
Deliberate Bad Publicity: Gemma O'Doherty is the real psyop

The editor of The Irish Light newspaper uses her position to undermine the Resistance movement in Ireland with slander and rumours while playing the victim and hiding behind journalistic freedoms...

Here’s the thing: No competent newspaper editor would randomly slap 42 faces of dead people on their front page without first double checking the backstories to make sure they relate to the headline. This in and of itself is most peculiar. A red flag. If in doubt, leave it out, remains the editor’s most trusty motto. So what on earth was The Irish Light editor Gemma O’Doherty thinking compiling a cover story laden with 42 possible court cases? It doesn’t make any sense from a journalistic perspective.

“As you can see we are paying testimony to the many many young people who have died suddenly in this country since the roll out of the Covid injection,” O’Doherty announces from the back of a well stocked van in May 2023 despite later claiming (again captured by herself on video) she did not connect the jabs to the Sudden Death headline. This promo for the freesheet has the appearance of valiant journalism, exposing the very real story of excess deaths since the rollout of the trial Covid-19 injections. Except instead of highlighting the issue, the deliberate sloppiness of the cover story only undermines all the hard work of those trying to expose the upward trend of sudden and unexpected deaths since 2021 with hard facts and waterproof evidence.

There’s a basic expectation in print journalism that the images match the headline, like the Mail article on AstraZeneca (below). Imagine if the Mail randomly selected obituary images for its story without double checking if they relate to the headline. It wouldn’t wash. Nor should it for The Irish Light.

Forty-two unchecked stories is a big (unnecessary) gamble for the front page of a supposed Resistance newspaper. Talk about upping the odds that at least one or two would not be related to the Covid-19 injections as indeed turned out to be the case. According to the Irish Independent: One of the young men whose image is used died in a drowning accident, another is of a young woman who died of head injuries during a camogie game in a freak accident. Others whose photos are used died from a range of medical conditions, such as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) as well as meningitis. Others, including Diego (Gilsenan), tragically took their own lives.

See the way SADS and meningitis, potential consequences of the Covid-19 medical trial, are mixed in with a drowning and a head injury to dilute concern over the liability-free injections and their long list of side-effects.

Unsurprisingly the mother of 18-year-old Diego Gilsenan (who died by suicide in August 2021) took umbrage at the use of her son’s image on the cover of The Irish Light, without permission or even a phone call to check if his story related to the injections. Wouldn’t you? Edel Campbell from Kingscourt, Co Cavan made contact with O’Doherty and asked that the image of her child be removed from circulation. Remember, all of this drama, was perfectly avoidable if basic journalistic protocols had been followed like checking facts (twice) or choosing images that relate to the Covid-19 injections. It’s highly suspicious that they were ignored and this reckless approach of randomly picking 42 faces was pursued for the cover story.

Instead of apologising for the error, O’Doherty doubled down on her assault, as is her pattern of behaviour when confronted with wrongdoing, and proceeded to slander the good name and character of Edel Campbell persistently during her nightly livestreams under the guise of ‘investigative journalism’.

She accused the grief-stricken mother of being a bad parent, of being mentally unwell. She claimed that her dead son had been a drug dealer, that he had been murdered, that her solicitors were MI5 style agents. As someone who has been falsely accused of being a state agent and a crisis actor by O’Doherty without a shred of evidence, I’m aware of her form and have witnessed time and again, how she spreads unsubstantiated rumours about innocent people before insisting she’s just an award winning investigative journalist ‘trying to get the truth out’, usually talking about herself in the third person. A multi-award winning investigative journalist at that. Glaxo-Smith-Kline award winning, for a big pharma story, no less. She never mentions that bit, funnily enough.

The story gave the mainstream media an easy excuse to highlight how awful the ‘anti-vaxx’ crowd are ganging up on a grieving mother. Who does that?

The Irish Times reported on June 20, 2023:

Ms Campbell has asked the High Court for orders restraining the defendant from publishing anything about the plaintiff or her son, including their images and medical records.

She also seeks an injunction preventing the defendant, and her servants and agents, from harassing, communicating, intimidating or coming near Ms Campbell’s home and place of work.

She further seeks orders requiring the defendant to remove any images of her son from websites in her control and not to publish false articles or information about Ms Campbell and her deceased son.

Fair enough, considering the circumstances. Leave the grieving mother alone. Why pick on her in the first place?

Incredibly, there are a worrying number of people in the resistance movement who believe O’Doherty’s histrionics despite the glaring issues with her editorial approach combined with her cruel and callous nature. To hell with all the heartbreak she causes! It’s journalism, apparently. Well, no, it’s not. It’s something else entirely.

The above poster, shared widely on social media, is a typical O’Doherty tactic to hide behind real journalistic integrity and play the victim card, crocodile tears and all, recorded (by herself) on camera. Edel Campbell has a GoFundMe to try to pay her legal bills, which is sad considering she really should be left in peace to grieve her son’s death without having to deal with the hassle of finding money for lawyers while being subjected to sustained online abuse from O’Doherty and her goon squad, blatantly breaching a court injunction.


It’s exactly why most people who’ve been slandered and libelled by O’Doherty don’t sue. It’s expensive and time consuming and wearisome. The crowd funding effort (€24,000+) is what O’Doherty means by ‘anonymous third parties’ in her ridiculous ‘Silencing Journalists Kills Democracy’ poster. That’s how she twists information to suit her devious ends. How else is Edel Campbell supposed to finance her legal attempt to protect her dead son’s name? This case has nothing to do with silencing journalists and everything to do with journalistic ethics and basic reporting skills and standards. It’s inviting trouble our way and begging for those new hate speech laws the government is desperate to rush through into legislation.


The headlines surrounding this story in the mainstream media (like the one above) paint Ireland’s freedom movement in a bad light. And that’s the purpose of the operation. Crafty, isn’t it? That’s why O’Doherty has the gig as editor of The Irish Light newspaper despite her litigious track record and erratic, slanderous behaviour. What kind of people think it’s ok to go after a grieving mother who was minding her own business and trying to get over the death of her boy in private? People you wouldn’t want to associate with or call friends, what’s who.

Edel Campbell is not the enemy and yet Gemma O’Doherty has convinced a shocking number of her followers this case is about journalistic freedom. No, it’s a case that could have been avoided if O’Doherty really cared about journalistic ethics, which she has clearly demonstrated time and again, she does not.

A simple image of a cross would have worked under the front page headline Died Suddenly if she couldn’t find a strong case study with a willing family to share their Covid-19 vaccine story. A seasoned journalist knows these things. There are plenty of stock images of an anonymous grave or a dove or a rose that won’t get you sued. Instead O’Doherty chose 42 unchecked faces of dead people for a highly sensitive subject. That’s alarming. That’s inviting trouble, on purpose.


Notice how instead of admitting it was below par journalism, O’Doherty blacked out the faces she stupidly placed on the cover without verification, and puts ‘Censored by the Media’ in yellow tape over the front page. This gives the impression of a persecuted journalist to the untrained eye. The fact remains, O’Doherty should have checked the story (twice) before publishing. Why didn’t she? Anyway why can’t she just admit she screwed up? Everybody does occasionally.

On April 10, 2024, O’Doherty appeared in court and claimed that she had never harassed anyone in her life and was all about love and compassion. This is laughable when juxtaposed against her nightly livestreams of slander and phoney journalism where evidence is unnecessary and baseless assertions are passed off as facts. In what can only be described as projection, O’Doherty told the court her good name and character had been defamed by Edel Campbell during an RTÉ Radio One interview on December 14, 2022 in which the grieving mother spoke movingly about her tragic loss and the campaign of abuse by the editor of The Irish Light newspaper.

Listen HERE and decide for yourself who has really been defamed.

Radio interviews like this only serve to weaken the freedom movement in Ireland and show us in a heartless and mistake-prone light. That’s how counter-intelligence works and considering the body of evidence mounting against Gemma O’Doherty, it’s obvious she is not on ‘our side’ despite publishing some worthy articles that give the appearance she’s fighting the big, bad system with us. O’Doherty has slandered and defamed most of people in the Resistance at this stage using the Irish Light newspaper as a tool to undermine decent, hard working people who have risked everything to stand up against tyranny. She has used dirty tricks and subterfuge in an attempt to destroy reputations and characters. She never says sorry.

Following her latest court appearance, O’Doherty had the audacity to use the name of jailed teacher Enoch Burke (pictured above) as if the pair were united in their struggle against the system. Again her followers missed the irony of O’Doherty suddenly throwing her support behind Enoch Burke after describing his protestant religion as ‘filth’ and dismissing his stance against the transgender agenda in Irish schools as a ‘psyop’.

Watch HERE for the comparison, another example of O’Doherty speaking out of both sides of her mouth when it suits her agenda.

Watch HERE for analysis of O’Doherty’s character assassination of The Burke family before changing tack outside court.


Wednesday, 24th of April, 2024 marked the fourth anniversary since the death of 17-year-old student Sally Maaz (pictured above) who died after being put on end-of-life drugs including midazolam at Mayo University Hospital. Her death was attributed to Covid-19 and primed the way for the mass injecting of Ireland’s young as part of an unproven, liability-free medical trial. The Burke family heroically highlighted the story at the time but note how O’Doherty dismissed their efforts as a psyop and claimed it ‘pushed the Covid bullshit because Sally Maaz was put in a Covid ward’. This is misleading. O’Doherty claims there were no Covid wards because there was no Covid. Except there were Covid wards in Irish hospitals whatever your position on the existence of the mystery virus. Sally Maaz was placed in one such ward despite testing negative for Covid (with the fraudulent PCR test) and she subsequently died in one of those dreadful places because of inappropriate medical intervention.

Watch clip of Gemma O’Doherty undermining the Sally Maaz story HERE.

Again this is how counter intelligence works by dismissing important stories and attacking the characters of those trying to bring them to light. We must expect better than this. We are better than this. Aren’t we?

The reason we are in this mess is partly because of a corrupt media and we’re not going to get out of it with a different type of corrupt media. Two wrongs don’t make a right. The mission statement of this Substack is to ‘cut through the doublespeak and re-establish journalistic ethics, on the side of the public, who have been bamboozled by expert lies’. We have to make a collective decision that we’re fed up with the lack of journalistic standards and that applies to both sides. To err is human but to deliberately mislead and undermine and slander is counter intelligence or just plain ole malice. Either way, it doesn’t make the grade.

We get the journalists we deserve. It’s all a reflection of where we’re at morally. How many lies are acceptable? How much slander is ok? Does it matter if the bad bits are mixed up with some truth and decent articles?

These are ethical decisions we must all consider as we strive to better ourselves and demand a future free from tyranny for ourselves and future generations. Free speech doesn’t give journalists the right to abuse their position. There are libel laws already in place to protect the public against rogue elements in the media. Why is Gemma O’Doherty deliberately courting bad publicity to make the case for stronger hate speech legislation? Who’s side is she really on?

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