God bless you, Aisling. I first began to ask questions about this woman when she suddenly developed a fascination for hitler - as coincidence would have it- at just about the same time as the main stream media switched from calling us anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, to calling us far-right nazis instead. The bigger issue that arises from all of this of course, is who will we select to lead us when this current system finally comes to it's inglorious end, and what will the new system look like. I, for one, have no intention of swapping Swabb's fourth industrial revolution for someone else's version of the fourth reich instead. Hopefully though, we'll all take better care the next time, and pay closer attention to the characters and motivations of those we choose to put in charge of our affairs.

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Absolutely Michael. I've often thought of the unintended consequences of resisting tyranny. I've recently found myself surrounded by a bunch of neo-Nazis telling me Hitler was the good guy and only wanted the best for Germany. It gives me the heebie jeebies. Out of the frying pan into the fire comes to mind. They seem to forget the outcome for those who fell for the propaganda the first time around.

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The frying pan in to the fire scenario has crossed my mind also Aisling, plus the depressing thought that the cure might turn out to be almost as bad as the disease. But we keep our sight firmly fixed on the Good Lord, knowing that He who is in us is more powerful than he that is in the world.

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Here is a radical idea; no system! As we have seen since covid(the scam) no one can be trusted, there are too many factions to keep pace with. I trust my family and friends and as adults, we should take responsibility for ourselves and not expect a nanny State to 'care' for us.

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Apr 26Edited

We are already in the fourth reich. Why are you stupidly scaremongering people implying that go’D is going to somehow be Taoiseach after the next election?

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What are you saying: that you find the thought of this woman becoming taoiseach "scary"?

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I smelled something off with her a while back. The wronguns can’t conceal their pong for long, despite turning up the heat.

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God bless you Aisling. You are a genuine good soul & a real journalist. Jemma is working for Big Evil no doubt about that

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Remember folks that when Gemma O'Doherty started this, she was coming for me, specifically for my work on McGinty inquest. Out of the 30 minute video Aisling and I did on that topic, Gemma O'Doherty honed in on the Burkhardt Protocol, the one aspect of the inquest that can scientifically link injuries to covid vaccines. Anyone seeking to prove that link in a court setting, particularly a journalist, would have seen the relevance of this and how important it was. Instead, she called me a shill for the pharmaceutical industry and accused Aisling of being 'on the wine'.

Are you curious to know why and how Gemma O'Doherty knew to go after this particular aspect of the entire inquest, having declined to cover it herself? You should be.

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Yes Louise, it became devastatingly clear at that point that we were not dealing with a journalist who cared about ethics or the right to reply or playing fairly. She was on a mission to undermine and slander us and was absolutely vicious and merciless in her approach. We were shocked. I thought we'd at least have a chance to respond. Perhaps there had been a misunderstanding! How naive I was then! O'Doherty falsely accused me of being on the booze when I attempted to get in touch in her livestream chat. More dirty tricks. And she went out of her way to rubbish the test that could link the jabs to injuries. As you say, this was a vital piece of the puzzle and any journalist worth their salt would have picked up on the story and in her position, would have ran a piece in The Irish Light. It was very telling that she chose to sabotage the importance of the test. Incredibly devious behaviour. Dare I say, psychopathic.

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Tbh I don't really care what she is or who she's working for. It should be very clear there are major question marks hanging over her. I dealt with it at the time as best I could. And as it turned there were other elements at play to thwart that inquest also. What can we do, only try.

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amazing polly got outed a few weeks back and her and gemma are bestie mates...says all i need to know anyhow

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Aisling I owe you an apology. I defended Gemma , but it is clear now that her actions are detrimental to those of us trying to get the truth out in Ireland.

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No need to apologise but thank you David. I only focus on her because of the ripple effect of her 'investigative journalism'. Otherwise I really wouldn't bother!

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You are a destructive agent, this is gone beyond simple obsession . You constantly amplify someone you say should not be amplified. You hold her to standards you don’t hold yourself to. You suck up people’s attention on this sad apparent feud, to satisfy either your own obsession with the woman, or just to waste people’s time. As mentioned before, you wrote a tirade saying she put Harris into office, years after O’Sullivan took over from callinan. With non evidence. Where’s the journalistic integrity there?

Stop wasting people,s time with this nonsense, people can decide for themselves on her, we aren’t stupid, no one drinks all of her in.

You’re actually embarrassing yourself and and new people joining your channel or waking up will just tune right out when they see you two rowing for reasons they won’t know. Maybe that’s the point though is it?

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As I just said; who is to be trusted! This has now become so factionalized I think we have to take responsibility and refuse to be lead like sheep be ANY of these factions.

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A great trait of the Irish is that we cannot be easily herded like sheep or cows into a convenient field. At least that is my experience.

Yes, some will follow a strong voice, but there are enough obstinate fuckers out there to ensure that this country, at least, does not lose its way.

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We did see that during the covid scam. The fear that RTE promoted to viewers(even though most of the narrative was totally unscientific and made no sense, especially around the misuse of masks) caused 'mass formation'(Mathias Desmet). For those of us who could easily see the lies, this made life difficult; being challenged politely in shops to being screamed at! The businesses that abused me will never get my custom again, but others seem to have forgotten about the tight rope that the aware had to walk back then.

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Yes that was my experience too. I can recall the very last time I was ushered rudely out of a store for not wearing a mask. It was January 2022, just before the focus switched from covid to Ukraine overnight.

Mostly my maskless presence was tolerated in shops. Occasionally I was challenged, and a few times I was abused. Like you I will never again enter any place that treated me badly.

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I support Gemma, one of the bravest women in Ireland. We have a country to win back and a real evil enemy to beat. Gemma took the pics down when asked. She can have opinions different to you, but stop the slagging please

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Wow. Thanks Aisling for getting this out there.I had no idea about Gemma O'Doherty.This definitely puts a dreadful stain on the real freedom fighter movements reputation.

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Just an observation. It's Ireland we're trying to defend here right?? 🙏🇮🇪

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I will say one more thing. I agree with David Icke's take on much of what is going on. Infiltration has happened, no doubt, ministers and politicians have been compromised at WEF/Bilderberg meetings and this is why this insane agenda is progressing, they are legislating for it. Also you have the influence of Common Purpose and Masonic influence at county level and in the apparatus of the State, this is undermining the democratic process. To put it mildly, this country is in deeper trouble than it was at the foundation of the Free State. We are not seeing much in the way of positive leadership, when that situation arises, there tends to be civil unrest/civil war.

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With all the bad things going on in Ireland right now, it would be unwise to ignore the international situation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTW4N-OEPrw Get prepping, do not allow yourself to be distracted!

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I have had my suspicionsover the UK Light. Though I will admit they are based on nothing but gut feeling. While I do think that some may have been turned to question things by seeing a copy of the light in a hairdressers, or popped through their door, these papers inevitably just seem to preach to the converted. As, unfortunately, great journalism like your own tends to do also. This is not to dismiss your work, far from it, I just don't see a way out of the future coming at us. Sure, I've turned a few on to the climate change lie and a few on to the covid lies, but its not enough to change the course of history. I try to remain strong and upbeat though, we get this life for a reason, and tht reason is not to it back and be walked all over.

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I think you raise some interesting points here.

have you not though discounted too quickly the possibility that Gemma is just more high wire, and takes more risks and is more reckless perhaps as to the consequences. I always remember Paul Dacre's comments about how he tried to get 'energy' onto the page. And I was struck at the time by how reckless that was, it was like he just wanted to start a fire. But, having said that, he was viewed as probably the greatest editor of his generation. Does not the journalist have to straddle that divide between 'energy' and 'truth' and sometimes they get the balance wrong?

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Aisling what coven do you belong to? You practice witchcraft right? You have to tell us if asked, that’s the rule. The black hat since you returned to Eire and your buddies are a dead giveaway.

And this is not a Christian defend Go’d angle, she’s right as much as she is wrong.

Be honest with your readers

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Why do you think I practice witchcraft Dan? I only read the Bible and put my faith in God. I've certainly read many New Age type books and tried out The Secret and the law of attraction to limited results. I've come to the conclusion thinking only positive thoughts is a trick to stop us acknowledging the real evil in the world. To be clear, I do NOT practice witchcraft. I'm always honest with my readers.

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Aisling, reading the posts from your detractors, obviously written by her supporters, it is interesting how they reduce their arguments to personal abuse. It is a sure sign that you have opened a thorny question and that what you say is the truth.

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Shut your mouth about Gema O Doherty

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Great article Aishling, if we are to solve the problems in this country we must come to the truth, the dark are masters of deception!

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Fair few people telling worse lies than Gemma o Doherty, the column inches she gets here and on telegram, you’d swear she was in Tony hula hoop or Tony faucis league.

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She's just as bad. Traitors shall be weeded out.

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