It's happening all over, not just in Ireland. But yes, Ireland does seem to be getting the worst of it.

Mass unvetted foreign migration, poisonous injections, restrictive climate bollocks, children brainwashed on trans ideology - it's as if our governments are our enemies attacking us from within. When are people going to wake up?

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There's no 'as if' about it, our governments are at war with us. Sadly people aren't going to wake up, it's wilful denial at this stage. It's difficult to accept but huge swathes of people in this country are so spellbound by the media and their own self righteousness that they will never admit that they may be wrong. I've seen it first hand and it's quite alarming how so.e people deny not only what they see before them but what happens to them in real life. Like old stubborn dogs who stay loyal to a cruel master.

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We will not be preached at by Varadker or RTE

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I love your ‘hate’ speech.

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Once again, I have to state the obvious; the UK has had mass immigration for years, look at the state of the place! Do Irish people think it will be different here? How stupid can people be? Add to this the damage and death the so called 'vaccines' have caused, to say that Ireland is in serious trouble, is rather understating reality, even for me.

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The current invasion of non nationals into Ireland is all part of the Count Richard Von Coundehove Kalergi plan for Europe to turn it into mixed race society, recently peopled with individuals who do not possess basic accepted behaviour in a developed nation, many are from third world countries, many are from prisons in those countries. Some of these people are military age men who will be conscripted into a UN army in order to bring in a One World Government. This will be, if allowed an Orwellian society where individuals rights will be ebbed away through orchestrated false flags, by co intel pro or by use of the Hegelian dialectic. The latter works along the lines of What is the problem? The elites would say there are too many people in the world, so how do we bring down the population and make a lot of money. We orchestrate a crisis on a world wide scale. Use the mainstream media as our pulpit, tell the people there is a terrible virus and drastic steps need to be taken to reduce the severity, quick, take these life saving vaccines....we all know what happened over the last few years, I read one million people are dead in the UK!

So what can be done? Probably stop using their system and go back to common law in an autonomous community. There is talk about an alternative financial system called the QFS (Quantum Financial System) which the so called authorities will not be able to interfere with, is it for certain? I don't know. Free Energy could be introduced, I have been studying that for 10 years. There is really no other choice. Electing people to 'power' is just repeating the original control system, the legal system of law is simply administrating our own enslavement.

Some comments from notable people who have inspired me in my 16 years research in how to solve the persistent problems which have enslaved us.

'The most dangerous man in any country is one who can think for themselves'. H L Menken US journalist

'You can't solve the problems in a society with the same level of consciousness that created them' Albert Einstein

'The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the state' Tacitus (Roman)

'When the people want a hero, we will supply him' Albert Pike US 33 rd freemason and author of the book Morals and Dogma

'Evil rarely shows itself in public but if it does it almost always shows itself as something virtuous' Anon

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Ireland is a very different country now...and it ain't because of the Irish people. It's because of the traitors in government and in the NGO sector. And, as far as I am concerned, they have forfeited their Irishness because of their treachery. What has happened to our country is criminal.

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The Irish people has invited trouble to the Emerald Isle, buy voting as reckless as they have done.

This is a situation, created by the majority.


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Where are the radicals from the 50s, 60s and 70s? Need to resurrect that same spirit quick! I had an Irish grandmother who emigrated to US in 1922. She never became a citizen and always longed to return to Ireland.

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