What a spiteful article/attack. I'm sorry, but all you seem to write recently are attempted take downs of people you disagree with. James, Ian, Richard, Gemma etc. You are quoting something James Delingpole allegedly said in 2012. (long before you then went on James' podcast). It just makes me wonder about some of the things you must have said back in 2012 when you were MSM?
Sometimes you come out with good points in your articles, but then say things like this which makes me think if anyone is trying to constantly lead people astray, it's you. Please, instead of constantly critisising others (which doesn't make you look good), why not suggest things YOU think would help.
Tim, please don't be nice but dim. I'm pointing out counterintelligence operations that invite you to behave appallingly like pick on real victims at their most vulnerable (because you wrongfully think they're crisis actors). You should be thanking me for helping you understand.
You have become drunk on arrogance Aisling, how can you be so petty and condescending... I have given you so many passes for the way you behave but I won't now, I really think you need to get a bit of self awareness it's as though you've appointed yourself queen of the conspiracy club! It's not a club, your not the queen, we all have our own opinions on what we believe and no one needs your trashy journalism now as clearly your MSM training is showing.. you have lost all credibility now with this tabloid style you have adopted..or should I say returned to! You clearly never read the incredibly thorough three year investigation into Brigette Macron, I did, this is without doubt a trasitioned man with a fictional past.. the evidence is irrefutable that "she" is indeed her own (missing) brother after transitioning...
I will be unsubscribing now... you have become the very Gemma you hated! .
There's nothing petty about the Bullingdon Cub kt. It's a rather big deal in the grand scheme of things and you'd be mad to ignore its relevance on the world stage. I walk this path alone, hardly the Queen of the Conspiracy Club! I've annoyed a lot of people who have bought into well funded propaganda campaigns and get offended when I point out discrepancies in their thinking. I don't do this to be popular but being consistently right is important. The Bullingdon Club connection with Candace Owens' husband is relevant, it's not a coincidence. I don't know why you're cross with me for pointing it out. Surely you find it interesting too. I wouldn't be so sure Brigitte Macron is a man.
This is the most hard hitting piece she's written here so far !
What a feeble mind you have to be so outraged.
She may not be a queen yet, but she is fast becoming a princess in the arena, while you appear to be just bitter & sad- who spends 3 years investigating a transsexual !
I’m really puzzled by this article. What’s the call to action you are hoping for? Nothing in it is news. James has said this stuff about the Bullingdon club and time with Cameron plenty of times in his podcast. Having spent a bit of time with James and watched him warmly and attentively field questions in my garden from teenagers, this picture of him as a pleb-perception manipulator or as a kind of Jerry Springer of the conspiracy theory world who winds up thick people to go off a think mad things just doesn’t fit reality. James genuinely thinks aloud, explores ideas and openly self corrects when it turns out he’s got somthing wrong. Disagree with him all you like. Hold his feet to the fire on claims he has made but don’t try and label him as controlled opposition, served up by the elites to manipulate plebs.
Well I've watched him too, convince his followers that real victims are crisis actors. That's dark Jonny, real dark. Sorry I can't join your fan club. I'm not a club kinda girl.
Just as I don’t hold with leaping from the pseudo science of conversation analysis to concluding that victims lied and lost limbs in a gardening accident, neither do I hold with a leap from opinions voiced and genuinely held (however dark one finds those views or however much we disagree) to the conclusion that the person holding them is a wannabe elite pleb manipulator.
Deal with the claims (as you have done before), and state the implications of those claims with full throated disgust if that’s fitting, rather than trading in ‘might-be’s’ and loose associations to discredit the speaker. I’m calling for methodological consistency when dealing with real people. Something you’ve called for. I don’t think that is fan boy stuff.
This claim that everyone injured etc. is a crisis actor is becoming prevalent. When I wrote about the Christchurch (NZ, my home town) mosque attack as a set up, but talked about actual deaths, it was claimed no-one died; that they were all crisis actors. No amount of my nuance mattered. I know (as much as I can without actually being there) this is false. I personally know someone who works at the hospital and dealt with people with gunshot wounds and saw dead bodies. But people will believe what they believe (or they're just trying to muddy the waters).
Oh I see you're on to it - I've just read your 1 Feb. article. I'm a bit slow.
hate to say but what is says in the Mail is not gospel. Secondly Dick D and JD look nothing like each other anyway - is one of them adopted or do we have any proof they are brothers anyway? Dick is a freemason and most likely JD is too. They love misleading people
You're right! Sorry for being too opinionated - found a similar pic on Times article byline J Delingpole. Thanks for the generally moderating influence. Have you seen Mikhaila Peterson and Candac squaring off on the HB1 visa thing?
Since the bad do infiltrate, in order to sway, influence and takeover, is it also possible for the good to infiltrate? Perhaps not for the sake of “taking over,” but to scope out the players and the action, so that more effective counter-measures can be planned? Just a thought. In a world that can not, and should never, be taken as a WYSIWYG world, where sense-making merely stops at appearances, it would do well to remember that in war, psychological operations are carried out on both sides by necessity. Infiltrators tend to play off of appearances in order to make a good showing while keeping their real intentions under wraps. Much fuss has been made (perhaps still is) about who shows up in the back list of the World Economic Forum roster of “young leaders” — such as Putin and Tulsi Gabbard — as if that should compromise them for life. But even Catherine Austin Fitts said that it means nothing, that there are many reasons why they might associated with the WEF before moving on. So remember: it’s not a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) reality.
The information about the history of this club is interesting, but has nothing to do with hoaxes and false flags. Evidence still needs to be provided to convince people those events are real. The evidence available suggests the truth is far from what is being reported. It's not even a debate at this point.
Until you can prove those victims are crisis actors, it's still up for debate. I'm not taking instruction off a guy who pined to be a member of the Bullingdon Club and who had his own private club with David Cameron who pushed things to the limit (Pig's head, anyone?). I don't trust Delingpole. I don't care how charming he is. These aristo types are out to protect their assets at any cost - Delingpole isn't sacrificing his wealth for the plebs. That's fantasy land. Of course you call into question which way he's directing his audience.
The crime scene photos suggest it was set dressing. If there is no evidence of a crime, there are no victims. Withholding evidence from the general public while telling them what to think is wildly unethical. No matter how you twist it, MSM and the authorities are not doing their jobs. Running cover for them while going on tangents about Russell Brand sort of makes one a Russell Brand.
First off I want to say how handsome James is in that sandwich photo!!! James fancies Sasha (for her mind) and I just love James all round. Anyway, trivial comments over, Im not sure where you're coming from Aisling on this... I agree with previous comments above - if you listen to James with an open mind you will know that he is above all, a sincere seeker of truth, and a serious Christian. The false flag stuff is certainly half way down the rabbit hole, and I ceased to be a 'normie' (as James puts it) when I read " Where did the Towers go?" by Professor Judy Wood. (I suggest you read it before you write any more articles about what is real and what is not..) The book is a mind blowing/eye opening scientific analysis of what happened on 9/11 from the perspective of a materials scientist. Once you read it (and I did science A levels so I really get it) it is OBVIOUS that a Directed Energy Weapon was used. Dr Judy is not interested in anything beyond the material facts of HOW the buildings were turned to dust and how none of the office paper in the towers burnt, but some 1000 cars around the WTC block ignited/melted. Im not sure about false flags using crisis actors, but it is certainly possible. Have you done the research Aisling? James and others like Ole Dammegard have. Widen your Overton Window. If you keep writing articles like this one I will think you are being paid to do hit pieces on someone who is clearly over the target. I shall watch your wtiting with interest.
Last comment. I’m very much in favour of charting the ways in which the truth and freedom movement is starting to mirror the enemies ways of thinking and arguing. Especially in terms of unquestioned group think and a drive to make us doubt the data of our senses and eye witness testimony. I appreciate your work on that. I think the argument in your piece today doesn’t stack up and comes off as a slip in your methodology.
I find the Bullingdon Club connection very interesting, especially that Candace Owen's husband was president at one point. That's very telling. What are the chances? She's now taking on the French President and his missus. This is fascinating stuff. None of it is an accident, including Delingpole's role in herding the sheep.
It looks to me that you are protesting too much over an obvious group of bum wanking coke-head scumbags Jonny- unless YOU are also of that disposition?
What is James meant to be herding us towards? How can the things he is talking about be helpful to the people behind the covid conspiracy? Could you explain? And have you read Dr Judy Woods book Aisling? Please tell me.
He is herding you into a state of mental constipation where you can listen to gross shill/plants like Jewdy Wood talking about FANTASY WEAPONS & think you are being informed, instead of looking like some dribbling mental cripple, & goon for oppression & lies.
How is what James Delingpole doing part of counter intelligence? Please explain. Also have you read Dr Judy Woods book "Where did the Towers go?" Please answer!
Whatever you think about James Delingpole he has been very open about his background and has talked about his days at Oxford with David Cameron, Boris Johnson et al on many occasions publicly and privately. He has also been very open about wanting to be part of that set and his disappointment at not being selected as a member of The Bullingdon Club or being approached by MI5 for that matter. I find it fascinating.
Did any of us know what went on in these organisations when we were 18, 19 or 20 or who our friends would turn out to be decades later? Are we suddenly guilty of being counter intelligence because we spent time with school/uni friends in the holidays and were, shock horror photographed with them? As far as I know James was on a scholarship and did not come from anywhere near the same bloodlines or background as most of his privileged peers at Oxford (possibly a very good reason as to why he wasn’t selected). I bet it was quite the adventure hanging around with these toffs. Are we now guilty, by association? I suspect James had a ruder awakening than most when he woke up to some of the horrors that he so easily could have been a part of.
It’s clear you disagree with his thoughts on crisis actors and that is absolutely your right but if James Delingpole is counter intelligence I will eat my hat.
Hey Jules, your defence of James Delingpole is understandable. He's very charming and a great writer and broadcaster. I've enjoyed his output enormously but I can't help spot patterns and anomalies. I became deeply suspicious of Delingpole around the Saffie Roussos story. I found it strange that a journalist of his calibre would overlook the fact that Richard D Hall had no evidence to support his claim that the parents of the little girl had somehow used a 'hoax bomb' to cover for their role in her death. This isn't something small. It's a major red flag. I also found it most peculiar the way he was encouraging his audience to mock the victims of the bombing, highly unusual behaviour for a journalist. Not highly unusual for someone who mixes with The Bullingdon Club crew though. My suspicions were further confirmed when I saw him interview Abi Roberts and try to force her into a position to support his false flag narrative, crisis management. Good for Abi she didn't back down. It was very peculiar the way he pretended not to know about the Saffie Roussos story to Abi. It is my contention that it is Delingpole's job is to make conspiracy theorists look stupid and untrustworthy. He does it primarily though the false flag narrative. He's not on our side. He hasn't sacrificed his wealth to help the plebs. He put his son through Eton, hardly a sign that he's broken free of the system he claims to loathe. He's still one of them, protecting his assets and playing mean toff games with the great unwashed.
Hey Aisling. Thanks for your reply. I understand where you are coming from and your concerns around the Manchester bombing…….I sit somewhere in the middle and I’m not entirely comfortable with that but like all similar events it’s very murky, I’m surprised anyone can be so sure of what happened, James included. I spot some anomalies with James sometimes but in my view they are James ‘isms’, he is ditsy, can be prickly and at times flaky which he admits himself….he is also interesting, kind and funny. If some of his followers need to be ‘encouraged’ to think a certain way then that’s on them, they are not critically thinking. The second part of the Abi Roberts pod, not gonna lie I found excruciating and extremely awkward (especially as they are friends) and yes good on her for standing her ground. We should be able to discuss our differences without falling out. We can only form our own opinions and none of us know if we are right, James included. It would be remiss not to question the big name truthers and their motives I get that. I’ve been in James’s company a number of times and got to know his delightful brother Dick and adorable sister Helen……if he is counter intelligence he’s playing a very good game, one I don’t think he is capable of. He may have his faults, (don’t we all) but I don’t see him as devious in the slightest. This isn’t fan girling on my part just my observations and only fair that I share them.
ps I've met James and seen him speak several times. He is very genuine and says what he thinks without fear or favour and explains his reasoning. Something which seems lacking in your recent attacks. I think Miri was your latest.
NGL, totes confused about the comparative relevance??
However, for balance one of the Bullingdon Club members pictured, Sebastian James, is known to be a general good egg, nice person and inspirational boss. 🤷🏼♀️
Nice piece Aisling but I think most people take most of what Delingpole does with a pinch of salt. Also his extreme positions - like Toby Young's Zionist ones - have alienated a lot of us. I rarely read or listen to him anymore. Unfortunately, just as politicians are ego and money driven so too are so-called freedom warriors. It's down to us as individuals to navigate as best we can a route to relative sanity and happiness. So we can't outsource our thinking to Delingpole or anyone else.
Aisling ole girl. A fine piece of work might I say. Up there with The Greats. Pipped at the post perhaps by Eddie Mair with this elegant tour de force: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTAClNQUUeE
You're logged in as quilligan@yahoo.com, but this page is private. Try signing in with a different email, or letting the author know they've linked to a private page.'
We have different devices maybe, so I go my own way. All the best in what you do.
What a spiteful article/attack. I'm sorry, but all you seem to write recently are attempted take downs of people you disagree with. James, Ian, Richard, Gemma etc. You are quoting something James Delingpole allegedly said in 2012. (long before you then went on James' podcast). It just makes me wonder about some of the things you must have said back in 2012 when you were MSM?
Sometimes you come out with good points in your articles, but then say things like this which makes me think if anyone is trying to constantly lead people astray, it's you. Please, instead of constantly critisising others (which doesn't make you look good), why not suggest things YOU think would help.
Tim, please don't be nice but dim. I'm pointing out counterintelligence operations that invite you to behave appallingly like pick on real victims at their most vulnerable (because you wrongfully think they're crisis actors). You should be thanking me for helping you understand.
Tim! You sound like a man who has been sucking anus for most of your life.
This is by far the best piece of work Aisling has ever written here!
Delingpole is fake, insidious & a man with disgusting tastes,
you sticking it up for him does you no favours.
You have become drunk on arrogance Aisling, how can you be so petty and condescending... I have given you so many passes for the way you behave but I won't now, I really think you need to get a bit of self awareness it's as though you've appointed yourself queen of the conspiracy club! It's not a club, your not the queen, we all have our own opinions on what we believe and no one needs your trashy journalism now as clearly your MSM training is showing.. you have lost all credibility now with this tabloid style you have adopted..or should I say returned to! You clearly never read the incredibly thorough three year investigation into Brigette Macron, I did, this is without doubt a trasitioned man with a fictional past.. the evidence is irrefutable that "she" is indeed her own (missing) brother after transitioning...
I will be unsubscribing now... you have become the very Gemma you hated! .
There's nothing petty about the Bullingdon Cub kt. It's a rather big deal in the grand scheme of things and you'd be mad to ignore its relevance on the world stage. I walk this path alone, hardly the Queen of the Conspiracy Club! I've annoyed a lot of people who have bought into well funded propaganda campaigns and get offended when I point out discrepancies in their thinking. I don't do this to be popular but being consistently right is important. The Bullingdon Club connection with Candace Owens' husband is relevant, it's not a coincidence. I don't know why you're cross with me for pointing it out. Surely you find it interesting too. I wouldn't be so sure Brigitte Macron is a man.
This is the most hard hitting piece she's written here so far !
What a feeble mind you have to be so outraged.
She may not be a queen yet, but she is fast becoming a princess in the arena, while you appear to be just bitter & sad- who spends 3 years investigating a transsexual !
I’m really puzzled by this article. What’s the call to action you are hoping for? Nothing in it is news. James has said this stuff about the Bullingdon club and time with Cameron plenty of times in his podcast. Having spent a bit of time with James and watched him warmly and attentively field questions in my garden from teenagers, this picture of him as a pleb-perception manipulator or as a kind of Jerry Springer of the conspiracy theory world who winds up thick people to go off a think mad things just doesn’t fit reality. James genuinely thinks aloud, explores ideas and openly self corrects when it turns out he’s got somthing wrong. Disagree with him all you like. Hold his feet to the fire on claims he has made but don’t try and label him as controlled opposition, served up by the elites to manipulate plebs.
Well I've watched him too, convince his followers that real victims are crisis actors. That's dark Jonny, real dark. Sorry I can't join your fan club. I'm not a club kinda girl.
Just as I don’t hold with leaping from the pseudo science of conversation analysis to concluding that victims lied and lost limbs in a gardening accident, neither do I hold with a leap from opinions voiced and genuinely held (however dark one finds those views or however much we disagree) to the conclusion that the person holding them is a wannabe elite pleb manipulator.
Deal with the claims (as you have done before), and state the implications of those claims with full throated disgust if that’s fitting, rather than trading in ‘might-be’s’ and loose associations to discredit the speaker. I’m calling for methodological consistency when dealing with real people. Something you’ve called for. I don’t think that is fan boy stuff.
This claim that everyone injured etc. is a crisis actor is becoming prevalent. When I wrote about the Christchurch (NZ, my home town) mosque attack as a set up, but talked about actual deaths, it was claimed no-one died; that they were all crisis actors. No amount of my nuance mattered. I know (as much as I can without actually being there) this is false. I personally know someone who works at the hospital and dealt with people with gunshot wounds and saw dead bodies. But people will believe what they believe (or they're just trying to muddy the waters).
Oh I see you're on to it - I've just read your 1 Feb. article. I'm a bit slow.
Dingleberry does even know the difference between SATAN, LUCIFER & the DEVIL, that alone proves he is a liar & a theological moron.
What has he ever said that hasn't already been said?
Agree with premise of your argument but I'm pretty sure that delingpole did not go to Eton went to a much less well known one called Malvern college
Maybe that's why delingpole claims he was never part of the incrowd...
but look into his wife & you will see what is really the power base there.
spot on that is exactly it ... his wife . virtually Bulgarian royalty and his Malvern education, Malvern a known agent school
Thank you pointing that out Jmac. Amended. All these old English schools are a mine field for an Irish woman!
That's not Dick Delingpole. It might be Darius Guppy, who was at Eton with David Cameron.
I've double checked - it appears to be Dick alright.
Hi Julie, I was thinking it doesn't look like Dick Delingpole but according to the caption on the Mail image it's James Delingpole's brother. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3242504/Drugs-debauchery-making-extraordinary-Prime-Minister-years-rumours-dogged-truth-shockingly-decadent-Oxford-days-gifted-Bullingdon-boy.html
hate to say but what is says in the Mail is not gospel. Secondly Dick D and JD look nothing like each other anyway - is one of them adopted or do we have any proof they are brothers anyway? Dick is a freemason and most likely JD is too. They love misleading people
The Riot Club inside Bullingdon Club - interview with Laura Wade & Max Irons
You're right! Sorry for being too opinionated - found a similar pic on Times article byline J Delingpole. Thanks for the generally moderating influence. Have you seen Mikhaila Peterson and Candac squaring off on the HB1 visa thing?
Not at all. I love a strong opinion, keeps me on my toes. No haven't seen that interview yet. The panto never ends!
Since the bad do infiltrate, in order to sway, influence and takeover, is it also possible for the good to infiltrate? Perhaps not for the sake of “taking over,” but to scope out the players and the action, so that more effective counter-measures can be planned? Just a thought. In a world that can not, and should never, be taken as a WYSIWYG world, where sense-making merely stops at appearances, it would do well to remember that in war, psychological operations are carried out on both sides by necessity. Infiltrators tend to play off of appearances in order to make a good showing while keeping their real intentions under wraps. Much fuss has been made (perhaps still is) about who shows up in the back list of the World Economic Forum roster of “young leaders” — such as Putin and Tulsi Gabbard — as if that should compromise them for life. But even Catherine Austin Fitts said that it means nothing, that there are many reasons why they might associated with the WEF before moving on. So remember: it’s not a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) reality.
I still wouldn't trust anyone who turned up on the WEF website!
The information about the history of this club is interesting, but has nothing to do with hoaxes and false flags. Evidence still needs to be provided to convince people those events are real. The evidence available suggests the truth is far from what is being reported. It's not even a debate at this point.
Until you can prove those victims are crisis actors, it's still up for debate. I'm not taking instruction off a guy who pined to be a member of the Bullingdon Club and who had his own private club with David Cameron who pushed things to the limit (Pig's head, anyone?). I don't trust Delingpole. I don't care how charming he is. These aristo types are out to protect their assets at any cost - Delingpole isn't sacrificing his wealth for the plebs. That's fantasy land. Of course you call into question which way he's directing his audience.
The crime scene photos suggest it was set dressing. If there is no evidence of a crime, there are no victims. Withholding evidence from the general public while telling them what to think is wildly unethical. No matter how you twist it, MSM and the authorities are not doing their jobs. Running cover for them while going on tangents about Russell Brand sort of makes one a Russell Brand.
What are we talking about now? What crime scene?
First off I want to say how handsome James is in that sandwich photo!!! James fancies Sasha (for her mind) and I just love James all round. Anyway, trivial comments over, Im not sure where you're coming from Aisling on this... I agree with previous comments above - if you listen to James with an open mind you will know that he is above all, a sincere seeker of truth, and a serious Christian. The false flag stuff is certainly half way down the rabbit hole, and I ceased to be a 'normie' (as James puts it) when I read " Where did the Towers go?" by Professor Judy Wood. (I suggest you read it before you write any more articles about what is real and what is not..) The book is a mind blowing/eye opening scientific analysis of what happened on 9/11 from the perspective of a materials scientist. Once you read it (and I did science A levels so I really get it) it is OBVIOUS that a Directed Energy Weapon was used. Dr Judy is not interested in anything beyond the material facts of HOW the buildings were turned to dust and how none of the office paper in the towers burnt, but some 1000 cars around the WTC block ignited/melted. Im not sure about false flags using crisis actors, but it is certainly possible. Have you done the research Aisling? James and others like Ole Dammegard have. Widen your Overton Window. If you keep writing articles like this one I will think you are being paid to do hit pieces on someone who is clearly over the target. I shall watch your wtiting with interest.
Sorry Caroline but you've been taken in by counterintelligence. There's not much more I can do for you. Enjoy being misled by the Bullingdon gang.
I’m not sure you’ve established that James is counterintelligence, not even the Pike of the Dad’s Army unit of MI5.
I think the Bullingdon Club connection is a bit more serious than Dad's Army. Ignore it if you like.
Last comment. I’m very much in favour of charting the ways in which the truth and freedom movement is starting to mirror the enemies ways of thinking and arguing. Especially in terms of unquestioned group think and a drive to make us doubt the data of our senses and eye witness testimony. I appreciate your work on that. I think the argument in your piece today doesn’t stack up and comes off as a slip in your methodology.
I find the Bullingdon Club connection very interesting, especially that Candace Owen's husband was president at one point. That's very telling. What are the chances? She's now taking on the French President and his missus. This is fascinating stuff. None of it is an accident, including Delingpole's role in herding the sheep.
It looks to me that you are protesting too much over an obvious group of bum wanking coke-head scumbags Jonny- unless YOU are also of that disposition?
What is James meant to be herding us towards? How can the things he is talking about be helpful to the people behind the covid conspiracy? Could you explain? And have you read Dr Judy Woods book Aisling? Please tell me.
He is herding you into a state of mental constipation where you can listen to gross shill/plants like Jewdy Wood talking about FANTASY WEAPONS & think you are being informed, instead of looking like some dribbling mental cripple, & goon for oppression & lies.
How is what James Delingpole doing part of counter intelligence? Please explain. Also have you read Dr Judy Woods book "Where did the Towers go?" Please answer!
Is gullibility a special talent of yours ?
Whatever you think about James Delingpole he has been very open about his background and has talked about his days at Oxford with David Cameron, Boris Johnson et al on many occasions publicly and privately. He has also been very open about wanting to be part of that set and his disappointment at not being selected as a member of The Bullingdon Club or being approached by MI5 for that matter. I find it fascinating.
Did any of us know what went on in these organisations when we were 18, 19 or 20 or who our friends would turn out to be decades later? Are we suddenly guilty of being counter intelligence because we spent time with school/uni friends in the holidays and were, shock horror photographed with them? As far as I know James was on a scholarship and did not come from anywhere near the same bloodlines or background as most of his privileged peers at Oxford (possibly a very good reason as to why he wasn’t selected). I bet it was quite the adventure hanging around with these toffs. Are we now guilty, by association? I suspect James had a ruder awakening than most when he woke up to some of the horrors that he so easily could have been a part of.
It’s clear you disagree with his thoughts on crisis actors and that is absolutely your right but if James Delingpole is counter intelligence I will eat my hat.
Hey Jules, your defence of James Delingpole is understandable. He's very charming and a great writer and broadcaster. I've enjoyed his output enormously but I can't help spot patterns and anomalies. I became deeply suspicious of Delingpole around the Saffie Roussos story. I found it strange that a journalist of his calibre would overlook the fact that Richard D Hall had no evidence to support his claim that the parents of the little girl had somehow used a 'hoax bomb' to cover for their role in her death. This isn't something small. It's a major red flag. I also found it most peculiar the way he was encouraging his audience to mock the victims of the bombing, highly unusual behaviour for a journalist. Not highly unusual for someone who mixes with The Bullingdon Club crew though. My suspicions were further confirmed when I saw him interview Abi Roberts and try to force her into a position to support his false flag narrative, crisis management. Good for Abi she didn't back down. It was very peculiar the way he pretended not to know about the Saffie Roussos story to Abi. It is my contention that it is Delingpole's job is to make conspiracy theorists look stupid and untrustworthy. He does it primarily though the false flag narrative. He's not on our side. He hasn't sacrificed his wealth to help the plebs. He put his son through Eton, hardly a sign that he's broken free of the system he claims to loathe. He's still one of them, protecting his assets and playing mean toff games with the great unwashed.
I think also to fly the Christian flag, which is looking more and more suspect.
Hey Aisling. Thanks for your reply. I understand where you are coming from and your concerns around the Manchester bombing…….I sit somewhere in the middle and I’m not entirely comfortable with that but like all similar events it’s very murky, I’m surprised anyone can be so sure of what happened, James included. I spot some anomalies with James sometimes but in my view they are James ‘isms’, he is ditsy, can be prickly and at times flaky which he admits himself….he is also interesting, kind and funny. If some of his followers need to be ‘encouraged’ to think a certain way then that’s on them, they are not critically thinking. The second part of the Abi Roberts pod, not gonna lie I found excruciating and extremely awkward (especially as they are friends) and yes good on her for standing her ground. We should be able to discuss our differences without falling out. We can only form our own opinions and none of us know if we are right, James included. It would be remiss not to question the big name truthers and their motives I get that. I’ve been in James’s company a number of times and got to know his delightful brother Dick and adorable sister Helen……if he is counter intelligence he’s playing a very good game, one I don’t think he is capable of. He may have his faults, (don’t we all) but I don’t see him as devious in the slightest. This isn’t fan girling on my part just my observations and only fair that I share them.
ps I've met James and seen him speak several times. He is very genuine and says what he thinks without fear or favour and explains his reasoning. Something which seems lacking in your recent attacks. I think Miri was your latest.
I'm making relevant points Tim. Miri thinks Brad Pitt's a woman. That deserves to be called out.
and you believe she really believes that ...?
NGL, totes confused about the comparative relevance??
However, for balance one of the Bullingdon Club members pictured, Sebastian James, is known to be a general good egg, nice person and inspirational boss. 🤷🏼♀️
I'd no more trust a member of the Bullingdon Club than I would a demon, I wouldn't care how charming he was.
Do you have a lot of dealings with Demons then?🙄🤔😁
Her silence is as good as an admission here.😁😂
Nice piece Aisling but I think most people take most of what Delingpole does with a pinch of salt. Also his extreme positions - like Toby Young's Zionist ones - have alienated a lot of us. I rarely read or listen to him anymore. Unfortunately, just as politicians are ego and money driven so too are so-called freedom warriors. It's down to us as individuals to navigate as best we can a route to relative sanity and happiness. So we can't outsource our thinking to Delingpole or anyone else.
Aisling ole girl. A fine piece of work might I say. Up there with The Greats. Pipped at the post perhaps by Eddie Mair with this elegant tour de force: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTAClNQUUeE
You are off you head Dennis-😂
maybe the controlled ops game is diminishing your sensibilities & now you have almost protozoic taste!
as you are
Thanks for your contribution. Is there a possibility you might just fuck off soon?
While all Dennis has contributed is the stench of bum wanking & pet fetching maneuvers !
Go on Quilliguts, do that manic fairy gobbling dance you do for us!
& tROT ON , as you do.
You write: 'Sign in to The Blue Sky Maiden
You're logged in as quilligan@yahoo.com, but this page is private. Try signing in with a different email, or letting the author know they've linked to a private page.'
We have different devices maybe, so I go my own way. All the best in what you do.
No thanks. Please see my previous reply.
Oh dear Dennis, more controlled op games from you-
You are too clueless to look at the account from the profile page!
What a mental cripple you are , yet so arrogant & sanctimonious in your ways.
tROT ON as you are.
Dennis is Abi Roberts, or part of her at least.