I am no RDH fanboy but I have watched some of his content. On a personal level he & his style never resonated with me & I am pretty sure 99% of normies would not like him which is definitely something to note.

I have watched RDH’s main films on Manchester plus listened to a couple of Iain Davis podcasts & was persuaded by the huge number of anomalies that this was a state orchestrated event. I would never have said definitively that no one was killed or injured as Richard seems to have insinuated in some of his other content you have shared. As far as I am aware Iain Davis has never stated this as a fact & from memory of the 2 podcasts I heard with him, he was more focused on the evidential anomalies such as the lady videoed walking perfectly well after having a bolt blown through her leg & the lack of damage to the concession stand etc.

Is it your contention that the event went down exactly as per the official narrative? I think it entirely possible that there was an explosion & people were killed and injured but there is no way that the official story is true, there are way too many inexplicable things about it.

With that said, you could well be right about RDH being a security asset planted many years ago to make us look like evil lunatics.

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All those 22s have got people's head in a fuzz on this one. No doubt it's weird. What's the story with all these 22s? What does it mean? Of course we're going to ask questions but we just have to be careful about jumping to conclusions like there was no bomb and nobody died and those involved were just crisis actors and it's all fake. I've studied RDH's 'evidence' - Tricky Dicky is playing with us! It's a total set up. Maybe it's because I spent so many years in the rough and tumble of a newsroom that I can spot it so easily but he's not being honest with us. He's twisting info to deceive and mislead his followers to reach a false conclusion. At times he's downright evil like insinuating the parents of Saffie Roussos were involved in her death and used the 'hoax' to conceal their crime. That's just vile. I'm right on this one. People have been conned but they're too proud to admit it because 'this side' is supposed to know better.

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I've looked into some of this story and the two things that looked most suspicious to me were the video of the blonde-haired lady walking around apparently moments after the blast with a patch of what appeared to be blood on the leg of her intact jeans, but who later apparently posted a photo of her leg showing what appeared to be a deep wound inflicted by a bolt. One would have thought such an impact would rip a hole right through her jeans and she would not be walking around.

In addition, the video of the actor Nick Bickerstaffe walking around outside the main arena, apparently in distress looking for his daughter and commenting on people being blown to bits, appeared to have been taken before the event occurred and the concert was ended, which seems to show that someone had foreknowledge of a bombing event. It's interesting to note that this video was put out by the S*n newspaper, who I believe have links with the intelligence services.

I wonder whether both of these pieces of evidence have been deliberately planted in order for people to smell a rat and go down the conspiracy rabbit hole. They're both too obvious. We've seen this before, e.g. with stories of political paedophilia, where tidbits of fake info, or even fake persons, are put out in order to snare people in, lead them up the garden path, then the info/person gets discredited, the people pursuing the case get discredited and the whole thing collapses.

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THe Manchester Arena bomber was an ethnic Libyan nationality ,raised and schooled in the UK.

His father was an M16 asset, among approx 10k who were granted asylum in the UK .

The father was involved in 2 assassination attempts on Ghaddafi. where several by-standers died.

The bomber himself had visited Libya a few months previously.

There are several things that do not compute about the case.

One is the prevention of the Fire and Emergency Services from attending the atrocity for hours.

I know because they were parked in my street with lights flashing, about 400 metres from the Arena.

The other is the possibility the knapsack bomb was detonated remotely.

Another question is ,who had the skills to construct the bomb and source the explosives no answer is forthcoming on this.

I do not dispute they were deaths and injuries and Hall is being disingenious and distracting from the real perpetrators and possibly MI6 involvement in this atrocity.

It has the hallmarks of a 'strategy of tension' Gladio operation or a boosting operation for the budget of the Security Services and raison d'etre .

We are aware how the rage, fear and terror of this incident was cynically controlled by a Govt team with the Old Trafford ,'Don't look back in anger Concert' with Liam Gallagher and Ariane Grande.

This was a fake constructed unsatisifying cartoon catharsis that was snuffed out and down a blind alley.

The gullible kids played their part in this unholy,cynical manipulation of their sorrow ,trust and grief at this Concert cum Wake.

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Beautifully put Daniel. Clearly there are loads of questions surrounding the bombing - my gripe is how Tricky Dicky has manipulated the 'evidence' to con his followers into a false conclusion while encouraging them to pick on the blast victims. Incredible how many people think there was no bomb and nobody died. It's outrageous. But yes, agree, the whole thing stank to high heaven. The phoniness was off the charts. But in the midst of it all was real, raw grief and loss and pain and we can't harden our hearts to that or else we're just as bad as our enemies.

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We irish people should care more about what happens here and not in other countries because according to Michael yon things will turn very ugly here with all the unvetted outsiders coming here eventually they will turn on us and it will be very bad for all of us

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We absolutely have to keep an eye on all these military aged men positioned in key locations all over Ireland Tommy. They're not here on their holidays. The purpose of this piece is to highlight how counterintelligence tricks us into stupid positions to undermine and weaken our side. This is war and we've got to get our heads around how these operations work or we're toast. Look at how many people have fallen for Richard D Hall's nonsense. They can't see the wood for the trees. Confusion is the name of the game.

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The Michael Yon assertions could be another counterintelligence trick. Surely there is no need for the overlords to install a private army of foreigners, as they already control the state police etc. But if truthers start warning there is a secret army ready to murder us in our beds, they do sound ridiculous. Job done.

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And the Jews are behind the plot to flood the West with people from Africa and the Middle East, because it will be such a massive benefit to Israel when all her former friends and allies (such that they are) become Islamic states in twenty or thirty years time. This is the long term strategy by which Israel and the Jews will achieve their long desired goal of world domination. How exactly this will lead to Jewish world domination has never been properly explained, not in a way that makes any logical sense to me at any rate, but this is what the "truthers" claim, so it must be true.

It was when I heard this nonsense being spouted, and by people who should know a whole lot better, that I decided the "truthers" weren't for me. One more time, I find myself in agreement with you Aisling, plus your courage in pursuit of the actual truth is to your absolute credit.

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Yes yes. Let's blame the Jews for everything! Truthers are the pits. They fall for every counterintelligence trick thrown their way and would defend the lie to the death while kidding themselves that they're 'wide awake'! It's kind of funny not belonging in either camp but the lesson is not playing for likes or validation one way or the other. Those are the devil's tricks. God tests us differently - namely to stand alone and simply do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. We'll keep going and see where the road takes us. Interesting times!

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I wouldn't miss out on these times for all the money and power in Davos. At the risk of sounding "religious", in the very bad sense of that word, the only truth I have ever found came not from any school, church, university, or experts mouth, but from the Word of God, the Bible. Seek it out, study it diligently, and the return on your investment will be truth and wisdom beyond what you ever thought possible. "There is nothing new under the sun" - there have been dark and evil times like these before, but God always keeps a remnant.

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It's by deception that they wage war on the rest of humanity and that is their official motto and modus operandi. You are either deceived yourself or a well groomed deceiver.

As for Gemma O'Doherty and Richard D Hall both are ego driven absurdist attention seekers who can't see that the Manchester bombing was in fact done with the connivance of the British secret service which is controlled by Mossad who also control the CIA.

The zionist cult are all perverse and pervasive in most western countries and are masters at marshalling gullible end times evangelical christians to their plot to annihilate the inferior goyim be they believing christians, Muslims, pagans or otherwise!

Do your research without your Bible (Torah) blinkers on! The jews are always to be exonerated and blameless no matter what!

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It’s not that I completely believe Hall. However, everything is up for questioning. 911 was a con, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was a lie, the moon landing is all but debunked, Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy, the CIA were conducting MKUltra experiments. The Convid vxx was not “safe and effective!”

The fathers of the Sandy Hook and Colorado shooters were due to testify at the Libor Congressional inquiries and guess what happened to stop them. https://www.lvcriminaldefense.com/libor-scandal-grows-fathers-two-mass-murderers-testify-national-finance-examiner/

Keep an open mind Aisling. Nothing is as it seems.

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Keep an open mind, by all means, but not so open that your brain falls out. People make the mistake of saying there are false flags so Richard D Hall must be right. WRONG. He's put forward ridiculous information, twisted and contorted, that has purposefully misled his followers to reach a false conclusion. You have to study these scenarios case by case, methodically analysing the evidence and asking 'Is this true?' as you go. It's vitally important that we don't allow ourselves to be deceived. There's a Conspiracy Theory industry out there and a lot of nonsense information put out there to make us look mad and bad. This one is definitely a set up but people are too brainwashed to admit it. Shocking really.

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You could have a point. Like I said, I don’t completely believe Hall. There again, I don't believe anything completely anymore.

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Why would the Deep State go to all the bother of staging a fake bombing event when they have plenty of 'ready to die' nutters in the proxy groups they control who would love to spill some Christian blood?

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It's hard to believe you're still flogging this dead horse. May I suggest you listen to this interview of Iain Davis by James Delingpole uploaded 2 days ago. https://old.bitchute.com/video/GV4p5bGepWKY/

It's a great talk, whatever your beliefs.

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Of course I listened to it and could instantly spot all the misguided 'evidence' that's now gone out as truth. It was a terrible mistake for Delingpole and Iain Davis to regurgitate the lies and misdirection of Richard D Hall. Delingpole should at least have taken a sterner stance. To just believe the counterintelligence vomit without question is a dangerous starting point and incredibly disrespectful to the victims of the bomb blast. Delingpole and Iain Davis have been had and so have you. Why is that so hard to admit?

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When influencers like Delingpole and Davis act like this it makes you wonder how genuine they are. If their ego or stupidity is the reason that's maybe a good reason to unsubscribe. If they're doing a job for the establishment, fair enough thye're doing it well but obviously reveal that with who they promote and topics they don't examine in depth.

I imagine it is hard to produce lots of content without a financial backer anyway so somebody pays many of these "journalists" on substack etc for their words.

We have to accept that we are playing their game by going on the internet and telling them what we think, who we are and what we plan to do.

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"It's hard to believe your still flogging this dead horse"

Not really it's attention seeking pure & simple, with a dash of "virtue signalling" thrown in.

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Righteous anger more like. If you had any ethics you'd understand. Or have you convinced yourself it's ok to target the victims of the bomb blast too because hey there was no bomb? Do you think they're only acting? Do you think the dead died somewhere else and were only cast for the show?This is all on YOU. This is about you and your soul. How's the moral test going for you? Anyone you need to apologise to? Did you allow yourself to be deceived? Did you pick on the guy in the wheelchair?

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.....And where was this "righteous anger" when RDH's book first came out...?

Ah Yes! It only surfaced a few weeks ago due to the "goading" of Gemma O Doherty!

Well there's your credibility & objectivity blown to smithereens in one great big dodgy nutshell.

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O Doherty blocked me for similar comment to 1 I sent here just now that we should worry about what happens in ireland as irish and not what's going on in Palestine or Israel.or anywhere else and I stand by that comment 100%

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Why are you so mad at Richard and not the people who did bogus interviews for mainstream media immediately after the event happened?


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I disagree with you on some points raised in your recent articles, but I think you are right to point out that Richard D Hal's role could be questionable. That is a timely warning.

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The tell is that his website name and imagery have the bullshit spinning ball, same as Alex Jones.

I haven’t examined any of the Manchester bombing in detail as I think we need to dig deeper into the root of system we are enmeshed in and understand it better rather than allowing ourselves to be constantly buffeted by it’s daily updates, but I’m pretty sure you’re right about Hall Aisling. He looks like the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook for the UK.

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Well done. Thanks for spotting that Damian.

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