In a contest between ethics and money most Western doctors and nurses chose money.

Back in the late 80's and early 90's when the USSR was falling apart and doctors and nurses weren't being paid most of them still went into work without pay and then got other jobs on the side to pay fore themselves and their families.

The medical profession of the USSR went through the fire and passed the test and the medical "profession" in the West has just failed the test.

We now await the judge's sentences for both being made obvious to all.

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The elite's plan seems to have been to sneak away from their injection slaughter amidst the dust-storm of a collapsing economy. Then after a few years of poverty and starvation impose the CBDC slavery system which would be cancel culture on steroids but it doesn't seem to be working out for them. Economies are on the verge of collapsing alright and things are going to get very difficult but in the process they're losing control. Too much information is getting out too soon like this article from Aisling. People are slowly waking up. The dead and injured carry a big question mark over them that is slowly burning into people's consciousness. Why? The answer won't be too far behind.

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