I said some time ago on social media that we would see blood on the streets! The State has purposely created ALL the problems the people face, from over taxation(there is no need for tax at all in a fiat currency system, other than to regulate people's ability to build wealth) to this flood of military aged males. The State is not going to sort these problems they alone have created, and so, it will be down to vigilantism by members of the public to sort the problems. This is the break down of law and order, its going to get messy!

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Remember there was talk about how some of the countries these migrants were coming from had emptied their prisons and mental asylums and packed the residents off to Europe thus sparing themselves the money needed to keep these people in institutions. Have a think about the behaviour of many of the ones who made it to Ireland. Violent criminal behaviour (which could include the kidnapping and trafficking of children) and people displaying unstable behaviours such as running around the street naked. Just something to consider.🙏🙏🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

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And President Trump was called 'racist' and 'xenophobic' just for observing that many of the illegal migrants crossing the border were on the run from justice, were terrorists, or had psychiatric issues, "they're not sending their best!"

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Yes trump tells it like it is that's why they don't want him getting elected because he's not a sheep like the scumbag politicians here he's a loose cannon that won't be controlled

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Could be. It happens. The movie Scarface is based on the real Mariel Boat Lift. Fidel Castro's immigration deal with Jommy Carter went sideways and Cuban psyche wards and prisons were emptied. Those ppl were sent to Miami.

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These scumbags should be given a good kicking and then put on a plane out of here forever they never should have been allowed in here in the first place the whole political system here is utterly corrupt paddy is being replaced by utter scumbags

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Well done Aisling....yes things really coming to ahead. Those who previously have been asleep must be waking up but still frightened to speak about things. The monsters who oversee all this are definitely ramping things up.

The rumours that an army is going to be created using all the 'military-aged-men' should not be dismissed. Wasn't this part of a story line in a novel that was published in the 70s.

Here is an interesting discussion on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwhbDGn_BCo

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Well, the pictures of these 'military aged men' I have seen holding firearms, I'd say they are likely to shoot each other. Their safety is terrible! First Rule of firearms safety is don't touch the trigger until you are sure you are going to fire!

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"The festival of Saint John shall fall on a Friday,

When the young men of many races shall be expelled;

They will settle eastward in the Tyrian Sea,

They shall obtain only a fourth part."

Intriguingly, this is a stanza from Peter Bander's "The prophesies of Saint Columbkille" first published in 1969, as best I can determine, but based on much earlier sources.

The footnotes state that, according to tradition, this prophesy refers to a massacre of the Danish invaders by the native Irish, whereby the Irish lit signal fires beforehand "upon every rath and hill" as a sign that the massacre was to be carried out.

Apparently however, there is no written account of any such massacre of the Norsemen ever having taken place.

Also, it could be argued that the term "the young men of many races" sounds somewhat more expansive than just the Danes and the Norse.

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Aisling, thank you for talking about this.

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I feel useless what can we do?

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This is really heavy …

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It doesn't make much sense. Are these immigrants traumatized? On drugs? Part of a mind control experiment? There are dumb criminals out there, but this is ridiculous.

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maybe the "dam has burst" now, and Irish people are talking about it

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