Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

It is my observation that Burke chose a rather pointless hill to die on. This country is up shit creek without a paddle, we are a vassal State of the EU and the EU is ripping us off right left and centre. All this is done with the support and approval of the government, Why you may ask? Well, you see, any of our political class who have attended the WEF, Bilderberg etc is compromised, and if they don't do as they are told, they will get the 'Polaroid in the chest' treatment, the old Mossad trick you know! This is why the political class do things that are clearly, by far, not in the national interest or the interests of the people; like mass migration, giving away our oil resources and putting ugly wind farms all over our beautiful landscape. We have natural gas off the west coast, that is one of the cleanest methods of power generation, but what do we get, useless wind farms that are intermittent and unreliable and are certainly not 'Green' and entirely not 'carbon neutral, as if that actually matters.

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We really are up against a huge machine which is why David and Goliath stories like Enoch versus the State are so important. There's still hope for humanity as long as men of principle like Enoch remain defiant. It may seem like a pointless hill to die on, but it's not really. He's showing up the government internationally and even stories like Natasha O'Brien saying the judicial system is broken. We can chime in and say yes it it, why was Enoch Burke jailed for refusing to go along with the trans nonsense? We must keep using our voices and never give up.

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There used to be 150 kingdoms in Ireland all warring with each other. Every time there was an invasion, various kings would try to make deals with the invaders to oust their (Irish) rivals. It never worked out, and Ireland always ended up under the yoke of the latest slave master. Nothing has changed. The Irish have only themselves to blame.

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Yes indeed! Irish people have done themselves no favours, the reality is that you can't comply your way out of tyranny and compliance is not a virtue.

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Yes you get what you tolerate.

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

“She is held in very high esteem as a journalist by her peers and this is confirmed today by this court.”

The judge is if course correct to point this fact out. She is indeed held in very high esteem by her peers. The problem is that her " peers" are held at a very low esteem by the general public. So called journalism is being dragged through the gutter by her peers. Hence the common phrase the " gutter press".

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The judgment is based on the false premise that anything John Waters could write could change the entrenched, groupthink-based, adulation from Holland's peers, or the loathing from normal, decent, people.

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

The Irish courts, like the media, religious bodies, government, etc., are part of the State apparatus which right now is waging war against the people.

No justice, fair play, or even morality to be found in any of them I'm afraid.

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Hi Aisling, I was brought up in Clare too but live in Wexford now. I have this trans disease in my family I was threatened to be disinherited if I didn't call my brother 'She' out of respect even when he wasn't present. This threat was made in my own house and I know out of desperation on my father's part trying to appease my mother and brother. I told them that they can call him what they want but I will call him by his name and correct sex. He has aspergers, and overweight like most that go down the trans route. They are vulnerable and need to be steered in a healthier direction but the psychologists and doctors in Loughlinstown go along with it. It is well known that autistic people often obsess over a subject and pick something unusual to focus on in their lives, As I predicted he identifies as a lesbian Muslim. He still isn't happy and they never are as they have to push things further.

John will get plenty of support. I met at an event in Fermoy. He is full of wisdom.

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Hi Kerry, it's certainly harder to deal with when it's personal. I have thought about this a lot. You don't want to be unkind and upset everyone but you don't want to buy into the deceit. It's incredibly tricky. Much easier to deal with from a policy perspective. I hear Loughlinstown is bad alright. A lesbian Muslim. That is kind of funny. You'd need a sense of humour with all of this. I'm sure your brother will teach you some great lessons too along the way. It's best stay close. I just really hope for his sake he doesn't get surgery or hormone replacement. Keep us posted and best of luck negotiating those pronouns. No judgement either way. It's very different when it's your brother.

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

HI Aisling, thanks. I have 3 boys so I keep them away from it. My eldest just thinks that his uncle is a bit odd. I haven't seen him in years as he lives in Cork and I don't visit my parents much in Clare as they always corner me on politics or about my brother. They follow the mainstream and my mother is very left leaning which I think put me off anything political or activism growing up. A week after I had my son with down syndrome I spent a week with my parents, I was told by my mother that my brother was born a woman just like my son was born with down syndrome. I rang my husband and he brought me home the next day.

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Oh families! Sometimes it's all too much. Three boys. Like myself. That'll keep you nice and distracted from it all. A lot of lefties' hearts are in the right place, they just don't know their being manipulated by the machine. Anyway we'll jog on and figure it out as we go.

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@kerry Schuster,

Thank you ever so much for sharing your thoughts on your own Personal experience.

I’m most impressed by how you articulated the experience and how truly relevant it is to our society as a whole, the woke, LGBT and trans community targets exactly as you stated, those vulnerable people in our society and indoctrinate them to believe that they are part of some community and that this is the “norm”. I feel deeply sorry for these poor individuals that are so consumed and brainwashed by a cohort of disingenuous people. This must be profoundly difficult for you to assimilate your own logical reasoning with such a disturbing and dangerous agenda. The saddest part is that your family are aligned to the beliefs to keep the peace and harmony between them but your own gift of discernible differences are not the same. You’re pragmatic and moral, you see the devil in the detail. I hope that your parents can acknowledge your intelligence and understanding on this matter and realise that it is not only damaging your brother but the entire fabric of your family.

Thankfully you keep your own children separate and they are not exposed to the full depths of the issue. No doubt your logic and discernment will guide them well.

Sometimes we must rescue ourselves from those that are most damaging in life and quite often it’s “family”!

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Is it just me or, does Hello Kitty look an awful lot like Emily Watson in “Breaking the Waves?” Dear God😉

Ireland is too small, and too incestuous to have a free or fair press.

Note to John: don’t pay that presstitute a penny.

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Maybe they're clones!

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

For what it's worth you have my respect Aisling. Looks to me like you have at least two traits you share in common with Enoch Burke, and they are unwavering integrity and resolute courage. Stay strong, and have no doubt but that the day of vindication is coming, as it always does in the end.

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Thank you Michael.

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Aisling are you suggesting that John Waters must apologise for what Gemma has said and done ??? if so are you out of your mind that is nothing at all to do with John . What are you at .

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For too long JW has endorsed Gemma O'Doherty's lies and slander claiming the system made her that way, making excuses for the behaviour, refusing to acknowledge or denounce her baseless claims. He has pretended it's alright. Gemma's just Gemma kind of thing. He has said nothing as she went from character assassination after character assassination of good people based on no evidence. She can't back up her allegations because it's not real journalism. Waters knows this because he is a real journalist and therefore needs to stand up and call it out. Our country needs men of integrity like never before. He does us all a huge disservice when he pretends its ok. It is not ok. The list of people that O'Doherty has defamed is long and JW knows many of them personally, which makes it even worse that he would remain silent while they're being slandered by a woman he continually makes excuses for. He needs to love the Truth more than his friendship and admit she's slandering good people. It's a big deal. There's the court of Natural Law too and all that complicity with slander has returned in the form of a SLAAP on the wrists.

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You should of just wrote this as your article. You have not a care in the world for John waters and you are doing Him a deserves by pretending you have the utmost respect for him and at the same time LOL telling him to apologise for someone else, your hurty feelings are getting the better of you. Have a bit of respect and leave this great man out of your fucking bitch fight with Gemma.

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You alright there Richard? Maybe you should make yourself a cup of tea and take a few deep breaths. If you don't get it, that's on you and a reflection of your moral compass. I'm on the front line and I see the damage of these lies every day. They're constantly repeated back to me as fact. It's a bit more than 'hurty feelings' (an O'Doherty phrase of course). It's treasonous. I wouldn't dedicate time to writing about these ethical issues if they weren't important to contemplate. I'd let it slide. But some things are worth defending, a person has a right to their good name in a functioning society. The Truth must matter.

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Lol the kettle is on. I totally agree a person's good name is worth defending, so please leave John waters out of your spat with Gemma he is more important to Ireland than you or Gemma.

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Richard, Aisling is void of rational thinking, she has completely misconstrued options on political issues and regularly trips herself up. I agree with you, John waters shouldn’t have his character assassinated, the irony of Aisling staying Gemma assassins people characters! She’s just done the same, she’s not as erudite or sagacious as she would try and lead us to believe.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

I've clearly hit a nerve with Juliette! What a snob! Talking down your snot won't work on me. Listen here a minute, Gemma O'Doherty constantly makes up lies about decent people. Do you notice? Can you detect the lies? Do you see the manipulation? Does it matter to you? It matters to me. It should matter to you. You should care. JW should care. We've got to stop making excuses for bad behaviour. What I'm stating is basic common sense. I shouldn't have to state it at all. This is about as rational as it gets if you've any kind of moral compass. I'm not trying to be sagacious. The wise ones aren't so wise after all it appears. They endorse lies. I'm calling it out. Why? Because it's intolerable. This country is sinking under the weight of the lies and those who endorse them, those who play along. There's no point having a persecution complex if you can't acknowledge your own involvement in your martyrdom. It's about time Ireland grew up. What a bunch of educated fools we turned out to be. It's embarrassing.

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I absolutely agree Juliette no way should john have his character assassinated for no reason it's just not right

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As far as I know, GOD and JW bonded during Convid when they took a High Court action against lockdowns. Not one other journalist stood with them. Now suddenly, many appear to be having a come to Jesus moment and behave as though they were always on to the con and gaslighting we’re all going through. I get that she’s irked by, or suspicious of that.

I’m not a Gemma fan, nor a Gemma critic. I judge her on that one moment in time when she showed enormous bravery in standing up to the State. As for John, if you told me he ate babies for lunch, I would still admire his courage and believe that he is the thinking woman’s crumpet!

GOD’s detractors should contact her and trash things out on her show. (If she’d be open.) I’m sure you’d agree, SERIOUS public voices for change should be uniting, not having teenage slagging matches. There’s too much at stake.

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Well O'Doherty spread that story and everyone repeats it but it's not true. Plenty of people got behind them, well John in particular because he's not so viper tongued. They had loads of support. Can't recall them asking for any though. They could have asked too if it was to become such a big deaI later on. I certainly shared stories online from France and cheered them on. O'Doherty just says that to look for sympathy and demonise all the good people in the movement that she also spreads lies about. It's very serious what she does. I've tried to talk to both O'Doherty and JW about this but have been brushed off and silenced. It's far from a teenage slagging match. It's about as adult as it gets quite frankly. We're in this mess because of wonky morals. The only way out is the truth and being truthful.

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I completely agree richard aisling is completely out of order having a go at john just because he's pals with gemma and we must never forget that john and Gemma brought a challenge against the unconstitutional illegal lockdowns when nobody else cared and that's the truth and people on here would do well to remember that

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I'm so fed up of being beaten about the head with that constitutional challenge. O'Doherty uses it as a stick to beat us with. For JW, it was a genuine endeavour in fairness. The challenge no longer holds any sway over me though because it has been weaponised to keep the critical thinkers at bay. The fact remains O'Doherty lies about good people all the time and puts it out as some kind of 'award winning investigative journalism'. John says nothing. Good people's reputations suffer. The lies work, endorsed by an internationally renowned journalist. So they must be true! I'm holding JW to account. It's time to condemn the lies. The repercussions are very serious for the people she's lying about. It's simply not good enough. You wouldn't like somebody making up bad things about you and spreading them around as facts, would you Tommy? For example O'Doherty has made out somebody totally innocent (who I won't name) was a paedophile with ZERO evidence. She's the one who really should be fined for damages if there was any justice in this world. A person's reputation is all they have in the end. Making up lies to intentionally undermine someone's credibility is sick and twisted and should not be tolerated by any of us. We need standards in journalism like never before.

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Jul 5Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

If you have beef with gemma aisling that's between the 2 of ye it doesn't give you the right to have a go at john it seems very unfair especially now that that old wagon Holland is bringing him through the courts he has done nothing wrong he's a true hero of this country and by the way you deserve loads of credit for all good work that you have done I like to be balanced in my opinions I just think your being unfair on john he has mentioned more than once about the good work you have done and he has interviewed you also some time back to just go easy on john he's getting up there in age and there trying to break him but as he says he feels the knuckles of pearse in his back driving him I would love to see him run for president next time what a change he would be from the creepy leprechaun in the aras now who's an absolute disgrace

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I agree he's a good man but I'm not willing to turn a blind eye to this very serious matter. O'Doherty is a ridiculous character in my book, constantly speaking out of both sides of her mouth. My beef is with JW for giving her credibility and for endorsing her lies. Journalistically what she's doing doesn't stand up to scrutiny and JW knows this. So why is he saying nothing? He is obliged to speak up yet remains silent. He writes for The Irish Light. She's his editor. They come as a duo.

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GOD has recently become highly critical of JW. He may be still writing for The Light, but they’re not a “duo” right now.

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What lies has he endorsed and fo you really think anyone gemma included is going to tell john what to do your way off if you believe that he always tells it like it is

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WHAT are the lies GOD is telling? Quit the pearl clutching, and state facts.

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What has GOD done that warrants an apology?

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Persistent lies about decent people who are trying to make a difference at this critical time.

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As always well said,,keep up the great work you do,

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Who? Who got behind them? Who were the loads of people? What support did you give them from France? I’m not trying to catch you out, but back up your statements with facts. If you can’t, just stop already!

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