For me, the problem began way back when we created 'care homes' for the elderly. Living with grandma and or grandpa was the way into the 1960's; all this outsourced care is more recent and says more about us as a society than anything else. In the end, the whole thing is caused by the deflation of money, necessitating 2 or more income households,. This should have made the care the grandparents could provide more valuable, but warehousing the grandparents became the norm. Sad.

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They've done the same on the other side of life. Farming out the kids to Playschools and kindergarden (or whatever they're called). You see in the olden days, you had the grandparents with you and the whole family minded the kids. All by design of course

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bonus thanks Fionnuala --this is a family on Azerbeijan who has some relationships intact, focused on cooking mostly. I use it to relax. https://youtu.be/BjAfGyYMZu0?si=jSbbd4uJWwb2dBcB


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Way to live and eat, away from the rat race.......

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Agreed, when you take a step back, and see the systems folks have been reduced to engage in it is quite harsh to realize. No wonder so many folks get to the '40 yard stare', there is no resolving it -easily. Best from Oregon

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It was monetization no? Harney and other vampires following the US ( or probably global at that stage ) model.

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They did it everywhere, this was co-ordinated and planned in advance. It was murder!

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It is there for those with eyes to see, that they knew exactly what they were doing

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They did the same thing here in the USA. They told All Doctors to refused normal treatment for sick respiratory patients, wait until they worsen, then send them to the hospital......only treat in Hospital and give FAUCI'S PROTOCOL: Remdesivir and Morphine.

Remdesivir had failed all it's trials, but it's creater Fauci never gave up getting it out there. HE used the plandemic to make it mandatory!

Remdesivir gave 40% of the people in it's failed trial kidney and other Organ Failures in 5 days. They PULLED the drug as soon as patients started dying in the trial!

But 5 days of Remdesivir was exactly the protocol FAUCI told Hospitals to use on every one who tested Positive with the FAKE PCR TEST. After 5 days, people's kidneys failed, their lungs filled with fluids that we being pumped into them by IV,....they couldn't breath and were sedated with Morphine which makes it worse and then slapped on a Ventilator. The Vent forced AIR into WATER filled lungs and the lung tissue was destroyed. People died in less than 3 days! And I'd bet it was hell! But no one cared, only a few very brave nurses came out and told us people were being Euthanized in Hospitals nation wide, and they were squashed immediately. I don't remember any doctors every standing up and telling us what they were being told to do was wrong.

The PCR TEST also failed all trials to use it as a diagnostic tool, as it's creator said just before they killed him,....if the Cycles of the TEST were run high enough you got 97% FALSE POSITIVES. Even an Emu bird and a mango fruit tested "Positive for covid".

It was all a SCAM to keep the FEAR PORN on 24/7. And the whole SCAM was created to get a massive HUMAN TRIAL of the mRNA platform. These are Very, very evil people came up with this plan,.....the Globalist elite Mafia/WEF/DAVOS group etc. You should see it! Here is a Video from 2019 where Fauci and his Minions are discussing how hard it is to get people to accept something new. And one of his Minions said that they needed "An Entity of Excitement" to make the people so terrified of dying that they'd accept anything without question. Here is the link, if you go to minute 1 you'll hear them say the whole thing OUT LOUD. https://rumble.com/v24qqzg-c-span-2019-fauci-caught-planning-disruptive-rollout-of-universal-mrna-flu-.html

And that is exactly what they did. They used the normal Seasonal Flu we get every single year and renamed it to terrify the people. They lied and lied.

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Just to note, the Tallagh Hospital care plan mentions a 10mg Infusion, this is infused very slowly over 24hrs in a 'syringe driver' used when a patient is dying. This is different to giving the same amount in one dose,

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023

Good to know, still ....

Was this same protocol [ 10mg over 24hrs] also maintained in care homes though, what personnel were administering.

If it was, is this a suitable treatment for those not tagged as dying, but rather given for a novel respiratory illness.

If morphine, or other drugs, is also used along with this dose infusion for midazolam, how does that change the outcomes.

We'd need to know exactly what dosages and combinations of drugs were administered for comparison, for what conditions, and to what cohorts.


The changed NICE guidelines from UK raised concerns very early...

"Compared with advanced cancer, COVID-19 is a condition that very few practitioners will have sufficient confidence to prognosticate on. For no doubt good intention to provide ease from distress, patients may be started by inexperienced practitioners on potent medications with detailed advice on how to escalate doses, but not on monitoring daily or more frequently, and how to wean off medication if the patient stabilises and recovery becomes possible. "

"The combination of opioid, benzodiazepine and/or neuroleptic is used in specialist palliative care settings for symptom control and for ‘palliative sedation’ to reduce agitation at the end of life.[15] It takes great skill and experience to use palliative sedation proportionately so that extreme physical and existential distress are palliated, but death is not primarily accelerated"

"Another concern is that the recommended doses for morphine and midazolam are sometimes higher than current guidelines state for non-specialist use; and moreover there are inconsistencies between the maximum doses recommended by the oral or subcutaneous routes."

"NG31 was aimed at care of people who were likely to die in the coming hours and days - usually from advanced diseases, from which recovery was deemed most improbable. Many people in the UK who are suspected of having COVID-19 will not have advanced cancer or be dying from another existing terminal condition. The accumulating global evidence shows that the case fatality rate reaches >50% in those needing mechanical ventilation, over 80 years and with serious underlying health conditions including congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease and lung cancer.[5] So it is worrying that while NG163 states “Note that symptoms can change, and patients can deteriorate rapidly in a few hours or less”, there is no counterpoint that most patients without the preconditions above will eventually recover. In contrast, NICE guideline NG31 emphasised the importance of how to recognise whether someone was dying, but also to keep open the possibility for recovery by ‘monitoring for further changes at least every 24 hours’.(5) "


The authors seem to have seen what those changes to protocols would ( or already had ) lead to, more suffering and premature death.

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I would have thought that there would be an extremely cautious approach with using midaz, especially if there was already respiratory problems, as it has a very strong action as a respiratory depressant. I've cared for patients during procedures where Midaz was used up to 5mg intravenous also with morphine, then they were basically unconscious. Commonly the midaz/morphine infusion is only used for end of life, basically sedating until the breathing stops. There would have to be a family discussion to cease medical care and provide sedation. It would have to come from medical chart review to really say what happened with each patient.

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023

You are probably aware of the suggestion that protocols were introduced exactly to produce a spike in mortality.

I'm not commenting to that, however if the UK NICE changes are reflective of what happened across countries, along with ventilator use.....

"Note that symptoms can change, and patients can deteriorate rapidly in a few hours or less”, there is no counterpoint that most patients without the preconditions above will eventually recover. In contrast, NICE guideline NG31 emphasised the importance of how to recognise whether someone was dying, but also to keep open the possibility for recovery by ‘monitoring for further changes at least every 24 hours"

Potential there for people to be prematurely sent on their way, accepting the panic and confusion at the time, at best, so how many actually died of covid versus treatment / lack of measures taken.

Were caregivers advised and expecting people to die in greater numbers, did this influence their practice?

Maybe Martin's 'assessment' will enlighten us.

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Have you got a link? Would be interesting to look up.

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I’m just commenting from my experience working as a nurse.

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This whole episode has been a nightmare. My brother died in 2020 December. We were told there was nothing they could do. Now I'm wondering if he was "helped" along to his death. He wasn't a fit man and we weren't surprised that he was so Ill but because of the outrageous behaviour of the medical profession during this time I'll always be suspicious. We need an examination of the facts and to get that properly we do need a whistleblower protection for those down the pecking order in that disgraced medical profession.

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They were an economic drain on the Vatican bank, therefore they had to be removed.

After all... Arbeit Macht Frei...

aber wenn du nicht mehr arbeiten kannst, musst du getötet werden.

(But when you can no longer work you must be killed.)

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yes exactly...they only want us as workers and consumers to keep their system ticking over...once we can no longer produce, we just become an inconvenient burden...hence the mega push now for euthanasia in all countries...the future grows darker for all of us as we are aging these days

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