I've never heard of the vile Tate or Farmer until this article and I've never seen any of Candice Owens stuff either.I know to continue to ignore them all after reading this

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You are on fire 🙌

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Feb 7Edited

Well I don't know any of these characters really, I've just never been very interested.

With Tate, its largely been against a backdrop of this woke agenda and whilst he's been vilified by the MSM it appears for all the wrong reasons, notably for promoting 'toxic masculinity', his views, rather than him being an actual sexual predator or his exploitation of women that in fact made him his fortune.

I only know Candice in this recent iteration of herself.

Very interesting piece you've put together here!

Its a shame about Candice, my first impressions were good and I began following her posts. I rather enjoyed her fast paced punchy style.

The whole 'covid awakening' has been fast paced and there has been so much material and so many events since. It's actually mind numbing.

During the course of this, there are definitely people who have risen to prominence.

People have been very free with the truth not least because it's almost been a complete

reassessment of reality itself.

Yes its high time we actually start working out who we should definitely not be listening too!

Especially when they are not providing anything profound and there's every chance that they are manipulating, sabotaging and muddying the waters with their wealth and influence.

That's why the old revolutions were better, their heads would have rolled already ;)

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No one needs an app to pray! Alot of people are jumping on this bandwagon. I didn't realise JD Vance was involved with it. There must be a heck of alot of money to be made from it. As for Tate, how anyone could give him the time of day is beyond me. Keep up the good work Aisling 👏

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Andrew Tate is gay. He just won’t admit it, so he over does the big d/ck thing.

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Here you are guilty of promoting all you claim to despise.

By republishing sado-homosexual Tates misogynistic fantasy abuse you are also entrenching it into the reality-matrix (consciousness) of all who hear it.

It is a powerful act of magic that you are unleashing & promotes violent anger.

How are you not aware of this , or why did you not forewarn your audience?

To evade either is an act of evil Ailsling.

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Nicely put together Aisling. Well done.

I came across Owens when she crashed out of The daily wire and thought she put up a good case against Shapiro. But then shortly after, stopped taking her seriously when I came across the interview with Tate. Tate is morally bankrupt and past behaviour disgusting. So clear.

We then have to question the motivation of those who are now defending him. What I’m not clear is Tate’s role in the agenda and why the big club are helping him..

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Good journalism.

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