With farmers protesting all over Europe, it's time to re-examine the Netflix documentary film (2015) that made cow farts the leading cause of 'climate change' and ignited the plant power craze...
I do think the heavy promotion of veganism suits the globalists, but if people want to be vegan by choice that’s absolutely their choice to make, it’s not something I could ever do myself. I just love to eat everything in sight! :-D
Fair play for putting up that video, there’s a huge contingent out there among ‘our side’ who would use that video as an opportunity to slate you. They claim to be trying to change people’s minds on things, while simultaneously ridiculing them for not being exactly where they are in terms of awareness, all the time. If it suits you being vegan and works for you that’s all good.
When are the powers that be going to get rid of Gates? He has been scoring an awful lot of own goals against their team these last few years. He has almost single-handedly detroyed big pharma with his pretence of being a medical doctor and pushing a WHO based medical tyrannical state and now the fake meat and cow fart train has fallen off the tracks. Best if he called it a day and committed suicide hanging from ther back of a hotel bedroom door with an orange stuffed down his throat and a clutch of the pictures of his Epstein victims shoved up his slimy ass.
There is an environmental disaster happening all around us, but it has nothing to do with the climate. At this time of year, the countryside should be just full of frogs on the move, searching out ponds or bodies of water to lay their spawn, but sadly, in many parts of the country now, frogs are a thing of the past, rarely if ever seen any more. It is the same with the Corncrake. A bird whose distinctive call once symbolized the Irish summer, every bit as much as the sight of swooping Swallows, is now gone, except for small pockets in the remote parts of Ireland, Many years ago, I had the magical experience of sitting in a car in a farmer's yard as three Yellow Hammers pecked on the ground outside: I will most likely never see a Yellow Hammer again, except in pictures. The way things are going, bumble bees, dragon flies and many species of bird and wildflower will soon follow on in to oblivion. But the globalists couldn't give a care. They talk about "rewilding", but all that really means is that the countryside is to be cleared of human beings too: a process that will see all rural dwellers forced out and relocated to their tiny boxes in the fifteen minute cities, if the globalists have their way that is (which, of course, they won't)
The gradual destruction of our natural environment has been known about for decades, and it could have been stopped, but the satanic powers that run the world have no more regard for God's creation than they have for His children. All this devastation of the countryside is purely down to modern farming practices, including the use of sprays and chemicals, the draining of wetlands, and the brutal scalping of hedgerows so that whole tracts of land exist with barely a berry for a beleaguered bird to survive on.
Do not blame the farmer however, because these are the methods he was taught were "best practice' in agricultural college, and by advisory groups and bodies closely tied to the state. In many cases, he was bribed, channeled or otherwise directed to operate in these ways. Indeed, it seems clear to me now that there is no area of human endeavor in which these demons have not interfered with the goal of causing the maximum amount of harm and infection. The good news however, is that with the Great Awakening, the old globalist system will soon come crashing down, and what is built back up in it's place will, please God, be more equitable and beneficial for the environment, and for the farmer and farm animal as well.
In a kinder, and more welfare centered system, the need for veganism might not be so great.
God is allowing satan to rule this world for a season. He is the 'god of this age' (2 Cor 4:4) but God's judgement is coming so all should choose to put their trust in Jesus who died to pay the penalty for our sin in our place, and rose again the 3rd day. He is the 'narrow way', 'the truth and the life' and no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). After God's wrath/judgement is poured out, Jesus will return to rule this world with a rod of iron for 1000 years. The earth and the environment will be renovated and there will be perfect justice and peace globally. 'For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given and the government will be upon His shoulder.....of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end' (Isaiah 9:6-7). The New Testament agrees - 'the kingdom of this world has become the the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever!' (Revelation 11:15) Don't delay folks, put your trust in Jesus Christ today. Time is short!
Well written. I feel it is both an environmental disaster and climate change. In regard to brain size. The wisest person I know is vegan. And it's not me in case you ask.
Thanks for your comment Paraic. What I would say is that perhaps the source of this person's wisdom is the empathy they obviously feel for their fellow creatures, rather than the makeup of their diet, i.e. the contents of their heart more so than the contents of their stomach. Indeed, it would not surprise me if vegans had bigger brains given that, according to the Bible, mankind along with all other living creatures, including present day carnivores, were originally designed to be vegan, and only deviated from this course after the rent in the nature of reality itself that constituted "The Fall". Encouragingly perhaps, the Bible also outlines how God's original design will be restored when His Son comes a second time, and establishes His thousand year reign on Earth (equivalent to God's seventh day of rest for Planet Earth).
Chapter 11, Verse 6 of the Book of Isaiah begins: "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together: and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed: their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
And the sucking child shall play beside the lair of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy on all My Holy Mountain, for the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
This is not myth, as some my contend, but actual prophesy. As for climate change, while I have been witness to the decline of many species of bird and plant over the course of my life, I have witnessed no corresponding change in the climate, except for the same variation in the weather that has always existed (in my lifetime at least).
I see no compelling evidence that "they" put forward to convince me that climate change is real, except that they use the same tried, and now tired, tactics of repeating the same propaganda over and over again, and compelling their paid lackeys to do likewise, confident in the knowledge that with enough repetitions, eventually many people (especially younger people with less life experience to make comparisons against) will begin to believe them.
Thank you Michael. The wisest person I know says that all activity - human and planetary are as a result of human emotions which are the most powerful force in this world. As we fell our diet reflected the fall. As we ate animals we lowered our vibration and animals started to eat animals. Its all on us. Veganism is a way of living, not just a diet. In its true sense its vibrational, not belief based. Its a reflection of the universal principle which is Do no harm. We have ignored this and here we are. We invoked the dark by our actions, to show us where we are and we still ignore and create suffering. I am not exempt. I just may be a little more aware of what I did and do. You speak of the return of the Son. In that regard those who choose to follow the universal principle will rise, those who do not will fall. The book of Isiah is reflecting the physics. As we raise our vibration we will return to a state of do not harm and the animals will follow that. Animals have served humans in ways that are unimaginable to most. We have abused them and so we are now at the end. The choices we make in 2024 will decide our fate. Sorry if this is a bit stark. I hope you understand.
Hi Paraic, the wisest person you know sure sounds like he, or she, knows a thing or two. I cannot disagree that animals are innocent, and it is all on us. When the Creator of the universe gave dominion over His creation in to the hands of human beings, I suspect that He was hoping for, if not expecting, a higher standard of ethics than the dog meat trade, the fur trade, veal crates, live exports and laboratory experiments on animals, conducted not for the benefit of mankind, but for the benefit of big pharma's profits. The preceding list is by no means exhaustive, but merely scratches the surface. It could be argued that the real currency that fuels human affairs is not money, but suffering. I think you might agree with me when I say that when human kind fell, we brought the rest of creation down with us.. Perhaps, the emissions that should concern us most is not CO2, but rather our emissions of cruelty, selfishness and ignorance. Why does God allow suffering is a question that is often asked. Previously I might have answered that suffering is an unavoidable consequence of the full expression of human freewill. After the last four years however, I am no longer so sure about that. Indeed, what we call reality no longer seems as real to me as it once did, and I wonder to myself if it is not the supernatural world , in fact, that is the true reality. In this scenario. the world in which we now live would be actually nothing more than a computer generated hologram, a digital simulation for training purposes only. I believe that there may be some scientific basis for holding this view, but to be honest, it's all somewhat above my pay grade.
For whatever reason, and from whatever source, many people now seem to be of the opinion that 2024 will be a critical year. As for myself, I do not believe that the choices we humans
make will have any bearing on the final outcome. It is my belief (which, I admit, does not make it true) that the decision has already been made, by a much Higher Power, that we are to be rescued. Even as the globalists pull their strings, and plot the collapse of this current system in order to bring in their lucifarian one world system, unknown to them, at the same time, their own strings are being pulled by the power of the Living God.
For He has his own Great Reset planned, I believe; one which also requires the collapse of this current system in order to be birthed in to existence. In God's great reset, the slate will be wiped clean, and mankind will be given one last chance to do things our way, after which God, through His Son, will take back control and do it His perfect way.
The Bible is full of types and fore shadowings. Therefore, both Isaac and Joseph are types of Jesus, and Isaac carrying the pile of wood up the hill to be used in the fire of his own sacrifice is a fore shadowing of Christ carrying the cross beam up that same hill almost two thousand years later , as He voluntarily offered up His own life for the sins of the world.
Similarly, the last four years have been a foreshadowing of the Great Tribulation which will one day come upon the Earth. Just as the Great Tribulation will be brought to an end only through the intervention of Jesus Christ, so too, this present tribulation, so widespread and endemic is the infiltration, will be ended only after divine intervention. The length and depth of the period of peace and blessing that follows afterwards WILL be down to the choices we, humans, make. But at least, the young people who have been taught nothing but lies and falsehoods up to this point will have the chance to make their fully informed choice - Christ or Satan, life or death, light or darkness, it really is as simple as that.
And what does Christ require of us - like all kings, ultimately but one thing - the pledge of our allegiance.
Apologies if this feels like I'm shoving something down your neck, for that was not my intention
Thankyou for putting a different perspective on this subject. I'm not vegan but more and more concerned about animal welfare and the globalist agenda. As you say, it is probably better for the population to follow a grain and root based diet for sustained health, but we don't need to be lectured by un-elected elitists like Klaus Schwarb and Fantasy Island spokesman, Bill Gates.
Animal welfare? Yes yes yes. Not considered nearly enough. Lots of concentration camps in the form of factory farms...all hidden from view. An endless tragedy.
What they do to animals, they will try to do to us. So pay close attention to what they do to farm animals and dogs. Also they will be vaccinating all those farm animals with these needles
Makes me think of a relevant book: The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol Adams.
"The Sexual Politics of Meat explains the concept of “the absent referent.” Behind every meal of meat is an absence: the death of the animal whose place the meat takes. This is the "absent referent." The absent referent functions to cloak the violence inherent to meat eating, to protect the conscience of the meat eater and render the idea of individual animals as immaterial to anyone’s selfish desires. It is that which separates the meat eater from the animal and the animal from the end product. The function of the absent referent is to keep our "meat" separated from any idea that she or he was once an animal, to keep something from being seen as having been someone, to allow for the moral abandonment of another being."
And here's me, eating almost exclusively fatty meat throwing in the odd turnip or sauerkraut for variety.
Just compare pictures of popular beaches in the summer from the 1960's and then in the 1990's onward. Sugar and grain-based diets is turning us into unhealthy slobs with shortened life spans.
We CAN survive on exclusively plant-based foods, but we don't thrive. Our guts expand and our brains shrink.
I would not knowingly eat modified plants but how would I know. However, I believe they vaccinate animals all the time and give antibiotics to boost milk yields and fatten animals. You could check this
BTW that study you refer to is a university based study based on evolution which I for one don't believe in. They are paid to get the result they want. They can get any result they want when paid. We should have learnt our lessons from the past almost four years. Just eat plants you recognise, it's safer
It’s just so ridiculous, isn’t it? And yet we’re pretty powerless to stop them & their attempts to block the sun as well. I just can’t help thinking that everything we’re seeing is to bring in utter chaos so that the Antichrist can arise & bring world peace & fulfill that part of Bible prophecy 🤔. Perhaps I’m wrong. I watch with interest & wait.
On the contrary, we have all the power - which is why "they" spend all their ill-gotten billions on trying to propagandise us - and they're even failing at that - explaining why this year in Davos they're obsessed with "regaining our trust" and crushing "disinformation". They're losing big time. Enjoy it.
I became vegan in September 2016. It was a slow thing for me. I hadn't eaten red meat in years, first to go was dairy, then I gave up chicken, then eggs, finally fish. I was on a health kick in the beginning. But as I researched the ethics and the farm husbandry and slaughterhouse operations, I decided to be an ethical vegan. So you must understand, there is vegan, then plant-based diet, then vegitarian (lots of different types in there). I've softened up on myself in the past year and allowed myself raw honey for health benefits and to make medicine and sometimes in my old age I can't find comfortable shoes so have to opt for leather. I do my best. During those early days, I must've watched Cowspiracy 10 times.
I believe now that it was part of all this nonsense. I even bought books about it. Eating plants is not that bad, you just need to know the spices and flavours to bring out the taste. I don't keto it as to me that is not sustainable, I'm a starchivore. Anyone wanting to explore this way of living should go onto the Happy Pear five minute meals and lots of other very good information there (on Youtube)
I've advanced to foraging and making my own skin care and medicine. It's great fun
Until the so-called "elites" play by the same rules as the "commoners," nobody should buy what they're selling. This means they would have to sell their yachts and private jets. I don't see that happening.
Aisling, I went vegan about 9 years ago. I grew up in Ireland. I lived in Canada for 40 years. My wife has been vegan almost all her life. We had a vegan wedding in Ireland (Galway) in 2017. That was a hoot. We were both in our 50's and her family is Greek and they made everyone think that my big fat greek wedding was a documentary. Half of my family and friends had scoped out local pubs in case the food was inedible. They were surprised as it wasn't. Anyway, the point of all this is first to say that I agree with your closing comments. The universe is first an foremost an energetic reality. What we do will be done to us. Karma is real. The overriding law is "Do no harm" If we cage, inject and kill other sentient creatures we should not be surprised that the same happens to us. We have also inflicted wholesale abuse on our planet for way too long. So I also believe climate change is real. Its a wake up call. From a higher level perspective we have invoked the dark forces to show us what we have done and so we can make a choice. Gates and his crew are tools of the dark and they will get theirs. Don't get me wrong about the protests. I love what the farmers are doing. I was part of the trucker protests against the mandates in Canada. I love that farmers are waking up. I love that people are waking up everywhere. But if we are going to rise we need to take right action. We have to take responsibility for what we have created. We cannot infringe on sentient creatures or on the planet. We didn't take responsibility before. We took the grants, the money, the bribes and here we are. We need to take responsibility now. I remember bringing cattle to the mart in Athenry in my young days. The fear in those poor creatures eyes will live with me forever. I buried it then. Since then I had to take responsibility and change my ways. If we are going to rise we all do.
The absurdity of their narrative is transparent, to those of us who think critically, but so many people these days don't think at all, they just trundle through life like a deserted ship on the sea. Its the same with the covid narrative, transparently fake, a reasonably switched on 6 year old should be able to see it!
On one level, you've got to hand it to them. I mean they have some balls, don't they? Some hutzpah! But, then again their leader - aka Satan - undoubtedly has a fairly big personality.
But, the sad thing is, so many STILL believe all that.
All the glow-ball-ists are trying to cow us into submission with all their bullshit. They are making it all up on the hoof. It's all a load of bullocks.
I say pull the udder one Billy Boy!
I have nothing against vegetarianism; indeed my wife and I are probably 2/3 vegetarian if not more! However, 'vegetarianism' will anagram to
'AI Gates vermin'
This is true and off putting to be fully vegetarian.
In fact we can also have 'i.e. Mr Gates vain' or even 'i.e. Gates mRNA vi'.
I do think the heavy promotion of veganism suits the globalists, but if people want to be vegan by choice that’s absolutely their choice to make, it’s not something I could ever do myself. I just love to eat everything in sight! :-D
Fair play for putting up that video, there’s a huge contingent out there among ‘our side’ who would use that video as an opportunity to slate you. They claim to be trying to change people’s minds on things, while simultaneously ridiculing them for not being exactly where they are in terms of awareness, all the time. If it suits you being vegan and works for you that’s all good.
When are the powers that be going to get rid of Gates? He has been scoring an awful lot of own goals against their team these last few years. He has almost single-handedly detroyed big pharma with his pretence of being a medical doctor and pushing a WHO based medical tyrannical state and now the fake meat and cow fart train has fallen off the tracks. Best if he called it a day and committed suicide hanging from ther back of a hotel bedroom door with an orange stuffed down his throat and a clutch of the pictures of his Epstein victims shoved up his slimy ass.
Perceptive and dead funny in a Dark way - that's the way they roll when they want one out of the way.
It was said never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake. Destroying big pharma is a good thing.
Still, when all is said an done there is as you suggest. :)
Your last sentence is pure perfection.
There is an environmental disaster happening all around us, but it has nothing to do with the climate. At this time of year, the countryside should be just full of frogs on the move, searching out ponds or bodies of water to lay their spawn, but sadly, in many parts of the country now, frogs are a thing of the past, rarely if ever seen any more. It is the same with the Corncrake. A bird whose distinctive call once symbolized the Irish summer, every bit as much as the sight of swooping Swallows, is now gone, except for small pockets in the remote parts of Ireland, Many years ago, I had the magical experience of sitting in a car in a farmer's yard as three Yellow Hammers pecked on the ground outside: I will most likely never see a Yellow Hammer again, except in pictures. The way things are going, bumble bees, dragon flies and many species of bird and wildflower will soon follow on in to oblivion. But the globalists couldn't give a care. They talk about "rewilding", but all that really means is that the countryside is to be cleared of human beings too: a process that will see all rural dwellers forced out and relocated to their tiny boxes in the fifteen minute cities, if the globalists have their way that is (which, of course, they won't)
The gradual destruction of our natural environment has been known about for decades, and it could have been stopped, but the satanic powers that run the world have no more regard for God's creation than they have for His children. All this devastation of the countryside is purely down to modern farming practices, including the use of sprays and chemicals, the draining of wetlands, and the brutal scalping of hedgerows so that whole tracts of land exist with barely a berry for a beleaguered bird to survive on.
Do not blame the farmer however, because these are the methods he was taught were "best practice' in agricultural college, and by advisory groups and bodies closely tied to the state. In many cases, he was bribed, channeled or otherwise directed to operate in these ways. Indeed, it seems clear to me now that there is no area of human endeavor in which these demons have not interfered with the goal of causing the maximum amount of harm and infection. The good news however, is that with the Great Awakening, the old globalist system will soon come crashing down, and what is built back up in it's place will, please God, be more equitable and beneficial for the environment, and for the farmer and farm animal as well.
In a kinder, and more welfare centered system, the need for veganism might not be so great.
God is allowing satan to rule this world for a season. He is the 'god of this age' (2 Cor 4:4) but God's judgement is coming so all should choose to put their trust in Jesus who died to pay the penalty for our sin in our place, and rose again the 3rd day. He is the 'narrow way', 'the truth and the life' and no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). After God's wrath/judgement is poured out, Jesus will return to rule this world with a rod of iron for 1000 years. The earth and the environment will be renovated and there will be perfect justice and peace globally. 'For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given and the government will be upon His shoulder.....of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end' (Isaiah 9:6-7). The New Testament agrees - 'the kingdom of this world has become the the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever!' (Revelation 11:15) Don't delay folks, put your trust in Jesus Christ today. Time is short!
Well said. COVID 19 came for this reason to expose all the evil and evil ones once and for all.
Yes, I agree, God allowed it for His purposes. I pray many will put their trust in Jesus before its too late.
Well written. I feel it is both an environmental disaster and climate change. In regard to brain size. The wisest person I know is vegan. And it's not me in case you ask.
Thanks for your comment Paraic. What I would say is that perhaps the source of this person's wisdom is the empathy they obviously feel for their fellow creatures, rather than the makeup of their diet, i.e. the contents of their heart more so than the contents of their stomach. Indeed, it would not surprise me if vegans had bigger brains given that, according to the Bible, mankind along with all other living creatures, including present day carnivores, were originally designed to be vegan, and only deviated from this course after the rent in the nature of reality itself that constituted "The Fall". Encouragingly perhaps, the Bible also outlines how God's original design will be restored when His Son comes a second time, and establishes His thousand year reign on Earth (equivalent to God's seventh day of rest for Planet Earth).
Chapter 11, Verse 6 of the Book of Isaiah begins: "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together: and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed: their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
And the sucking child shall play beside the lair of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy on all My Holy Mountain, for the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
This is not myth, as some my contend, but actual prophesy. As for climate change, while I have been witness to the decline of many species of bird and plant over the course of my life, I have witnessed no corresponding change in the climate, except for the same variation in the weather that has always existed (in my lifetime at least).
I see no compelling evidence that "they" put forward to convince me that climate change is real, except that they use the same tried, and now tired, tactics of repeating the same propaganda over and over again, and compelling their paid lackeys to do likewise, confident in the knowledge that with enough repetitions, eventually many people (especially younger people with less life experience to make comparisons against) will begin to believe them.
Amen Michael. I only read this after replying to your first comment. We're on the same page brother. Praise the Lord.
God Bless you Sue. Keep fighting the good fight, and may the Good Lord, the One who is Faithful and True,always keep you close. Amen.
Thanks Michael and God bless you too!
Thank you Michael. The wisest person I know says that all activity - human and planetary are as a result of human emotions which are the most powerful force in this world. As we fell our diet reflected the fall. As we ate animals we lowered our vibration and animals started to eat animals. Its all on us. Veganism is a way of living, not just a diet. In its true sense its vibrational, not belief based. Its a reflection of the universal principle which is Do no harm. We have ignored this and here we are. We invoked the dark by our actions, to show us where we are and we still ignore and create suffering. I am not exempt. I just may be a little more aware of what I did and do. You speak of the return of the Son. In that regard those who choose to follow the universal principle will rise, those who do not will fall. The book of Isiah is reflecting the physics. As we raise our vibration we will return to a state of do not harm and the animals will follow that. Animals have served humans in ways that are unimaginable to most. We have abused them and so we are now at the end. The choices we make in 2024 will decide our fate. Sorry if this is a bit stark. I hope you understand.
Hi Paraic, the wisest person you know sure sounds like he, or she, knows a thing or two. I cannot disagree that animals are innocent, and it is all on us. When the Creator of the universe gave dominion over His creation in to the hands of human beings, I suspect that He was hoping for, if not expecting, a higher standard of ethics than the dog meat trade, the fur trade, veal crates, live exports and laboratory experiments on animals, conducted not for the benefit of mankind, but for the benefit of big pharma's profits. The preceding list is by no means exhaustive, but merely scratches the surface. It could be argued that the real currency that fuels human affairs is not money, but suffering. I think you might agree with me when I say that when human kind fell, we brought the rest of creation down with us.. Perhaps, the emissions that should concern us most is not CO2, but rather our emissions of cruelty, selfishness and ignorance. Why does God allow suffering is a question that is often asked. Previously I might have answered that suffering is an unavoidable consequence of the full expression of human freewill. After the last four years however, I am no longer so sure about that. Indeed, what we call reality no longer seems as real to me as it once did, and I wonder to myself if it is not the supernatural world , in fact, that is the true reality. In this scenario. the world in which we now live would be actually nothing more than a computer generated hologram, a digital simulation for training purposes only. I believe that there may be some scientific basis for holding this view, but to be honest, it's all somewhat above my pay grade.
For whatever reason, and from whatever source, many people now seem to be of the opinion that 2024 will be a critical year. As for myself, I do not believe that the choices we humans
make will have any bearing on the final outcome. It is my belief (which, I admit, does not make it true) that the decision has already been made, by a much Higher Power, that we are to be rescued. Even as the globalists pull their strings, and plot the collapse of this current system in order to bring in their lucifarian one world system, unknown to them, at the same time, their own strings are being pulled by the power of the Living God.
For He has his own Great Reset planned, I believe; one which also requires the collapse of this current system in order to be birthed in to existence. In God's great reset, the slate will be wiped clean, and mankind will be given one last chance to do things our way, after which God, through His Son, will take back control and do it His perfect way.
The Bible is full of types and fore shadowings. Therefore, both Isaac and Joseph are types of Jesus, and Isaac carrying the pile of wood up the hill to be used in the fire of his own sacrifice is a fore shadowing of Christ carrying the cross beam up that same hill almost two thousand years later , as He voluntarily offered up His own life for the sins of the world.
Similarly, the last four years have been a foreshadowing of the Great Tribulation which will one day come upon the Earth. Just as the Great Tribulation will be brought to an end only through the intervention of Jesus Christ, so too, this present tribulation, so widespread and endemic is the infiltration, will be ended only after divine intervention. The length and depth of the period of peace and blessing that follows afterwards WILL be down to the choices we, humans, make. But at least, the young people who have been taught nothing but lies and falsehoods up to this point will have the chance to make their fully informed choice - Christ or Satan, life or death, light or darkness, it really is as simple as that.
And what does Christ require of us - like all kings, ultimately but one thing - the pledge of our allegiance.
Apologies if this feels like I'm shoving something down your neck, for that was not my intention
Thankyou for putting a different perspective on this subject. I'm not vegan but more and more concerned about animal welfare and the globalist agenda. As you say, it is probably better for the population to follow a grain and root based diet for sustained health, but we don't need to be lectured by un-elected elitists like Klaus Schwarb and Fantasy Island spokesman, Bill Gates.
Animal welfare? Yes yes yes. Not considered nearly enough. Lots of concentration camps in the form of factory farms...all hidden from view. An endless tragedy.
What they do to animals, they will try to do to us. So pay close attention to what they do to farm animals and dogs. Also they will be vaccinating all those farm animals with these needles
Yes. I agree 100%.
Makes me think of a relevant book: The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol Adams.
"The Sexual Politics of Meat explains the concept of “the absent referent.” Behind every meal of meat is an absence: the death of the animal whose place the meat takes. This is the "absent referent." The absent referent functions to cloak the violence inherent to meat eating, to protect the conscience of the meat eater and render the idea of individual animals as immaterial to anyone’s selfish desires. It is that which separates the meat eater from the animal and the animal from the end product. The function of the absent referent is to keep our "meat" separated from any idea that she or he was once an animal, to keep something from being seen as having been someone, to allow for the moral abandonment of another being."
When evolution became accepted they could claim men and women were just animals too. It gives the evil ones license to harm and kill.
Evolution is an anagram of 'UN evil too'
And here's me, eating almost exclusively fatty meat throwing in the odd turnip or sauerkraut for variety.
Just compare pictures of popular beaches in the summer from the 1960's and then in the 1990's onward. Sugar and grain-based diets is turning us into unhealthy slobs with shortened life spans.
We CAN survive on exclusively plant-based foods, but we don't thrive. Our guts expand and our brains shrink.
"Eating meat led to smaller stomachs, bigger brains" http://bit.ly/meat4life
I only eat plants and I've become more brainy (😜). Would you eat animals that have received those MRNA vaccines plus multiple antibiotics???
No I would not. Would you eat genetically modified plants?
I would not knowingly eat modified plants but how would I know. However, I believe they vaccinate animals all the time and give antibiotics to boost milk yields and fatten animals. You could check this
BTW that study you refer to is a university based study based on evolution which I for one don't believe in. They are paid to get the result they want. They can get any result they want when paid. We should have learnt our lessons from the past almost four years. Just eat plants you recognise, it's safer
It’s just so ridiculous, isn’t it? And yet we’re pretty powerless to stop them & their attempts to block the sun as well. I just can’t help thinking that everything we’re seeing is to bring in utter chaos so that the Antichrist can arise & bring world peace & fulfill that part of Bible prophecy 🤔. Perhaps I’m wrong. I watch with interest & wait.
On the contrary, we have all the power - which is why "they" spend all their ill-gotten billions on trying to propagandise us - and they're even failing at that - explaining why this year in Davos they're obsessed with "regaining our trust" and crushing "disinformation". They're losing big time. Enjoy it.
Yeah - the disinformation is rearing it’s head everywhere. Laws are creeping in to stop that.
I became vegan in September 2016. It was a slow thing for me. I hadn't eaten red meat in years, first to go was dairy, then I gave up chicken, then eggs, finally fish. I was on a health kick in the beginning. But as I researched the ethics and the farm husbandry and slaughterhouse operations, I decided to be an ethical vegan. So you must understand, there is vegan, then plant-based diet, then vegitarian (lots of different types in there). I've softened up on myself in the past year and allowed myself raw honey for health benefits and to make medicine and sometimes in my old age I can't find comfortable shoes so have to opt for leather. I do my best. During those early days, I must've watched Cowspiracy 10 times.
I believe now that it was part of all this nonsense. I even bought books about it. Eating plants is not that bad, you just need to know the spices and flavours to bring out the taste. I don't keto it as to me that is not sustainable, I'm a starchivore. Anyone wanting to explore this way of living should go onto the Happy Pear five minute meals and lots of other very good information there (on Youtube)
I've advanced to foraging and making my own skin care and medicine. It's great fun
Until the so-called "elites" play by the same rules as the "commoners," nobody should buy what they're selling. This means they would have to sell their yachts and private jets. I don't see that happening.
Aisling, I went vegan about 9 years ago. I grew up in Ireland. I lived in Canada for 40 years. My wife has been vegan almost all her life. We had a vegan wedding in Ireland (Galway) in 2017. That was a hoot. We were both in our 50's and her family is Greek and they made everyone think that my big fat greek wedding was a documentary. Half of my family and friends had scoped out local pubs in case the food was inedible. They were surprised as it wasn't. Anyway, the point of all this is first to say that I agree with your closing comments. The universe is first an foremost an energetic reality. What we do will be done to us. Karma is real. The overriding law is "Do no harm" If we cage, inject and kill other sentient creatures we should not be surprised that the same happens to us. We have also inflicted wholesale abuse on our planet for way too long. So I also believe climate change is real. Its a wake up call. From a higher level perspective we have invoked the dark forces to show us what we have done and so we can make a choice. Gates and his crew are tools of the dark and they will get theirs. Don't get me wrong about the protests. I love what the farmers are doing. I was part of the trucker protests against the mandates in Canada. I love that farmers are waking up. I love that people are waking up everywhere. But if we are going to rise we need to take right action. We have to take responsibility for what we have created. We cannot infringe on sentient creatures or on the planet. We didn't take responsibility before. We took the grants, the money, the bribes and here we are. We need to take responsibility now. I remember bringing cattle to the mart in Athenry in my young days. The fear in those poor creatures eyes will live with me forever. I buried it then. Since then I had to take responsibility and change my ways. If we are going to rise we all do.
Never vegan… sorry!! 😁❤️ 🐄
Personally I'm on a strictly vegan diet. I only eat organically grown vegans.
The absurdity of their narrative is transparent, to those of us who think critically, but so many people these days don't think at all, they just trundle through life like a deserted ship on the sea. Its the same with the covid narrative, transparently fake, a reasonably switched on 6 year old should be able to see it!
On one level, you've got to hand it to them. I mean they have some balls, don't they? Some hutzpah! But, then again their leader - aka Satan - undoubtedly has a fairly big personality.
But, the sad thing is, so many STILL believe all that.
I think long hair suits you best, Aisling!
All the glow-ball-ists are trying to cow us into submission with all their bullshit. They are making it all up on the hoof. It's all a load of bullocks.
I say pull the udder one Billy Boy!
I have nothing against vegetarianism; indeed my wife and I are probably 2/3 vegetarian if not more! However, 'vegetarianism' will anagram to
'AI Gates vermin'
This is true and off putting to be fully vegetarian.
In fact we can also have 'i.e. Mr Gates vain' or even 'i.e. Gates mRNA vi'.