Oxford's infamous Bullingdon Club includes Candace Owens' husband George Farmer, Boris Johnson and David Cameron alongside wannabe member James Delingpole
Funny how all these former members (and Delingpole) ended up in key positions to influence and manipulate public perception.
Yale has Skull and Bones. Oxford has The Bullingdon Club. Two sinister secret societies that have produced some of the most dangerous and devastating characters ever to step foot on the world stage. Former US presidents, Bush Senior and Junior came out of Skull and Bones, also known as Order 322 or the Brotherhood of Death. Other notables include former US Secretary of State and Climate Change Fear Monger-in-Chief John Kerry (Class of 1966), Lyman Spitzer (Class of 1935) who came up with the Hubble telescope to provide ‘stunning images of the universe’ and publishing magnate Henry Luce (Class of 1920) who launched Time magazine and those little M horns we see popping out from behind the heads of its cover stars.
At Oxford, there’s the infamous Bullingdon Club for the richest, best-connected, and worst-behaved of students (usually between 10-20 members at a time). The notorious club included two kings of England (Edward VII and Edward VIII), three Prime Ministers (Boris Johnson, David Cameron, Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery), and two chancellors of the Exchequer (George Osborne and Lord Randolph Churchill).
Alternative media broadcaster James Delingpole badly wanted to be part of the hedonistic dining club known for its obnoxious manners and vandalism but he didn’t quite make the grade. In an article on the debauched societies of Oxford entitled A degree in decadence: The Oxbridge student clubs that make Cameron's Bullingdon chums look like the Girl Guides, Delingpole wrote in The Daily Mail September 06, 2012:
Ideally, I would have liked to join my contemporaries, Boris Johnson and David Cameron, in the Bullingdon Club, but the Buller — as it’s known — wouldn’t have me. (I got terribly excited one evening when they turned up at my house to initiate a new member. But it turned out the room they’d come to trash — part of the initiation process — belonged to my more socially acceptable flatmate, Ewen.)
This Ewen Delingpole mentions in his article for The Daily Mail was City solicitor Ewen Fergusson (Class of 1987) who landed himself a plum job in July 2021 advising Boris Johnson on ethical standards in public life, of all things. This is particularly odious considering the immoral antics of the Bullingdon Club but these guys love a good ole laugh at our expense, the plebs. Apparently Ewen was the one who threw a potted plant out the window of a restaurant in 1987. Six out of 10 of the dining group were ‘apprehended’ by the cops for trashing the venue.
Where were ethics of any kind when Borris Johnson conned the British public into believing there was a deadly pandemic on the loose that required a liability free, novel gene therapy solution with no long term safety assurances? There were no ethical standards in public office and that’s why they got away with the scam. The Old Boys’ Club comes in handy when there’s a population to inject with a trial concoction.
You have to be a particular type to gain entry to the ‘elite of the elite’ Bullingdon Club. You’ve got to prove your cunning, that you’re willing to go all the way, to be the most audacious and outrageous of them all; that you can exhibit no conscience in the face of destruction. You must prove you’re merciless. Candace Owens’ husband George Farmer was president of the Bullingdon Club while reading theology in 2010. Conservative on the outside while heading a decadent secret posh boys’ club on the inside.
A Mail on Sunday article entitled New Tory treasurer funded his son's membership of the Bullingdon Club from April 7, 2012 reads:
The club maintained its controversial reputation in June 2010, at the end of George’s second year at Oxford, when police were called to the Hartwell House hotel near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, following reports that club members had broken glasses and pulled pipes out of a bathroom.
They also investigated claims of criminal damage to a sports car.
Smashing things up while lording your privilege without fear of consequence is a hallmark of the Bullingdon Club alongside the belief that you can buy your way out of any sticky situation. The 2014 movie The Riot Club gave the British viewing public an idea of the type of ‘gentlemen’ running their country. It explained a lot. They hadn’t imagined the contempt they’d felt from their toff ruling class. They really were despised.
A year after the movie’s release, came the revelation about David Cameron and the pig’s head. Again it was The Daily Mail with another scandalous title, Drugs, debauchery and the making of an extraordinary Prime Minister: For years rumours have dogged him. Now, the truth about the shockingly decadent Oxford days of the gifted Bullingdon boy. Article reads:
But Cameron went a great deal further. He also got involved in the notorious Oxford dining society, the Piers Gaveston, named after the lover of Edward II, which specialises in bizarre rituals and sexual excess.
A distinguished Oxford contemporary claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a dead pig. His extraordinary suggestion is that the future PM inserted a private part of his anatomy into the animal’s mouth.
Apparently this happened while the pig’s head sat on the lap of a fellow member. Pigs’ heads were a running theme at these drinking parties, so the story goes. That’s David Cameron getting a Delingpole sandwich in the photo below, Dick (left), James (right). James Delingpole and David Cameron were close. They even had a little club of their own - The Flam Club - where they smoked weed in James Delingpoles’ room in Peckwater Quad, ‘one of the finest quadrangles in Oxford’s Christ Church college’.
But yeah, James Delingpole has seen the light and is prepared to sacrifice his aristo lifestyle to save the plebs his posh friends once mocked (even though his son went to Eton). He kindly uses his podcast to help the lowly understand false flags and how victims of terrorism are really just crisis actors playing a role in a grand production. He encourages his audience to mock these victims and disbelieve their testimonies. Isn’t he lovely?
As for George Farmer, former president of the Bullingdon Club. His outwardly conservative wife Candace Owens has got millions of conspiracy theorists worldwide to say ‘Brigitte Macron is a man’. Any day now she’ll produce the evidence to back it up. Owens is a funny conservative, doesn’t seem to mind Andrew Tate’s pimping ways and abusive nature, jokes about Trump’s ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’ remark with Tate and pretends to a faithful Christian like her creepy pal Russell Brand who’s suddenly turned to Jesus too, for the cameras, at least.
Should us plebs put our faith in any of these former members of the Bullingdon Club to do the right thing? That includes Buller wannabe James Delingpole. Why did he wannabe a Buller anyway? To vandalise and behave like a demon?
It’s entirely up to you who you want to follow or trust. Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but I find it odd these players have been positioned in key roles on either side of the fence to influence public perception. I don’t think it’s an accident. That’s why I’ll be hanging back and refraining from joining any chorus these guys orchestrate.
Judge ‘em by their fruits.
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What a spiteful article/attack. I'm sorry, but all you seem to write recently are attempted take downs of people you disagree with. James, Ian, Richard, Gemma etc. You are quoting something James Delingpole allegedly said in 2012. (long before you then went on James' podcast). It just makes me wonder about some of the things you must have said back in 2012 when you were MSM?
Sometimes you come out with good points in your articles, but then say things like this which makes me think if anyone is trying to constantly lead people astray, it's you. Please, instead of constantly critisising others (which doesn't make you look good), why not suggest things YOU think would help.
You have become drunk on arrogance Aisling, how can you be so petty and condescending... I have given you so many passes for the way you behave but I won't now, I really think you need to get a bit of self awareness it's as though you've appointed yourself queen of the conspiracy club! It's not a club, your not the queen, we all have our own opinions on what we believe and no one needs your trashy journalism now as clearly your MSM training is showing.. you have lost all credibility now with this tabloid style you have adopted..or should I say returned to! You clearly never read the incredibly thorough three year investigation into Brigette Macron, I did, this is without doubt a trasitioned man with a fictional past.. the evidence is irrefutable that "she" is indeed her own (missing) brother after transitioning...
I will be unsubscribing now... you have become the very Gemma you hated! .