I’ve just watched the video. Surely facial recognition will show siblings who look similar to each other as ‘high.’ I thought Candace was a Christian but apparently she’s changed to Catholicism which is interesting. Trump also has some alleged Christian’s advising him, like Paula White. Methinks all these people are strategically placed so they take millions of followers with them to join the One World Religion headed by the Antichrist. The Bible talks about a great deception in the last days.

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Yes the Mega Church thing is a thing and the current Pope seems to be it's biggest supporter.

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Candace is flogging that Peter Thiel funded Hallow app - first three weeks free!

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Well done Aisling I think you've done a necessary and effective job of taking this fake investigation into Brigitte Macron apart and opening the all too perfect and smooth talking Candace to scrutiny.

Closer to home and of much more importance is not the sex of one Jana Lunden but what do you think of her? Is she legitimate or are we dealing with an expert moulding the behaviour and setting the agenda for the dissidents and the resistance in Ireland. I have my doubts about her and think that she is pacifying any spontaneous opposition in Ireland. What do you think, am I right?

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Hi Tom, I can't find fault with Jana's output. It's alway very solid and well researched. She's not trying to trip anyone up like Candace Owens or encourage them to reach a false conclusion or look foolish in front of their peers. I can't see any misdirection there. That's what I look out for. She encourages people to get active and think for themselves. She's been particularly good on the transgender agenda, highlighting the slow creep in the school curriculum. Going to have a chat with her tomorrow and will post here. As ever, the floor will be open for debate.

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I am still unsure about her to be honest as I think that the transgender manufactured rigmarole while being very important is a distraction and a sideshow to what's really going on and it's being used to as distraction to camouflage the sell-off and sellout of our people and culture.

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The transgender agenda has smoked out the weirdos and perverts and that was a worthwhile exercise. We know better now. It also gave us Enoch Burke - who's not like all the other chickens in the coop. He's shown moral courage this country hasn't witnessed in decades. The Burke family in general are the stand out stars from that episode. I'm not sure if it's a sideshow though - it looks like they really do want children to identify as trans and cut off pieces of their bodies and become genderless and sterile and mentally ill. We're dealing with evil on either side as far as I can see, competing for dominance, so we must always stay vigilant and care about the objective Truth so we're not conned. We have so many competing agendas, best we can do is look out for signs of misdirection.

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I really couldn't disagree with anything that you wrote above as transgenderism is without doubt a despicable plan to drive a wedge between children and their parents, a way of normalising and making paedophilia acceptable and the next step in dehumanisation so that transhumanism in the form of “enhanced “ human beings can go ahead. No argument from me on that Aisling but we are entering the soulless world of AI management systems and unless we control the input into this technology it will dominate and enslave us like peasants on a plantation.

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Exactly 💯

However people like Fluff, it's popular and it's less distressful to listen and read about then what's happening in this current HELLSCAPE we live in.

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This is a massive counterintelligence operation that's conned millions - hardly fluff! I'm telling people to take their brains back and stop being stupid. How are they going to survive these endless psy-ops if they can't read the signs and fall for every trick in the book. This is about elevating standards and demanding better journalism all round. Clearly Candace Owens' French sources are unreliable and her information is flimsy at best. This is worth pointing out.

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All media with massive reach whether "alt" or main stream, whether right or left, seems to be complicit in the debasement of culture via tossing bollocks rationale into a word salad, often dressed in false humility and contradiction and strangely (or not) new catholicism.

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The truly shocking part is that people don't seem to mind the lies or misdirection. They're perfectly comfortable with the deceit. They're not offended by it one bit. Everything's a reflection.

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I agree. It is truly unsettling to watch people act and speak illogically. To accept what is false as truth. As an appalled witness to the illogical behavior and speech of most of the western worlds population (some of them very smart), my only consolation has been that this type of scenario was not unforeseen by God ."For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

In those words we have the cause and the cure: personal temporal interests battle against truth. It is a battle we must win for the sake of our ability to reason. Reason being key in defense of our most basic human rights like not injecting anything by force into our bodies, or being drafted into a rich mans war. Love of the truth will disallow/protect against any of the enemies efforts to corral and subvert the response to their prior or present evils. Had the hippie of the 1960's loved truth more than self, then the real opposition to the Vietnam war would not have been subverted and perverted into a movement focused on sex and drugs and general carelessness. I digress. "because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

These past 5 years It has been amazing to see the reality of how binding and blinding the love of self is, and how liberating the love of truth is. It truly does set the captive free wouldn't you say?Thank you for your work. For your devotion to truth. Cheers! -Tanner

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Also potentially a way to have a dig at EU? USA cosying up to Russia, telling us Ukraine might be under Russian control again, looks like Europe being hung out to dry as our countries collapse under the invasion and jackbooted police.

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Candace Owens and Andrew Tate are always bigging up Putin which is just weird, making out that he's so level headed and fair. He's a feckin' dictator! That's another angle worth investigating at some point.

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I’m definitely open minded to this.

All of these high profile people have skeletons in their closets.

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Why not just give an answer? Where is her brother? He just disappeared?

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I’m sorry, you never give any evidence as to why you disagree with Owens. I think it is pretty obvious something nefarious is afoot. If you think she is wrong, why not tell us which parts you find fault with? Otherwise your argument is much more flimsy than hers because there is nothing besides your inisistence that she is untrustworthy.

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I've literally just pinpointed the precise reasons why Owens' transvestigation has delivered zero evidence that Brigitte Macron is a man. You might want to go back and take another look. I've cut through all the jibber jabber and focused on the salient points. I find it interesting you'd say that after I've isolated the exact places where she's misleading her audience. I've done all the grunt work for you and still you're convinced by the lie. That's effective brainwashing and very concerning. Why do you think Brigitte Macron is her 82-year-old brother in disguise? What evidence have you to prove that? I was open to it but the proof isn't there, just baseless speculation and continually wrong assessments. It's embarrassing at this point.

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Why does an intelligent journalist like yourself give this nonsense your time and oxygen. It's 100% bS and all about distraction and diversion. Stop chasing shadows and focus on what your good at - investigative journalism over issues that matter. Like genocide in Palestine, AI and dystopia, chemtrails and global warming. Bird flue, PCBDC, the great virus terrain debate, military aged male migrants infesting our shores (why why why), how our politicians sold our sovereignty to the WEF and EU .....etc etc.

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Hi Brendan, do you think Brigitte Macron is a man, out of interest? Do you believe Candace Owens? It's not up to me to cover topics you're interested in, I'm only one person. I can only cover what I find interesting on any given day. This one is compelling because Candace Owens has duped so many people with her ridiculous transvestigation. We're talking millions of people who have farmed out their brainpower and are repeating a false accusation, thinking they're right. That's a big story. That's a huge story. I'm laying it down for the record. I know most people have been conned by this phoney investigative journalism so I'm not doing it for popularity. I'm doing it because the programming must and should be interrupted. None more asleep than the so-called awake.

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BM is a woman. MOB is a woman.

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Hi Brendan - Why wouldn’t she write about it given the amount of people who believe it to be true. She’s investigating & showing up someone who is controlled opposition. And Aisling does a brilliant job at it!!

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Cause it's distraconary nonsense for the plebiscite.

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Well maybe she can wake some people up & make them start to think critically 🤷‍♀️

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This questioning the gender of macron and Obama s wives do nothing other then discredit serious debate by calling us all conspiracy theory nutters! Debating it is as bad!

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I hear ya Brendan. That's why I'm sending out the warning flare. Say this stuff out loud in front of your friends and family and they won't listen to you on the important stuff like vaccine injuries and excess deaths. It seems to be falling on deaf ears, but God knows I'm a tryer.

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‘For evil to continue all it takes is for good men to do nothing.’

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I disagree. She’s wanting the truth to be told.

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That's it, Dorothy. All we need to do is stick to the facts. There's no need to make up lies about anybody, even those we don't like. We've enough Truth to get us over the line, if only we'd have some faith!

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Aisling. I guess many would share my indebtedness to you. Yesterday you brought us to a professional level in dealing with blather. It helped me make it through to the end - you pointed the way. Go raibh míle maith agat / Merci beaucoup/ Thanks a lot mate. I feel confident I can handle whatever nonsense remains.

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Aisling, have you read Xavier Poussard’s book, Becoming Brigitte? He doesn’t agree with everything Natacha Rey did or thought but there are a lot of things missing.. only two photos of Brigitte Trogneux as a girl.. and the faces don’t match.. and why wouldn’t the schools she attended have any photos of her? Even after the CADA ruled that Poussard was entitled to them? And only two photos of her ex husband? All others had “been destroyed” according to Jean Lous? There are a lot of photos and receipts in the book. Actions against journalists investigating this.. not just Natacha. You need to read the book imo if you want to know all the things being alleged.

I’m not saying I believe the theory.. yet anyway.. but there’s a lot of sus stuff.

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No Julia - they need to produce some evidence. We're six episodes in and still nothing. Xavier Poussard is only a young lad and he's in over his head. He showed how naive he is by taking Natacha Rey seriously. She has no body of work to prove her worth and got it painfully wrong on the wedding photo and acted weird sending WhatsApp messages at 3am with false accusations that amounted to harassment. Poussard has established that Brigitte Macron was married (wedding cert), that her husband existed and died (death cert). There are loads of photos of him as evidenced from his days in banking. There's nothing to prove Brigitte Macron's children belong to someone else, nothing, zero. These two chancers only want to cash in on this scam by flogging books. Real journalists can spot these anomalies straight off, that's how we weed out bad info. We do it all the time, it's second nature. Poussard is now pushing this Chinese, WEF facial recognition technology and you'd be a fool to think he's right on that front. This technology must to outright rejected by people who truly care about freedom. People need to up their game and stop falling for these scams.

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Hi Aisling.. hm ok where are the loads of photos of him from banking? There are only 2 verified photos of Andre according to the book.. the wedding and the rather odd (for a funeral booklet) photo of him on the beach as an older man. His relative is quoted as saying the others have “been destroyed.”

Also why was Natacha Rey denied copies of Jean-Michel’s records from Amiens (birth certificate?). It was only after the legal proceedings against Natacha that Amiens finally produced the certificate.. they told her they didn’t have it and to “check with his birthplace” even tho he was born in Amiens?

Poussard’s company was also targeted. There are a lot of photos and receipts in his book.. have you read it? Thanks and I appreciate the discussion. I am not 100% convinced of the theory but there is a lot of stonewalling and a big lack of photos so far.

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💯 again Aisling!

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