You know things are bad when Miri AF thinks Brad Pitt is a woman
Gender confusion abounds online with politicians and celebrities set to come out on top of this expensive brainwashing campaign...
Folks we’re in trouble. Miri AF seems to think Brad Pitt is a woman in disguise and Angelina Jolie is a man on a mission. Who then had the twins that look just like their perfectly symmetrical parents? Brad? A secret surrogate? Angie’s bump and swollen pregnancy boobs were just prosthetics, were they? The breastfeeding cover for W magazine an elaborate set up, was it?
God give me strength! Humanity is doomed if this is the sort nonsense our brightest and our best can come up with at this, our most critical hour. We’re banjaxed if we can’t get our act together fast on this gender bender propaganda. It’s become terrifyingly apparent over the past few days that most people who think they’re ‘awake’ have no idea how to tell a man from a woman. They’ve given all their power over to the ‘elite’ who they wrongly assume are so smart they can trick us into believing our all-time hottest guy pick is actually a layday.
It gets worse: Miri AF reckons Johnny Depp’s just pretending to be a guy while Megan Fox is a bloke who somehow squeezed out three children in public view. It’s at times like these I want off this nincompoop merry-go-round of poisoned conspiracy theories but a stubborn desire to interrupt the programming holds me back, like a form of self-flagellation. There’s very little thanks and praise in pointing out this BS but somebody has to do it.
If Miri AF and her big brain have succumbed to this highly financed PR campaign (currently all over the Internet on fake truther accounts) which makes conspiracy theorists look insane and the villains appear like victims of vicious online rumours, what hope is there for the rest of us? Yes Miri’s right to a point in her latest piece of writing for Substack. These weirdos love mixing things up. There’s a social credit score system in Hollywood which dictates celebrities indoctrinate their children into the trans ideology, to stay in the spotlight. Yes we can all see that perfectly clearly. We know many of them are satanists who will do anything for fame and fortune. We’ve got all that down. But this every celebrity is the opposite sex is a trap. No they’re not.
I spent nearly 10 years on the celebrity circuit and I can assure you they most certainly are not all inverts. Even if I hadn’t a close-up view of these celebs, I’d know this online campaign was a load of baloney. Too much money behind it for one thing. Everybody saying the same thing at once, another red flag. More than anything, common sense would set me straight.
A Telegram regular, who I generally agree with, told me the only way we’d know the gender for sure is a DNA test. No it’s not. We’ve got eyes in our head, which scan a person’s features and report back in seconds. The fact we no longer trust our own instincts to return an honest verdict is hugely problematic and reveals how ill-equipped we are for this psychological battlefield. I can tell within seconds if somebody’s wearing fake tan, if they’ve had a face lift, if they’ve got Botox, if they’ve got hair extensions in, if they’ve had hair plugs, if they’ve fake boobs, fake lashes, nails etc. We know! It’s not that hard. We can tell the fake bits from the real bits.
If you think Brad Pitt is a woman, you’ve been played. The Land of Conspiracy is filled with snares. This is one. Avoid. Ladies, you can sleep easy tonight. Brad is still a man. No amount of Internet propaganda can change that. Your eyes have not deceived you. The ‘elite’ aren’t that clever. They’d just like you to think they are. Smoke and mirrors with that lot. And daggers.
Since posting my last few Substacks on this gender trap contagion, I’ve been told this is an unimportant subject, that we’ve bigger issues to contend with at this dark hour for humanity. Yes we do but if you can’t tell a man from a woman how do you think you’re going to handle these bigger issues? Case in point; Michael J Sullivan (pen name) of posted a story on the newly appointed Chief Whip Mary Butler entitled: Ludicrous Transsexual Appointed New Irish Minister for Mental Health. Going on zero evidence Michael, in his wisdom, decided to call Mary a man in his piece which, like Miri’s, had some good info in there, just contaminated.
Nobody liking the piece seemed to recognise this was a problem, that he’d made a false allegation and destroyed the message in doing so. You need some proof to back up big claims like this one. Just ask Candace Owens who’s about to lose her journalistic reputation by claiming Brigitte Macron is a man. She’s not. Anyone else see a pattern emerging here? This will be the outcome: those poor politicians having to deal with those nasty conspiracy theorists who keep getting it wrong again and again. Total set up.
Michael and his cronies weren’t too happy when I pointed out that Mary Butler is a woman, not a man. Her youngest of three children may identify as trans but Minister Mary Butler herself is a woman and yes it’s important we get these things right. Crucial, in fact. This is not a game. This is not pub banter. Getting stuff like this wrong is costly and we can’t afford to make these silly mistakes willy nilly, nor should we accept them as a collective. Stick to the facts. We have enough to go on. We don’t need to bear false witness against our neighbour. We’re the ones who are supposed to care about the objective Truth. We’re supposed to have standards. Isn’t that what we’re fighting for? Some kind of Code of Honour.
Those who doubt the validity of this psy-op will soon see the outcome of this relentless PR campaign, to salvage the reputations of politicians and shut down conspiracy theorists. Expect tighter online restrictions to protect those in the public eye from malicious rumours with no substance. It’s not all over the Internet for nothing. Those who joined the chorus will only have themselves to blame.
This is an important subject. Pay heed.
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I agree with you on this. It is important. This brings to my mind the mask issue. I had not taken it seriously at first, back in 2020-2021 I thought, oh whatever, so maybe it doesn't really work, it's kind of weird to have to wear a mask, but whatever, it's not that big a deal, just to wear it in the grocery store, some people get so upset if you don't, OK. But then, bit by bit, I started to realize, no, actually, the mask is a A Very Big Deal. Because if you got fooled or cave on that, you've caved to a whole raft of godawful shale.
I agree with you on all of this EXCEPT for Brigitte Macron... what Ive read about her/him? is really quite intriguing.