Who has a better reputation? Enoch Burke or Kitty Holland?
Two defamation cases, two inverted outcomes.
In his wisdom, Mr Justice Rory Mulcahy decided that Enoch Burke had no reputation to defend despite the teacher being THE most morally upright man in Ireland at time of writing. Who else could claim that crown? There’s not too many teachers willing to go to jail to shield the integrity of their pupils against the insanity of the LGBTQ+ mutilation, grooming and abuse machine. It takes a man of principles and honour to mount such a stand and refuse to play along with the profane. We don’t get to choose our gender, of which there are just two. Why pretend otherwise? The trans ideology endangers the wellbeing of the child. The Cass Report more than vindicated Enoch Burke. He was right. His reputation remains in tact. The system was/is wrong.
Judge Mulcahy admitted the Sunday Independent journalist Ali Bracken wrote lies (otherwise known as untruths) in October 9, 2022 when she alleged Enoch Burke had been moved to a different jail cell for his safety because he was annoying other prisoners.
The judge said the seven paragraphs complained about are untrue, which is “unfortunate”, but the tort of defamation and the Defamation Act of 2009 do not provide a remedy for simply untrue statements made about a person. To obtain a remedy, a plaintiff must establish that the untrue statement tended to injure their reputation, he said.
I suppose the judge thought if Enoch Burke is in jail, which he was at the time, he had no reputation to defend. Yet we all know, those of us with a functioning moral compass at least, that Enoch Burke should never have been put in jail in the first place. His constitutional rights as an Irish Christian (articles 40-44) should have protected him from the LGBTQ+ despotism. He should have been allowed to decline to use the so-called transgender student’s preferred pronouns. It went against his religion.
Those who preach tolerance just want us to tolerate child abuse.
Enoch Burke’s strong Christian values meant he had to use his discernment and his God-given innate intelligence to know the difference. The tolerance they’re teaching children in school (as part of a UN global campaign) is a sort of dumbing down to allow bad people get away with doing bad things to children. It sounds kind but it’s not in reality. Moral relativism is satanic.
In a fair world, Enoch Burke would have won his defamation case against the Sunday Indo because it’s perfectly clear he has a gleaming reputation to defend. Most people can’t see it though, which is why they have a judicial system that reflects their corrupted standards. They tolerate the phoney ethics to keep their jobs.
Conversely, does Kitty Holland have a gleaming reputation to defend? The Irish Times ‘award winning’ journalist has just been granted €35,000 in damages against her former colleague John Waters over an address he made to a Renua political party conference where he didn’t even state her name. John Waters ensured the speech was deleted from the Renua website in response to the accusations of slander but even that wasn’t enough for Kitty Holland and the Establishment. They went after the maximum amount in damages, €75,000 but the judge split the difference. Wasn’t he lovely?
Judge John O’Connor said:
“Fortunately, this attack on her reputation as a journalist did not result in consequences for her career,” Judge O’Connor said.
“She is held in very high esteem as a journalist by her peers and this is confirmed today by this court.”
Really though, whatever happened to honest opinion? Surely John Waters is entitled to his views as a world renowned journalist who chooses his words carefully.
Kitty Holland wasn’t even named in his speech for goodness sake! It’s one thing to take all the awards and glory for the Savita Halappanavar story - the Indian dentist who died from sepsis in October 28, 2012 after her request for an abortion was denied on legal grounds - but that means accepting criticism too. That’s journalism for you. Remember that time when opposing opinions were allowed, even encouraged. This judgement is an attempt to smother fair analysis and perspectives that undermine the regime, this time abortion. For Enoch Burke, it’s the transgender inverted world. The two are connected. Abortion on demand and the trans ideology are central to the New World Order. Christian thinking is to be quashed by any means possible.
Another aspect of this New World Order is pretending that migrant crime is normal and to say otherwise is racist. Tolerance, you see. You should tolerate the surge in murders, rapes and assaults or else be called names or worse.
On November 30, 2023, Kitty Holland appeared on the BBC’s The View and incredibly described the victim impact statement of Ryan Casey, the boyfriend of murdered schoolteacher Ashling Murphy, as ‘incitement to hatred’.
Kitty Holland’s journalistic reputation was already in question before that ill-advised TV appearance, Gript media had caught her inflating a story about an apparent vigilante attack on a migrant camp near Ashtown in North Dublin. The Irish Times had given it rolling top billing until Gript editor John McGurk pointed out that gardaí had confirmed: ‘There was no report of any injuries and no formal complaints made at this time’.
Well that’s awkward. It gets worse. Despite Ms Holland having a camera, she didn’t film the attack by those nasty white Irish men against those poor immigrants just looking for a better life. Why not? That’s her job. She didn’t capture the aftermath either. Weird.
John McGurk wrote on January 20, 2023:
At this point, it should be noted, we have no identified attackers. We also, now, have no contactable victims. There is one witness available to this incident, and one only – Kitty Holland. Nobody else has testified or gone on record as confirming that any attack took place at all. All the Gardai have said, remember, is that there was an “incident”.
As a reader and a publisher of news, all I can say is that enormous red lights about editorial process are flashing in my head.
So clearly Kitty Holland is NOT held in ‘very high esteem as a journalist by her peers’ as the judge stated in granting her damages of €35,000 against John Waters. There are lots of question marks surrounding the journalistic integrity of Ms Holland. These are just a few examples. I could go on.
There is so much support for John Waters as a journalist of integrity, a GoFundMe will no doubt lift this financial burden from his shoulders in no time, if he so chooses. But, I would not be doing my job as a journalist if I failed to point out something necessary. There seems to be something else at play here, something bigger, that I felt was coming long before it arrived in the form of this defamation judgement. A reckoning of sorts.
John Waters, who I hold in the highest esteem, had refused to condemn the very real and very serious slander and defamation of character against most of the good people in the Resistance Movement by his colleague Gemma O’Doherty, editor of The Irish Light. O’Doherty continuously ignores libel laws and gets away with constant slander of people within the movement and beyond. From calling people alcoholics to claiming they have mental disorders to saying they are garda informants or Big Pharma shills, all with zero evidence. She fails to meet the most basic journalistic standards. Her commentary might work for those who don’t understand these basics, but for a journalist of John Waters standing, it’s simply not good enough to endorse these lies. Worse still to call others journaliars while ignoring the untruths in his own backyard.
Please find video examples on my Rumble channel.
I’ll say it again. The slander needs to be publicly condemned and apologies sent out to all the aggrieved parties.
There’s no point meowing over the grave injustices of the Establishment if we can’t uphold the basics ourselves.
That’s just hypocrisy.
It is my observation that Burke chose a rather pointless hill to die on. This country is up shit creek without a paddle, we are a vassal State of the EU and the EU is ripping us off right left and centre. All this is done with the support and approval of the government, Why you may ask? Well, you see, any of our political class who have attended the WEF, Bilderberg etc is compromised, and if they don't do as they are told, they will get the 'Polaroid in the chest' treatment, the old Mossad trick you know! This is why the political class do things that are clearly, by far, not in the national interest or the interests of the people; like mass migration, giving away our oil resources and putting ugly wind farms all over our beautiful landscape. We have natural gas off the west coast, that is one of the cleanest methods of power generation, but what do we get, useless wind farms that are intermittent and unreliable and are certainly not 'Green' and entirely not 'carbon neutral, as if that actually matters.
“She is held in very high esteem as a journalist by her peers and this is confirmed today by this court.”
The judge is if course correct to point this fact out. She is indeed held in very high esteem by her peers. The problem is that her " peers" are held at a very low esteem by the general public. So called journalism is being dragged through the gutter by her peers. Hence the common phrase the " gutter press".