Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

There's been a lot written and said about this year's Irish entry to the Eurovision contest but this is the best I've come across . Thank you Aisling O' Loughlin , great article!

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Thank you Sarah. Initially I didn't want to give it any oxygen but I couldn't resist in the end.

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Is this what we struggled and fought for (and continue to struggle and fight for)?

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I'm all for artistic freedom and I'm sure there's a place for Bambi to do her thing without having to rub our noses in her experimental screeching. What's really bugging me is how everyone is pretending to be so open-minded to this corporate bs as if she's breaking down barriers. Purleeeeze!

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I've taken to bending the ear of the lovely normie who minds my children as I simply can't talk to anyone anymore about all this stuff, this coup d'état. It's become "oh shite, here comes Alex..."

Yes, by all means be all arty and cabaret in the right setting. It just gets to me when I see the Satanic thing, and so boring and unattractive.

I remember going to 'gig's (although not that many) in the late 80s and 90s, and I can honestly say I usually hated being at them. The rock and roll/techno thing, definitely huge psyops!

I'm going for a long walk on the beach on Sunday and I can't wait!

Heavenly Father help us!

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

I have to say, reminiscent of Aimie Winehouse in style, but its not what I would call attractive. Does this represent the whole country, or just a very small part of post modern Ireland? I think Eurovision will go the same way as the EU; these are all sinking ships, just the captains don't see it, kinda like the Titanic! If Darren here is correct, 2024 is going to be one hell of a year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YrEgimqFWw Many of us have sensed this was coming, in my case, I felt it since the late 80s, so to me, this comes as no particular surprise!

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

How did you know from way back in the 80s that something was wrong. I'm always fascinated by those people who knew the system wasn't working as I always thought it was. It too March 2020 for me

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Thank you for your question Fionnuala. I felt there was something amiss when I was in primary school, but it was my experience in the corporate world that fleshed out my feeling of unease. My time in Associated Leisure and then BT completed my view. Due to this and realizing that the UK had basically 'had it' under Thatcher, we sold up and moved to a small cottage in Ireland with a view to becoming as self sufficient a possible, with the aim of getting off grid as well, which we achieved 9 years ago, using solar, wind and back up diesel. Little did we think that Irish people would have gone along with this globalist Thatcherite agenda. This is us:- newmoonfarm.ie

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Well done on succeeding to become self-sufficient. That's incredible Diane. Thanks for the link to New Moon Farm. Looking forward to reading your blogs.

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Thanks for your reply Diane and I'll check out your website which I briefly looked at. Lucky, you're well sorted with your clean water etc, I suppose you sell your surplus to the locals. Well done!

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We give surplus veg away to try and get people thinking about things, like growing their own. A good few of our neighbours are good gardeners too.

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I realized the health systems were lying and dangerous nutjobs back in 2012. Made me suspicious of everything then. My final awakening was in 2021 when a dear friend threw me out of her life because I was defiantly unvaxxed. She told me Quote—“you can’t be with us because you might kill us”. That was the same week my public library (where I worked 14 years till 2019) threw me out because of no mask, and my own youngest sister disowned me. That’s when I completely woke up. I had trouble sleeping for sometime as I ruminated on the ruins of my supposed truths. But I got stronger.

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I’m American but have a sister in Ireland since 1974. I was there that night when Eurovision presented Riverdance. It was pretty fantastic I must say, as many have said since. I texted her when i saw that Bambi person (?). Since she’s full on believing the scam being perpetrated world wide, she didn’t take kindly to my remarks. Still believes The Guardian is a trusted source. Love her, but she’s lost.

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What is worse is that she comes from our nearest town, Macroom! Great support from the town, if only they understood exactly what she is into...........................

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My sis is an atheist. I don’t think she would see anything weird about it. It’s all theater, she said. Yes, until it isn’t. We are there—not theater anymore.

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This is how its done; theatre. They did it in the opening of the 2012 Olympics and it played out over the covid scam. Guess your sis took the jab too? A closed mind facilitates the tools of tyranny, no doubt!

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Yes she did and still does get them. She is sick all the time now with migraines and sinus infections. She gave me a hard time when I chose not to. Now she is on her high horses about genocide—not the jab one going on now, of course. We can’t talk about much anymore since she senses I have defected from her ideas about justice and politics. Her first words out are “don’t patronize me”. Love her, but she can drive me nuts even from thousands of miles away.

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Alas, that is the way it is! There is no putting things right with people like that, the brainwashing has gone too deep.

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Was poor Bambi run over by a truck, cause this sure looks like something scraped up off the road to me. Perhaps this explains all the screeching and shrieking reportedly heard coming from rte studios last Friday night. Rumour has it, that at the time of the accident Bambi was on her way home from the crossroads, having been down there engaging in certain commercial activities, if you get my drift? A spot of buying and selling, though mostly selling I believe. What is the price for a soul these days anyway? Please God, not a Eurovision win.

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

And is she ‘queer’?. Queer people might question that. Any trans people I have encountered are attracted still to the opposite biological sex. I dare say there are others who are trans queer? but … they are confused, confusing, and persuaded that they defend a victimised orientation. The victimisation being central. A stick, to ram home the strange, irrational and self destructive creed of these broken people (souls)

Very good article here. I too was struck by the Rolling Stones piece and Bambi’s referencing of isolation, rejection and addiction in the other song. As being ‘about’ these things when the song itself was a wallowing in, and an assertion of these themes, an identification, and, presumably as ‘art’. Nothing there about human misery /redemption/ whatsoever!

It’s the best boys in Europe syndrome yet again I fear! We will be more lurid, more chaotic, more controversial than anyone else in the contest. Accept me! include me! only let me win! If this is the rubric for success then there are many of us here who don’t want to win! Or to participate.

Pity the deluded I agree, but judge too, I mean judge the crazed will to succeed, to be given the stage regardless of merit, of value or even of the safety of the entire exercise.

I thought of All kinds of everything . My own youthful rejection of the song at the time as a kind of bland, sanitised representation of romantic love. The ‘ lovely girl ‘ singer. An imposition. Here is its opposite, sane coin?

This current offering is another imposition , where the rubber hits the road. A manipulative imposition of witless compliance in the song, to a profoundly destructive m, anti human darkness.

Neither song serves us or reflects us, to my mind.

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Beautifully put Anna. Dana's treacly song was awful too. Although it reflected a kind of innocence you see in older generations. It was vote for goodness in a way. We'd just take the mickey out of it now! Innocence lost!

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Yes, but I do wonder if innocence based on ignorance and a refusal to look at the complexity of love, and sexual attraction, the rich meat of the human heart, is just as dangerous as this current embrace of the occult. After all we travelled from that to this Eurovision offering in blind acceptance it does seem.

I remember feeling alienated by the song and the sentiments at the time. As a woman I mean.

I do see what you mean about innocence though. And there is a lovely kind of ‘owning’ by Irish people of that song and the times that were in it because whatever the song did and did not express. it was ours, of our culture , our own fashioned place.

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Eurovision has always been a ridiculous load of nonsense now there's a sinister side to it pushing this woke satanic agenda and this silly fool is being just used to push the sick demonic agenda and they don't even know it. There has only ever been 1 good Eurovision song the infamous my lovely horse

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You're right Tommy. My Lovely Horse was the best Eurovision tune. I hear we're all satanists now, Ted!

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Haha down with that sort of thing

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Maybe this is what we need to wake up the masses. Or maybe it will serve to separate the older folks like me from the younger ones, who will see this as modern and against the system and the old ones, I think this might be the plan. Some of mine are seeing it like that

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Good article, Aisling. As the renowned exorcist Fr Pat Collins said not so long ago, 'there is a tsunami of evil over Ireland'. Time to get on the right side of history.

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Refreshing to read, some sanity in the madness. The Emperor has no clothes article. Well done.

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Brilliantly written, Aisling. You expressed the feelings of many of us so eloquently.

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Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Thanks for this article.

I think its a dude. He's reminiscent of madonna at the grammy awards in 2015.

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Do you think that was fake blood in the shower? I'm confused!

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31Liked by Aisling O'Loughlin

Easy enough to do isnt it? Ya can buy fake blood for halloween for example. Could be a she in a bad wig but i saw one photo where the shoulders looked like man shoulders-- wider than the hips.

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RSVP Live, an online magazine has a foto of him where you can see he has no breasts. Also very long arms and a bigger male skull.

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Thanks for reporting.

All I have to say is, peeps, chuck that shale.

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Under the blood and makeup you will find a Soros. Also, this normalizes the calmari blood clot images the embalmers are showing us, not a mistake.

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Thank you for this excellent and perceptive report and also many thoughtful comments.

Most favour freedom of expression especially it with does no actual harm to people or property.

This performance is an occult ritual with the potential of opening a portal to allow the influx

of demon's and negative entities which can have very real negative effects especially on children.

Children being 'closer to God'/innocent are prime targets for satanist's as sacred objects for defilement.

From a 3D legal perspective RTE are no doubt aware that Black Magic, Voodoo etc are non judicable, ie beyond the law, so one can practice them (and cause real harm) with impunity. Indeed

in the higher echelons of control and 'governance' magic ritual is a key component. That however does not make such ritual acts suitable for broadcasting to the nation, a level of self preservational discernment may we appropriate.

The Irish people are currently in shock from being victim to an enormous psyop heavily promoted by the government and RTE for the people to participate in taking a military counter measure gene-altering nano technology, bio weapon injection against a renamed largely non lethal flu. (Most death's were caused by other factors...) See also on YouTube the film, "Dark Moon Rising" for insight into the occult nature of medical murder campaign, which is ongoing, why?

Allies of Satan are not our or Ireland's friend's.

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Excellent article✅👊

Our forefathers who fought oppression for 100’s of years and suffered a brutal genocide must be spinning in their graves at such evil🤮

But this evil will burn itself out because nature only builds on Grace🙏

Jesus has won this war but it’s going to be ugly for a while now as Satan thrashes around destroying those who refuse to obey the 1st Commandment of God- to live God with all our hearts, all our souls and all our mind🙏

It’s all a war for each of our souls so choose wisely🙏

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They can dress it up how they like - still lamestream 😏

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