I don't know if people have figured it out yet, probably not, but Ireland is in serious trouble, very serious trouble. Irish, as a nationality, cultural identity is going to be history. The Deagel information that was quickly removed when our research colleagues started paying attention show a 77% population reduction in the UK and a 72% reduction in Ireland. Globally, that is the highest percentages of all.

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72% refers to ?

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Population reduction.In other words a drop from about 5 million down to 1.3 million.

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God, I never thought about it by the figues

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Indeed, when you look at the actual Deagel predictions as real numbers, real people with lives to live, I does get all the more shocking. Again, I must point out that 'covid' was just an excuse to get a compound into the bodies of as many people as possible, with the aim of reducing the population with plausible deniability. Now, they are going to do a wash and repeat with another 'variant' so that excess deaths can be blamed on this new 'variant'.

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All so sad, and apparently the universal promotion of these "Transubstantiation of the sacred needle craft" as Thomas Sheridan so aptly calls the mRNA jabs. Dr Nicola Maher might as well tell the mothers to keep drinking alcohol and smoking while pregnant. At least that might help take their minds off the possible damage being done to them and their babies. Yeesh! I hope justice will finally catch up with these doctors and 'health" administrations.

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Exactly! Pregnant mothers are advised

Not to drink alcohol.

Not to eat unpasteurized cheese or milk.

Not to eat shellfish.

Not to take medication unless prescribed.

But are actively advised to take an experimental medical procedure.....very strange.

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Not 'strange' if the agenda is to mess up the next generation...................................

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That's their plan.

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I sincerely hope so

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Shocking what our benighted country has become Aisling, great to have your voice loud n clear....as we used say in the biz 'keep 'er going Patsy' Am of the boomer generation and to think I used be dead proud to write for the Irish Times wouldn't line the litter tray with it nowadays. Met you briefly at Gerry O'Neills first get together...was in Fermoy for the 'Tuatha De Danaan' weekend really powerful, went off brilliantly he played the proverbial blinder. Are you familiar perchance with one Richie Allen? richieallen.co.uk 4 days a week; live radio 2 hour show I bet he'd love to have you on.....and he's a great reach audience wise

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I think Aisling has been on Richie's show

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Hello Jeananne, good idea mentioning Richie's show.

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A campaign of phoned-in questions on covid shot harms to pregnant women, and what was known or knowable, should be put to Kelly on her radio gig and to O’Connor’s Instagram. These people have to be answerable in whatever way workable. Women could still be forewarned too.

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This might be of interest. I put these questions through the HSE press department at the time of the JAMA report (almost a year ago) They responded. So they are aware.


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Not only are they still reccomenging them but they are presently recruiting for people to administer them.

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Is there a remote chance that the normal every day GP could be ignorant to the facts about these jabs. Maybe they're so busy they haven't time to do the research

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What we have here folks, is a deliberate policy of communication failure, ( Cool Hand Luke).

To examine all facets of the Covid Agenda, from the human creation of the flu like virus to the Mass Media promotion of the death and injury dealing Injection, we can only come to a single conclusion, applying Occams Razor.

This Injection is a deadly Population Control System of Death, spontaneous miscarriages ,Infertility and sterility.

To hide a rapid population reduction ,import hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated,unvetted ,and undocumented illegal invaders.

There is method in the madness of these Satanic wretches who carry out this crime.

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The imports don't breed ?

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They must be casting their seed upon the ground them. Onanism , I believe it is called ,wankers in the street vernacualr.

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