The forces of evil are determined to destroy our children that do manage to be born🤮

O’Shea is an idiot believing the BS of the company alongside McEntee’s husband🤮

Dear God our heroes of the past must be spinning in their graves😭🇨🇮

Sadly the majority of parents are oblivious to this destruction😭

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Excellent Aisling!

So well researched and presented, as always. Good on you!

My God, we are a fucking disgrace of a nation now! It’s gone beyond a joke! 🤮

I’m away for some much needed vitamin D at the moment and I tell you, the more time I spend away from the place lately, the more I think I’ve got to get away for good!

It’s just so infuriating!! 🤬

The fluoridated water has obviously brain damaged the entire country!! Apart from us Warriors of course!

Drive on woman, you’re a legend!! 🙏👏💖💚xx

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Have these people no moral compass targeting kids?

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You would go mad checking the ingredients on food packets and now Pharma products. I'm glad I went onto a wholefoods (mainly) plant based diet in 2016. As for Pharma products, I don't as much as take a headache tablet. I'm sickened at what these Gurus of Medicine are forcing on us. I'm convinced now that all our illnesses are either from old vaccines we got as children or medicine or from food or from the air or EMF signals. These evil elites are using every way they can to kill or make us infertile or turn us into zombies. I get very depressed thinking my siblings are laughing at me behind my back while all I do is send them the odd short video that might awaken some of their latent and lazy brain non-activity. We're all retired and in our later years. Why are there no inserts in these vaccine packets or else blank ones. These people don't know the fcuk what they're receiving and still give us the two fingers

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What a lowlife scumbag o Shea is no doubt he's well paid for this disgusting behaviour and Claire Byrne just as bad horrible people

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O’Shea proudly presenting himself as the Rent Boy that he is. I’d bet he’s an enthusiastic receiver in many aspects.

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Oh Dick(no pun intended) Emery would be saying his catchphrase for that one. Good luck ta him down the pub, next Sat Nite unless he's having a bath of course.

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Great article Ashling

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As always Aisling a great piece,,well done ,,please keep up the great work you do

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It's relatively impossible that this man knows no one who was maimed or killed from the vax. So what does that make him?

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One day these people that I regard as criminals will be held to account but in the meantime they are going to kill and maim tens of thousands of children and delight in doing it ......... until the maimed children themselves become adults and demand legal action.

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the last time i got a flu vaccine (before i copped on) i checked the ingredients via the card number given by the nurse, aluminium , mercury , formaldehyde and other poisons i never heard of. probably even worse ingredients these days,if i know,your doctor knows.

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When ya find yourself in troubled water

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Four years ago I would have glanced at such a picture of an adult footballer kneeling down beside four kids and not given it a second thought. Now I shudder. The difference is information which has now risen to a steady flow about the true nature of the 'powers and principalities' behind such innocent looking pictures. The industrial-level child trafficking through countries, yes including Ireland if we dare to look, organised to feed the sick habits of the controlling combine. I am not, of course, suggesting anyone in the picture has any association with such activities but the promotion of another injection for children in the current circumstances is a profoundly evil enterprise. Thanks Aishling for continuing to lift the fabricated veil of innocence which is placed over such evil work and helping to protect the children involved from such corporate-sponsored horror.

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Excellent Aisling as always.

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Rolled out in the UK 2013/14, coincidentally a rise in scarlet fever cases... https://www.gov.uk/government/news/scarlet-fever-cases-increase-across-england

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virus (old latin name for poison) is a solvent which the body produces to detoxify itself when it is overloaded with toxins,toxins from fluoridated water,from pesticides , insecticides , herbicides , glyphosate etc. (thanks to our farmers) in our food.a virus is not a living thing,it's like soap,it cannot be transmitted or 'caught' by another,jabs are all medical fraud,

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Excellent article 👏👏👏, thank you for always going the extra mile to disclose the truth. Much appreciated.

Yourself and Louise are both fantastic.

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