The Mysterious Professor R Foster - His Plasma Moon Theory from 1965 and the Yale Geologist linked to his identity
Professor R Foster was about to dismantle the theory of gravity in 1965 but all mention of his plasma moon research has vanished from the Internet apart from one cryptic video clip...
Who was Professor R Foster? And why are the ‘fact checkers’ so quick to dismiss his groundbreaking theory from 1965 that the moon was not a rock but made of plasma? He went so far as to say it would be impossible to land on the moon, even though four years later, on July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong uttered those famous words, “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. With all we know now, we could rejig those words to: “One small lie for man, one giant hoax for mankind”. They didn’t land on the moon, did they? It’s pretty obvious and well documented at this stage. So let’s re-examine Professor Foster’s theory about a plasma moon. Type his name into Google and Reuters fact checkers get top billing to throw us off the scent and extinguish any hopes of further investigation:
The man’s identity remains unclear, and he offers no evidence to support his theory in the interview..
The ABC report does not mention Foster’s scientific credentials, and the YouTube video description explains that the network has been “unable to confirm Mr Foster’s identity” or “to find any documentation of his work.
If you weren’t of a curious disposition, that might be enough to shrug your shoulders and move on to more government sanctioned news and entertainment. It’s just this Professor R Foster seemed so sure of himself in the archive clip from ABC News Australia. He seemed to know what he was talking about. If the moon was plasma, he boldly stated “then all gravitational theories are out and a new concept of the cosmos and of its laws has to be evolved”. That’s quite a big statement.
The ABC reporter was Bob Sanders, that we know, but Professor R Foster, there’s no memory. Surely not. That doesn’t add up. Has Prof R Foster been scrubbed from online searches because he was right over target?
“It is by now rather more than a theory. Ten or 11 years ago, I stated to various scientists that the moon is not a piece of rock, but it is plasma, a plasma phenomenon, a cosmic plasma and that this would eventually be confirmed. I made certain predictions which were already confirmed in 1958 and the situation now is coming close to a complete confirmation”.
The reporter asks what the results would be if the plasma moon theory is proven correct. Professor Foster replies:
The results will be profound and decisive because it will give proof that the complete re-investigation of the laws of nature is necessary because the moon is plasma. No man will ever land on it, the soft landing attempts will all fail. That means that the mass of the moon is less, far less, than is currently assumed. It’s in a different state of energy and it has far less mass. That means there is no more explanation for the tides. If the moon, for example, had only a thousandth part of its current mass, then the tides would only be two inches high by the conventional theories.
Certainly, this Professor R Foster was on the cusp of blowing to pieces The Science. It must have been incredibly inconvenient for The Establishment to have his plasma moon theory emerge as the Space Race hotted up, don’t you think?
So who could he be, this Professor R Foster? Further down the search engine billing, on Tik Tok of all places, he’s described as Richard Foster Flint who became a geology professor at Yale University in 1945. The only problem is this Professor Foster Flint was born in Chicago to professor parents in 1902 apparently and the man in the video clip has an accent that sounds like it could be German. Unless, it’s just a distinguished accent of gentlemen of the time. Hard to say exactly.
A memorial to Richard Foster Flint (1902-1976) from the Geological Society of America reads:
His lifelong association with Yale was broken only briefly during World War II when he served, with the rank of major, as head of the Arctic Section of the Arctic, Desert, and Tropic Information Center of the United States Army Air Force…
Dick’s wide reputation as a Quaternary scholar led to his association with a number of leading scientific journals: American Journal of Science, Quaternaria, Quaternary Research, Radiocarbon, and Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie on which he served as associate editor, co-editor, or member of the editorial board. Dick was a Fellow of the 4 THli GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 01- AMERICA Geological Society of America and served as chairman of its Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division.
In 1945 he helped found the binational Arctic Institute of North America and subsequently served as a member of its board of governors and chairman of its executive committee. He also was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and an Honorary Member of the Geological Societies of London, Edinburgh, Stockholm, Finland, and Argentina. Among the many honors he received in special recognition of his professional accomplishments were honorary degrees from Trinity College (Dublin) in 1963 and the University of Wroclaw (Poland) in 1966, the De Vane Medal of the Yale Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the Penck Medal of the German Quaternary Association, and the Prestwick Medal of the Geological Society of London.
If this is the man in the ABC News Australia clip who references Princeton and Oxford universities in the interview, he must be easy to track down with such an impressive and expansive career. Nowhere in the memorial is there any mention of the plasma moon theory though. Did Professor Foster Flint write in German for the Stuttgart based journal Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie on which he served as associate editor, co-editor and member of the editorial board? Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a bang of Operation Paperclip from this story? Or have I gone too far? Is it possible there were two Professor Fosters in Yale doing similar work? There’s the German link again - the Penck Medal for ‘outstanding scientific merits and achievements’. Curiouser and curiouser.
Perhaps we can find more clues at Trinity College Dublin where Richard Foster Flint received an honorary degree in 1963. A quick search on the TCD website offers no results. Strange.
My son has just asked me, “Mum, what is plasma?” to which I gave a vague response that included lava lamps and energy before trailing off. Here’s a better description from the Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Plasma is superheated matter – so hot that the electrons are ripped away from the atoms forming an ionized gas. It comprises over 99% of the visible universe. In the night sky, plasma glows in the form of stars, nebulas, and even the auroras that sometimes ripple above the north and south poles. That branch of lightning that cracks the sky is plasma, so are the neon signs along our city streets. And so is our sun, the star that makes life on earth possible.
Plasma is often called “the fourth state of matter,” along with solid, liquid and gas. Just as a liquid will boil, changing into a gas when energy is added, heating a gas will form a plasma – a soup of positively charged particles (ions) and negatively charged particles (electrons).
Time has obviously moved on since Professor Foster’s plasma moon theory of 1965 and only that enigmatic ABC Australia clip remains as a reminder of his bold claim. Are the two Professor R Fosters the same man? On chat forums about the Professor Foster riddle, there’s one more possibility. Roy Foster comes up as Professor of Earth Science and Chemistry at the University of Dundee in Scotland in 1956. Again no mention of any plasma moon research or findings. And no photo. Where did all the research talked about in the clip go? It must be somewhere, though clearly not online, which shows the limitations of researching via the Internet.
We’ll have to dig a little deeper to find out more. In the meantime, there’s plenty of debate online about the nature of the moon, some believing the true map of the Earth is reflected on its mysterious face, with extra lands unspoken of to add to the puzzle. There’s much talk about an axis shift as mentioned by Professor R Foster in the video.
The official narrative about the moon landings remains fixed, as if it were true, in Google searches at least. It doesn’t quell the thirst for answers on other, less restricted platforms where a growing body of evidence and theories have the potential of turning The Science on its head once again, if word is allowed to get out. The enemy of this research - censorship, Big Business, vested interests and ultimately our own conditioning. Most people can’t stand to have their worldview and indeed moonview rocked in any way. For the rest of us, we’ll keep asking questions and revive the spirit of Professor R Foster, whoever he may be, in his quest for answers.
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We used to go camping a lot before a lot of times the moon will be so bright I would setup a telescope and just look at it till my eyes starts to hurt from looking through the telescope and I also started to see the stars thru the moon. I tend to just ignore the latter thinking it’s what it does to my eyes because I’m staring at the moon for too long so my dad tells me. After watching this clip I want to stare at the moon again till I see through it and this time I will record it.
He has such a strong accent that the chances of his name being Robert Foster are close to zero.