MONEY OVER MORALS: Why did the medical profession ignore their Code of Conduct and Ethics?
'Consent is not valid if a patient has not been given enough information' - so where does that leave the Covid-19 vaccine injured who were not warned sufficiently about the risk of adverse events?
The medical profession is trained to understand that patients must be given informed consent before participating in a medical trial or procedure. This did not happen with the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out. Why not?
Section nine of the Irish Medical Council’s Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Medical Practitioners (Amended) 8th Edition 2019 states:
9.1 When patients give consent, they are making a voluntary choice. You should help patients make decisions that are informed and right for them. You should not give patients the impression that their consent is simply a formality or a signature on a page (see Appendix C).
9.2 You must make sure that patients have given their consent before you provide any medical investigation, examination or treatment. Consent is required by law and is an essential part of respect for patients’ autonomy. Patients have the right to decide what happens to their own body. They also have a right to refuse medical treatment or withdraw consent.
Yes, they queued up willingly and rolled up their sleeves to enter the deadliest medical trial ever known to humanity, but the public was insufficiently informed. If they were truly aware of the risk benefit analysis, they would never have participated in the experiment. Why enter a liability-free gene therapy trial for a mystery virus with a 99.97% survival rate varying upon age-group? ‘Kinda like the flu’ as Bill Gates put it, with a ‘fairly low fatality rate and that it’s a disease mainly of the elderly”.
If participants had an opportunity to read through the list of adverse reactions in advance of making their decision, no sound mind would have signed up for the trials. From heart issues to blood clotting to facial paralysis to neurological disorders - the list is long and growing. No wonder Pfizer wanted to hide the results of their tests for 75 years. Read Pfizer’s adverse event report HERE.
Section 11 of the Irish Medical Council’s Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics goes on to say:
11.1 You must give patients enough information, in a way that they can understand, to enable them to exercise their right to make informed decisions about their care. Consent is not valid if the patient has not been given enough information to make a decision.
There you have it - the public was not given enough information to make a sound decision. They were hoodwinked by a massive global campaign involving World Economic Forum infiltrated governments and captured networks from the World Health Organisation to the European Medicine’s Agency, all working in lockstep to corral the public into entering a dangerous medical trial without fully informed consent.
Even the packaging inserts on the so-called Covid-19 vaccines were left blank, a red flag that something serious was amiss. The ‘fact checkers’ tried to cover it up by saying the information was available online, too late for those already injected. Usually the packaging insert outlines the list of risks and contraindications to inform in advance of a treatment or medication. For the Covid-19 injections, the inserts were left ‘intentionally blank’, nothing to unfold but white paper, no warnings, no informed consent.
Why did medical practitioners ignore their training on ethics and their code of conduct? What came over them? Why were they so hard on patients who did not wish to enter the trials for whatever reason? Why did they not give fully informed consent to those who rolled up their sleeves in good faith? Those people trusted their medical expertise. Was it a classic case of money over morals? Were the financial incentives too tempting to let ethics get in the way? It’s hard to understand why anyone, medically trained or otherwise, would endanger the life of another under false pretences.
It’s not as if we haven’t been here before. It’s not as if medical practitioners don’t know about the Nuremberg Code, the Declarations of Helsinki and Geneva or the International Code of Medical Ethics that provide a set of ethical principles regarding human experimentation and clinical care. So what happened? All we can conclude is that they knew they were breaking their various codes of conduct and ethics and went ahead regardless. It’s a shocking state of affairs, especially for those who, in good faith, took part in the trials believing the pros outweighed the cons. Their lives have deliberately been put in harm’s way for no good reason. Nobody knows the long-term repercussions of these trials but the excess mortality rates in countries with high uptake of the so-called vaccine show a worrying pattern.
Add to that plummeting birth rates and it’s fair to surmise there’s a depopulation agenda afoot.
There’s a concerted effort to blame the excess deaths and drop in birth rates on lockdowns across the mainstream media. They’re in cover-up mode. After nearly two years of relentlessly coercing the public to ‘get the jab’, they’ve suddenly gone all quiet on the medical trials. Journalists too conveniently forgot their code of ethics in favour of Big Pharma funding and government grants. Money over morals, our greatest problem. We must remind medical practitioners they have acted objectionably. They seem to think they’ve done nothing wrong. It’s up to us to demand a return to fairness and justice. If they failed to adhere to their code of conduct and ethics, they no longer deserve our trust. They have deliberately put their patients at risk of a long list of adverse events without warning them in advance. It won’t do. We expect better. Never again.
Thank you for your support at this critical moment when medical and journalistic ethics have been ignored in favour of Big Pharma diktats that endanger lives and cover up vaccine deaths and injuries. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. Click HERE.
In a contest between ethics and money most Western doctors and nurses chose money.
Back in the late 80's and early 90's when the USSR was falling apart and doctors and nurses weren't being paid most of them still went into work without pay and then got other jobs on the side to pay fore themselves and their families.
The medical profession of the USSR went through the fire and passed the test and the medical "profession" in the West has just failed the test.
We now await the judge's sentences for both being made obvious to all.
The elite's plan seems to have been to sneak away from their injection slaughter amidst the dust-storm of a collapsing economy. Then after a few years of poverty and starvation impose the CBDC slavery system which would be cancel culture on steroids but it doesn't seem to be working out for them. Economies are on the verge of collapsing alright and things are going to get very difficult but in the process they're losing control. Too much information is getting out too soon like this article from Aisling. People are slowly waking up. The dead and injured carry a big question mark over them that is slowly burning into people's consciousness. Why? The answer won't be too far behind.