA (Never A Straight Answer) can't take 'em seriously. Check out what Werner Von Braun had carved on his tombstone.
Aisling, sorry, but that’s a load of bollox. Please apply your ‘question everything’ logic to flat earth theory.
I’m kind of out on this too. Plenty of other lies that impact me and my family much more than this distraction. About as far as I will go is we may not have landed on the moon. So we are a frisbee frozen in space. I want current liars on poles run out of town or hanging from poles and my family protected from outright murderers. That is what’s really clear to me. Bye.
Tongue in cheek or up the creek. Debate is always good but we mustn't give those who are waking up cause to scurry back under their rocks.
Even though I watched Apollo 11 live on Irish telly in July 1969 I am pretty certain now that we never went to the Moon. I am also of the opinion that Nasa is essentially a movie studio, not a "space agency". I could be wrong on both points, but that is my position at the moment.
Does this mean I'm a 'flat earther'? When I've had the time I've looked into both sides of the argument. I found that neither answered all my questions satisfactorily, which is usually the way when we are faced with any binary choice, whether in religion, politics, or science. Irish Times or Twitter? Natural remedies or pharmaceutical drugs? Sinn Fein or Fine Gael? Christianity or Islam?
The real question is: in a "world of lies" as George Orwell described it, where can we find the truth? The first step surely is to realise that we are being lied to - about everything. That can be difficult to accept at first. But when the lies become impossible to ignore, step two may lead us off in all sorts of interesting directions.
So I'm delighted that Aisling has raised this issue because no questions should be left unasked.
I love the way you write Ashling, I also love the way you think. Big fan. Love, Ciara.
Thomas Sheridan will take issue with this!
Copernicus was wrong. In a three dimensional world the simplest solution is the Copernican model but in a zero dimensional multiverse the simplest solution is we are at the centre of our own reality so that everything revolves around each of us. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within you not outside of you or outside of anyone else. Think of your body as the edge of an expanding reality with the past pattern lying within each of us and future pattern outside such that we are all creating reality as we go but in reality there is no inside or outside any more than there is the inside or outside of a thought. Christ said to the Judeans that their religion told them they were god's so he asked why they stoned him for saying he is the son of God.
It's not science and it's not Intelligence to say that Earth is round; it's common sense. If you care to have polite conversation I can easily debunk every "intelligent" point you think you have. But for the meantime just tell me if the Earth is flat , how does the ISS go around it in 90mins and pass over head again like clockwork?
Lol. The ISS is a joke, It’s a total clown show of harnesses, mad hair spray, green screen fakery, air bubbles during “space walks” flies buzzing around, Masonic hand symbols & items being dropped to the ground despite supposed zero gravity
If the Earth is flat and there's no ISS then please explain the bright light that consistently passes over this Flat Earth like clockwork. I've been calling out hoaxes since I was a kid , but I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water and hand an easy win to the establishment bullshitters.
There are tons of videos showing how fake it is but YouTube buries them which is a big tell on its own. Search YouTube for ISS Fakery & you’ll be scrolling forever to find the gotcha footage. Search bitchute or odyseee &
there are loads of vids at the top of the search. This Eric dubay vid can only be found on YouTube if you search specifically for it. As I said censorship is a big tell, why are they burying this content & elevating the “debunking” videos?
That link doesn't work. I'm not averse to believing that some of their videos are faked, but there is a vehicle of some description up there that traverses the terrain at a regular and predictable rate. I know this because I can see it with my own eyes.
Weird the link works fine for me which again should tell you something. They do not want you to see this stuff & if you are a genuinely curious person & not just a programmed zombie like the vast majority of people you should try to find out why you can’t watch it.
Not disputing you can see something in the sky but you have zero proof that it’s the ISS. There are lots of things flying through the sky that they don’t tell us about. Check out this amazing documentary made by Crrow777
Do you think it impossible for "ISS" to do the same on a flat earth model? And what is the best proof of the Globe spinning?
The seasons are the best proof of the earth being a rotating globe on an eliptical orbit around the sun.
I think one can find a valid way the seasons work on a flat earth model. But one would have to look at the model.
Yes I do think it is impossible but I'd like you to show me how you think it works and also why the ISS gets air quotes. Is that a lie as well?
Personally, I think that solid proof for a round earth is the Tides.
I fairness most people never even study the Globe model. If people did study it even somewhat it may lead them to ask more questions. The Tides have so many issues/problems that had one looked at the topic I'd suggest you would discard that as a proof. (amphidromic point)
That link doesn't work. Why don't you tell me real quick what causes the tides if it isn't the moon?
I agree with your posts here but all the links people share with you work. Not sure what the problem is but it seems to be on your end
The Earth is round. Period.
You are right. One of the founding members of NASA has written on his grave headstone that nothing can bypass the firmament....
It takes great courage to say the truth!
Do you think this debate in particular is one worth our energy and focus right now? Curious what would change in our daily lives if we were to find out the earth is flat or confirmed to be a globe. I think it's a waste of time but again, you are free to discuss it if you so please
I think the biggest difference would be that it really make the world's population stop and think about how they have been lied to for so long and how gullible we all were.
You could pick any number of lies we already know are lies in order to reach that conclusion. Wars, covid ,vaccines. All global, all a massive lie.
But I think this one is the biggest
I disagree with the flat earth theory but I do believe you have the right to question things without being labelled off-hand as 'crazy'. It's a cowardly tactic