Professor Denis Rancourt dismantles the Covid scam one lie at a time and shares unpublished data on Ireland's excess deaths since the roll-out of the experimental injections...
In a phoney world of university science departments funded by the unlimited magic money machine of the late Jeffrey Epstein (didn’t kill himself) and Gates Foundation sponsored studies on the latest mRNA vaccines (to save the world of course!) - there remains, uncontaminated, Professor Denis Rancourt and his loyalty to the scientific method (more than a 100 peer reviewed journal articles and counting). Unlike his compromised colleagues in academia, Professor Rancourt is not baffled by the spikes in excess deaths since the roll-out of the experimental Covid-19 injections. His studies on all-cause mortality across the world expose what really went on during the so-called pandemic. The Canadian physics professor boldly states:
‘There is no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic in terms of mortality’.
To simplify: Nothing was spreading. Rancourt includes the Spanish Flu of 1918 in this doctrine shattering verdict. The former lead scientist of 23 years at Ottawa University has produced a yet-to-be published graph on all-cause mortality in Ireland from 2018 to present day which shows the first major spike around April 2020. Rancourt puts these deaths down to official assaults on vulnerable people, like ventilators and end-of -life protocols at a time of visitor restrictions at hospitals and nursing homes.
“The proof that it cannot be due to a virus is the following. Everywhere that it occurs around the world, it is synchronous, it happens at the same time immediately after the pandemic is announced. So the virus is waiting for a political announcement that there is a pandemic and then it’s going out and killing people right away”.
At a time when Irish authorities and a complicit media are attempting to cover up the mounting excess deaths since the roll-out of the experimental injections, Professor Rancourt’s graphs and commentary expose the magnitude of the issues facing the country. The Irish (and the rest of the world) have been coerced into a medical trial under false pretences.
Professor Rancourt’s calm, straight talking approach is steadfastly undoing billions of euro worth of propaganda and spin. He’s got all the receipts. Rancourt has coolly turned the cult of scientism on its head, exposing the rot within. There’s nowhere to hide.
There was no pandemic.
Nothing was spreading.
To watch the full interview click HERE.
Its all coming out about how the covid scam was orchestrated to frighten the shit out of people so that they would get jabbed with a sparsely tested experimental toxic shot. Now my question is; why are the perpetrators not even under investigation, people have died after all?
Great work, Aisling. I heard about Denis Rancourt's work quite awhile ago now but fantastic interview!
I can proudly and honestly say that apart from approximately 10 days in March 2020, I never believed in any of this project. This is the project of the age old Empire which steals from us (and is killing us in the process etc.). The world is run by psychopaths who, in their modern guise, use technocracy and scientism and all their associated grifts and scams, simple as!
Keep up the great work. Best wishes from Limerick.
Ps. I thought you should have mentioned Patrick E Walsh and his immense effort.