Its all coming out about how the covid scam was orchestrated to frighten the shit out of people so that they would get jabbed with a sparsely tested experimental toxic shot. Now my question is; why are the perpetrators not even under investigation, people have died after all?

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Who is going to investigate them? I will add to that, do you think most Irish people even believe that the vaxx was harmful? I think most people are still believe that it saved their life.

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True. It is because The Great Vaccine Experiment is not yet over until later this year.


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We should know by 2025, Deagel. Thanks for the link, will check it out.

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Great work, Aisling. I heard about Denis Rancourt's work quite awhile ago now but fantastic interview!

I can proudly and honestly say that apart from approximately 10 days in March 2020, I never believed in any of this project. This is the project of the age old Empire which steals from us (and is killing us in the process etc.). The world is run by psychopaths who, in their modern guise, use technocracy and scientism and all their associated grifts and scams, simple as!

Keep up the great work. Best wishes from Limerick.

Ps. I thought you should have mentioned Patrick E Walsh and his immense effort.

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It was an intelligence test and it's no surprise that the people that got it also get the "Putin wants to invade the EUSSR, because he "hates our freedooms" BS, to paraphrase Shrub the Lesser.

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An intelligence test indeed. Questions get easier as time moves on to see who will get the booby prize or wooden spoon.


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Denis Rancourt and Mike Yeadon will be remembered fondly by historians of the future, assuming the truth gets out unscathed from the debris of the modern era. They are historical figures in the making. Truly two of my world’s - if not THE world’s - most important people alive.

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Two greats for sure, Brian. But Mike Yeadon must be careful, he's being drawn in to promote subjects that will tarnish his reputation like Richard D Hall (counterintelligence). He also uses his platform to promote Gemma O'Doherty without seeming to realise she's counterintelligence and spreading false information. This is very concerning as it has the capacity to destroy his good work. He needs to distance himself from certain people who are ultimately out to undermine his message.

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Fair comment. Thank you. Curiosity killed the cat, after all.

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Hi Dr Yeadon, at least you know they're going to try and undermine your work somehow, the feckers. The RDH story is a trap set for conspiracy theorists. I've looked into it in depth. Agent Hall is very good at his job and has his well positioned network promoting his nonsense. The aim of the game: to make conspiracy theorists look untrustworthy and prone to error. Hall specialises in a form of brainwashing that relies heavily on suggestion and speculation. Fascinating area. Well done on all your brilliant work and dedication to helping us better understand this madness. Would love to do an interview sometime if you like. V interesting development on Prof Rancourt reassessment of vaccine deaths and damage. Still trying to wrap my head around it. My email is: 1oloughlin.aisling@gmail.com

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I am so glad to see this comment.

Yeadon has changed from a reserved, sober and authoritative commentator into an inflammatory attention seeker.

It's been sad to see.

I remain a supporter of the old Yeadon but don't recognize this new version.

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If nothing was spreading that would explain why they put up loads of posters which said “Act like you’ve got it, anyone can spread it”.

They basically told us to “pretend you’ve got it and that this is a real thing”

There’s a prank (which may or may not be real, but probably is) where the husband takes a picture of his wife’s phone lying on the kitchen counter just before she leaves. After she leaves he texts her to casually let her know she’s left her phone in the kitchen, along with the picture as proof. She absentmindedly returns home to collect it, with her phone literally in her hands. Hilarity ensues…

Covid was kind of like that. The government texted us and told us to pretend there is a thing even though there clearly wasn’t a thing, and in our absent minded state we all went along with it because that was what the text said.

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They needed the fake PCR to frighten and convince people they had a " virus" with no symptoms.

They needed the bought media to push the fear.

They needed the fear to coerce and convince you to take part of the greatest experiment in history....

They relentlessly pushed it and paid people with bribes of free burgers, lap dances and ice creams or lottery tickets, doughnuts, beer...

It was actually so ridiculous but it worked because they terrified people.

And now sadly we are seeing the consequences of it.


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COVID 19 ,the greatest Hoax ever perpetrated on humanity Fear and Terrror was created by the collaborators of the controlled Media.

The experimental, uncertified , rushed Injection and Fake 'vaccine' was the greatest Crime ever perpetrated on the People of the world.

Govts, Medical Institutions ,Media and Big Pharma are all complicit in Mass Murder.

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You are still the disease, their covaid$ death squirt was the old cure. Any time now will come their next "cure".

Conspiracy theorists are those people that are usually among the first to understand what's really going on.

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'death squirt' - love it!

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Dr JJ Couey needs to be featured here..... he is the real deal and trying to save humanity for the last few years.... he has lost a lot but it has not stopped him from carrying on.... he says, "Your consciousness is prime real estate" and " Stop TRANSFECTION in healthy humans. RNA cannot pandemic. LEARN BIOLOGY NOW!"

...along with calling out the meddlers and liars that are keeping us trapped....




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The story of all these events!

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Great interview Aisling. Hopefully this data will get more coverage. In relation to his take on the Ukraine and Gaza there is a very good article on off-guardian today that I think gives a more realistic assessment. https://off-guardian.org/2024/01/18/interrogating-multipolarity-a-response-to-understanding-power-dynamics/

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“To simplify: Nothing was spreading.” That’s not what the your quote from Rancourt says at all! He says “There was no worldwide pandemic in terms of mortality.” There is no question many people, including those not in the areas of mortality spikes (NYC, Lombardy, etc.) became ill with something that was slightly different from common influenza. But if they were healthy they did not die, nor were they often significantly injured. It appears something did spread. I think that was part of the operation in order to push the plebes into the vaxx corral.

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The fear virus was spreading and still is. Masking rising like the plague again.

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The only thing I noticed spreading was dis/mis information of the biggest PsyOp/MISO op ever undertaken via DARPA/CIA & other usual suspects in the coterie of evil. Manufactured concensus/fake nodes of Bravo Sierra/Socery & Goetic Magi-ck Mass Formation psychosis. Conflagration of double speak x a gigaparsec. Insultz anyone’s soul of sentience. Should all be swingin’.

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I still wonder if Epstein is alive and well and living in Tel Aviv.

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Probably still perving on Epstein Island.

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