The Final Experiment: nope, just another PR stunt to keep the globe lie spinning in space
Why go to so much trouble to convince us we're orbiting the sun at 66.666mph? Because the next bit of the agenda is hinged on us buying into space fantasy.
Apparently that’s it sorted. Flat Earthers have been proven wrong. There’s a 24 hour sun in Antarctica which, we’re reliably informed, destroys some FE model that’s supposed to be definitive. On YouTube anyway. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Now we can all go back to sleep. We’re still spinning in space. The aliens haven turned up in New Jersey and we’re ready for the next phase of the New World Order schedule. That was easy.
You just need to park up your brain and lose yourself in a world of make-believe from now on. We can all point and laugh at how absurd those who questioned The $cience were and show them images like this (below). Ha ha ha! Imagine the stupidity of thinking we’re a pancake among spheres. What a hoot! Hold on to those NASA t-shirts. They’re not so embarrassing after all (they are btw - burn ‘em).
Did the merry expedition of YouTubers even make it to Antarctica? Probably but only to a patch that’s allowed and chaperoned by tour guides, to depict the chosen image of the world’s fifth largest continent, around 40% bigger than Europe. Considering it’s one of the most guarded places on Earth, we’d do well to treat this PR stunt with some healthy scepticism. Those silly billy Flat Earthers were treated to a $35,000 trip paid for by the globers, only to be humiliated and put back on their spinning ball with a patronising pat on the head by their hosts. Frankly all I witnessed from the time-lapse video was a stationary Earth with the sun in motion over it - not the other way around. We’re clearly not the ones moving. The celestial bodies are in motion around us. We’re not spinning ( we’re just too brainwashed to admit it in case the neighbours think we’ve gone potty).
Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media reinforced the stunt. Remember if you’re the world’s most famous flat-Earther, you’ve probably been positioned that way for this very reason, as a gatekeeper. The real one would have been banned off YouTube a long time ago. Why claim there’s no 24-hour sun in Antarctica in the first place? It’s just one model in an infinite number of theories. Why pin all your hopes and dreams on it if it’s so easily provable? Odd and revealing.
Regardless of outcome, any experiment that involves a few people in far away places must be treated with cynicism, especially when it’s all over YouTube. Just like those billionaires playing dress up in astronaut outfits reassuring us it’s all roundy and spinny from up there in space - we don’t have to believe them. Although I’d tend to trust flat Earther Austin Whitsitt to report back there is a place where the sun doesn’t set during its summer months. It doesn’t make any odds to me as that was never part of my argument that NASA and co are lying about the nature of this place. That still stands. Musk and Trump’s plans for interstellar exploration are designed to deceive. You’d better be ready.
In conversation with comedian and farmer Owen Benjamin on X to his 242K followers, Whitsitt, with the sun in the backdrop from Antarctica, said:
If you’re super spiralling about this, it’s because you needed to replace a model. You needed someone else to tell you what to believe and you needed to have all the answers. You’re not going to have all the answers. The Creator made this place, you didn’t. Like in all of the scriptures it’s like: Hey bro, you think you can figure this out.
Funnily enough I recently opened the Bible on 2 Esdras 4 where Ezra the Scribe is having a conversation with the angel Uriel on that very subject. The chapter is titled: The human mind cannot understand God’s ways. The angel gives Ezra three impossible puzzles to crack - if he can answer one of them the angel will teach him about why the human race has ‘an evil impulse’. Here’s the bit that piqued my curiosity, where Uriel says:
What if I had asked you how many dwelling places there are at the bottom of the sea? How many rivers flow into the waters beneath the Earth? How many rivers are there above the dome of the sky? Where are the exits from the world of the dead? Where are the entrances to Paradise?
Ezra can’t answer any of the questions which seem daft to modern ears. We think we’ve it all figured out because, well, science, but we’ve been conned into a false sense of intelligence. We only imagine that CGI picture of Earth in space, third rock from the sun, in motion around our solar system, in an ever-expanding universe. We think we know. Supposedly clever people with fancy titles and awards affirm our misconception. Einstein told us. We’re reliably informed that he was the most intelligent guy around. The lies are reinforced daily. Take note of how many times you see that globe image throughout your day. It’s everywhere. Seared into your consciousness. But is it true?
We’re not as smart as we think we are. There’s plenty we haven’t figured out yet, plenty we think we know that’s wrong and plenty that’s hidden from us. We don’t have all the answers. I’m ok with that. Dunno is as good an answer as any.
There’s so much we dunno. If only we knew.
Especially when it comes to Antarctica, the mystery continent. If we’re to believe the story of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, there’s an advanced civilisation down there with German accents - extra terrestrials, if you will, flying saucers ‘n all. Maybe. Maybe not. Certainly there’s lots of extra land and resources. Anything could be going on down there for all we know. I certainly don’t trust the BBC or David Attenborough to fill me in on the real story apart from some penguin news. The Antarctic Treaty (1959) keeps prying eyes at bay. You need a permit to visit. You’re not free to wander. The total number of tourists visiting Antarctica in the 2019/20 season was around 74 000. There’s no native population, so we’re told.
Let’s remind ourselves what Professor Luke O’Neill (immunologist and professor of biochemistry at Trinity College Dublin) said about Antarctica in his children’s book Show me the Science. This is his prediction for life on Earth by 2090:
Homo sapiens is no longer the dominant species on earth. The day-to-day running of countries will be done by ultra-fast, supremely intelligent robots and virtual entities. Most of the world’s languages will no longer be in widespread use. English, Mandarin and Spanish will be the three dominant languages. The average employee will be working for less than 20 hours per week.
Western Antartica will become one of the fastest-developing regions in the world. It will have a climate similar to Alaska today, the ice caps there will have melted and immigration from regions damaged by climate change will be encouraged. The cities there will become artistic melting pots with hugely diverse populations.
O’Neill vision of the future sounds strangely similar to what Elon Musk and the gang are plumping for - less humans, more robots. If homo sapiens aren’t the dominant species on Earth by 2090, does that mean transhumans will be? Or just those supremely intelligent robots? Or maybe penguins? Clearly there’s a dastardly plan afoot and we’re slap bang in the middle of it, being bombarded with propaganda to convince us to loosen our grip on reality and leave it to the experts to think for us.
For the New World Order to progress, it’s important you believe Elon Musk hitched a Tesla Roadster to a rocket and flung into orbit in space, with an in tact copy of Douglas Adams’ The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy abroad for Starman. You can tell it’s real because it looks so fake. You have to be a dumbass, in other words.
That’s why this latest Antarctica expedition is so important. It’s job is to dismiss Flat Earthers who, like conspiracy theorists in general, must be undermined and dismissed as looney tunes by whatever means possible. Why? Because they’re ruining the fantasy. Even X’s AI bot Grok is modelled on the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The book version (1979) is about the destruction of Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Madness. That’s what we’re dealing with, folks. A death cult based on bonkers sci-fi fantasy masquerading as guardians of the galaxy. Beam me up, Scotty doesn’t quite have the same ring to it these days.
So what does it matter if there’s a 24-hour sun in Antarctica? It’s just another false premise to win an argument for the easily manipulated - most certainly not the Final Experiment. Not so fast. For those who have fallen for this expensive and highly publicised PR stunt, give your head a wobble and stop being so easily misled. We’re going to have to be a lot more mentally strong to cope with what’s coming down the line. If the mainstream media are telling you it’s all done and dusted and you’re stupid to question whether or not you’re on a spinning ball - you know it requires further investigation.
Just don’t expect to be handed a neat new model to replace your solar system indoctrination. We must humble ourselves first. We don’t know it all.
That’s the fist big lesson.
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Hmmmm. What a prospect - watching and then listening to that turd, Musk, trying to persuade me he is a big brain. Take off mate, go back to the CIA, fer the luv a Jaysus. Add to this we have West Wing cutesiness round about same time, was it, do I care, as cutesy Tony Blair was bringing us kool Britania - watchunder I got a tchnicolor yawn coming on. Nuff already - I'm off for a walk.
I genuinely don’t know what to believe. But I’m open to the earth being flat even though most people I know would think I was a looney bin if I said so. And very strange that people can’t go there without being chaperoned. What’s that about?