Such a long drawn out pause and mental readjustment from Tommy Tierrnan and not a hint of honesty ,comfort or wisdom but just a stale vomitous regurgitation of officially sponsored newspeak.

You are a humourless joke Tommy now that you've joined the RTE pack of worn out marked celebrities as the played out joker!

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The utterly dismaying part being that we will not/can not acknowledge the norms of the incoming migrants in relation to women. It may even BE racist to blind oneself to Muslin beliefs around Sharia for instance, or the imprimatur given to predatory sexual instincts in men from many of the non western countries producing these men.

And there is the simple fact that these are not the best or most stable of the male population from the the native countries they have left behind. Unvetted, uprooted, tossed into a chaotic scenario where they are endowed with useless fiat money, stuffed into alien lodgings. A recipe for disaster.

Equally dismaying is the refusal of Tiernan or the unfortunate victim to look at what has happened in the eye. It is necessary that they both call this by its name. Deluded, venial (in his case) they do not.

In Ireland and in the West generally the sexes are equal as a value, rape is a crime. Men who rape will be charged, and are sometimes convicted. The great majority of men have evolved to this position, and are not rapists. We are now in a position where a substantial cohort of males, incomers, see no crime and really do believe that woman’s place is not out in the world. And if they are out, they are fair game.

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Tiernan is minding his job and Sarah grace is minding her grift.

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More divisive drivel from RTE! This country is going off the rails at an alarming rate. The political class(and they are a class of their own, insular and separated from the everyday lives of the people)continue to lie about everything and a cohort of the people continue to accept those lies as fact. Now emboldened, by their success with the covid scam, they think that they have won and the battle is over, in their undeclared war against the people and the Nation, it isn't! What we are seeing is just the start of the resistance. I said many times over the years that we would see blood on the streets in Europe, regrettably, we are seeing the start of it, here and now.

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Yes, it's divisive and I don't believe these murders - too much Masonic numbering - 11s, 22s and 33s all over the place and they sound implausible.

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33 is everywhere nowadays.

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You're not kidding. Have you seen this? https://www.bitchute.com/video/KRRpvkl9IgwJ/

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Interesting video. It's insane. I keep the Dollar Vigilante in my "hmmm... Not sure about this guy" list. Most of what he says is correct, and then there's some things that are a bit off. or just plain oppositional Just like David Icke and Russell Brand. Always keeping an eye out for fake opposition.

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He could well be controlled opposition but those clips are genuine and he's just used someone else's video in any case. Also if you simply search for 33 new cases you'll get quite a few responses.

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More blood boiling mainstream lies called 'news'.Shocking!😡

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Wow. Tiernan was always one disappointment after another. You'd think the whole thing was another set-up...

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Tiernan is a slithering little slug, with a RTE branded leash around his neck.

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Great work Aisling, shared

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The whole attitude and demeanor of these people, the things they say, and the way they say them, immediately strike me as nothing less than fanatical religious adherence. Or in the case of Tiernan, perhaps his adherence is more pragmatic than fanatical, but he understands that this extreme form of woke leftism is the prevailing religion now, and he must go along to get along, so to speak. Funny how he had no problem slagging off the former prevailing religion, but this new one tolerates no such sense of fun. As for the unfortunate, some might say double, victim in this case, I can see similarities between her mindset and that of someone who has been vaccine harmed, but claims the injury was worth it because without the jab they'd have probably died from covid anyway. At some point, many of these people, in my opinion, are going to need to go through a process of de-indoctrination. Perhaps there are programs out there for one time cult members that might help.

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Where did that girl rent her accent from? Pure Marie Antoinette posh space cadet.

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Yep, spewing turd in that accent doesn’t polish it.

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Another loser Paddy

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The Masonic numbering in these alleged murders is seriously over the top - 11, 22 and 33 all over the place and otherwise they seem implausible. I don't believe them. It's all about divide and conquer.

Funnily enough I was just watching a video entitled, 33 reasons why nukes are fakes. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DzGT5dG2oF53/

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