As someone who gave up watching TV a long time ago, the first thing that strikes me is how utterly moronic this stuff is.

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So stoooopid Ciaran. They've been dumbing down children for so long, making out that all that buffoonery is cool and that you need to prove your friendship by doing something disgusting.

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When you put it all in context, it's just vile. The BBC is full of nonces.

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Very interesting. I'm sure you remember that Cheryl Cole was a lot older than Liam when they first met. Were they set up with these older women and groomed?

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It certainly looks that way Jonathan, to normalise big age gaps. Most people don't mind some kind of an age gap between couples but this blurs the lines. Like Emmanuel Macron's weird relationship with his wife Brigette who was his teacher. They're all in the same club.

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As well as being so awfully stupid the “pranks” etc, it creeps me out the whole suggestion of if you are a good friend you will do this for me.

This is wrong information normalised for boys and girls and don't even get me started on the voodoo doll!

The age gap is definitely an issue when one half of the couple hasn't even reached their early 20s yet, as the emotional maturity is one sided creating uneven power in the relationship, which could certainly be seen as grooming.

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Liam Payne was only 14 when he first auditioned in front of Cheryl Cole on the X-Factor. He kept coming back until he was put in One Direction at 16. Kinda creepy when you look at it that way. There used to be rules about judges not being allowed to have relationships with contestants - what happened to that?

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Quite similar to the Schofield situation where they first met the sexual partner when they were a child.

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I took tv out of my home when we had kids, best thing I ever did.

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It is clear here that you are entry level conspiracy aware. It is brave attempt to sound convincing on topics still beyond your scope & compass of comprehension, but misses far too much to be useful , except maybe to highlight your own prejudices, or perverse pleasure even?

Of course everyone knows BBC is child abuse gateway, nepotism ghost train, & sado-masochist presenters with coke dependency. They are also franchise for NORTH FACE CLOTHING , that is not subtle product placement. They is easy target, yet but still it seems you can not yet hit the target.

Much morality is spilling from your thoughts , yet is very culturally prejudiced & often petty. There is big age difference among many constructive relationships. Some cultures encourage it as younger peoples are so immature or unreliable compared to more mature minds. In JA young girls are encouraged by parents to be with much older man, as they are giving & caring, while the youth are all busy being irresponsible, getting into trouble, & TAKING from girlfriends!

Also while I do not condone it, many people get married as soon as PUBERTY as THAT is when child becomes adult.

In Europe you have Teenager brain washing = for marketing & conditioning scam, so that makes minds more adolescent for longer, often forever! Other cultures have no artificial sympathy for children, they are PRODUCT FOR WORK, FUNDING & FAMILY PERSERVERANCE.

Also if someone wishes to gold-dig & partner is happy to be gold-dug then what business is it of anyone else's? So, much of your indignancy seems to stem from envy, or fashion.

In effect what much of you do is actually a BUSY BODY intolerance agenda, derived from domesticated Christian brain washing?

I am practicing being polite & kind hearted this month, & look forward to you spending constructive time discussing with me topical topics.

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She's too cowardly.... & dumb by the looks of things.

You can spend your time more constructively on more important people & matters instead.🙄😂

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God I kind of feel bad for her. You know yourself aisling you got 2 options. Get on board with the sickos or get excommunicated as you have been

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I think the stupidity and immoral inappropriate behaviour is more indicative of pop culture than satanic programming but none the less it does have a very negative effect and sedates a developing mind

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Those clips are gross. Twisted is the word that comes to mind. Celebrities think they are above the law and I wish people would stop idolising them. They're just people at the end of the day.

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